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Rewriting The Science: How the Bush Administration is Lying to You!

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posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 08:37 AM

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week authorized US laboratories and clinics to perform investigational in vitro diagnostic testing without patients' informed consent in case of a declared or suspected public health emergency, such as a bioterrorist attack or avian flu pandemic. But some health policy experts say the provision could endanger patient privacy and is subject to abuse by devious medical device companies.

...Because determination of an actual or potential health emergency rests with the laboratory or clinic, "the FDA action is potentially amenable to abuse," said Robert Sprinkle, associate professor of public policy at the University of Maryland-College Park. Private companies developing screening tests "might be tempted to cut corners" in clinical or preclinical testing, he told The Scientist. ..."Another concern about unauthorized testing is the leaking of risk-revealing information -- such as genetic information or lipid levels -- to insurance companies and employers," Sprinkle said.

IVDs include instruments, reagents, and other tools to diagnose diseases and other conditions. Most investigational IVDs to identify potential bioterrorism agents and specific chemical agents have been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. military, the rule states. "In most instances, these are the only devices available… although they may not have been approved or cleared by FDA," the rule states. ...Because they are experimental, "there is a risk of false positives and false negatives," said Nancy King, professor of social medicine at the University of North Carolina Medical School in Chapel Hill.

Source: The Scientist


NIH Scientist Sells $6.4 Million Worth of Human Tissue Samples to Pfizer for $285,000

A top NIH official gave Pfizer thousands of samples in exchange for $285,000 in consulting fees, according to a Congressional report released yesterday. ...Trey Sunderland, chief of the Geriatric Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), improperly transferred 3,200 vials of human spinal fluid and 388 tubes of plasma collected for Alzheimer’s research, the 25-page study by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations said.

Sunderland received more than $600,000 in outside consulting and speaking fees from Pfizer from 1998 to 2004 without prior government disclosure or approval. A review by NIH’s Office of Management Assessment found that Sunderland “engaged in serious misconduct, in violation of HHS ethics rules and Federal law and regulation,” the report stated. Sunderland has not been charged with any crime and remains an NIH employee and member of the Public Health Service Corps.

Obtaining the NIH tissue samples – a “unique historical collection” from a multi-year longitudinal study of more than 500 Alzheimer’s patients and their families -- was the “primary reason” behind Pfizer’s interest in collaborating with Sunderland in 1998, the committee report stated. Procuring the tissue samples alone cost the government $6.4 million, reported committee staffers, who spent a year investigating the matter.

Pfizer Mole in the NIH

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 02:23 PM
This thread was moved from the conspiracies forum to politics. Check it out:

Federal Officials Routinely Rewarded for Lying and Punished for Telling the Truth

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 05:13 PM

I do agree that human activity to some degree has made things worse, but global warming itself seems to be caused by something else, something not from the Earth, and not caused from the Sun's activity.

REPLY: Muaddib is correct in his data. However, Human activity has an effect of only 2% to 3%. Water vapor and Solar activity/Sunspots are the reason. All the gloom and doom predictions are pretty much crap-ola.... a good comparison would be Moore's movie and Algores movie.

[link] [/link] General Q & A's and summations of their site.

[link] [/link] Check the "CURRENT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH" links, and also the "KEY ISSUES" links. There's hours of reading and un-biased research.

For what it's worth, the 27 year date from the TYROS2 satellite shows a

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

...I agree with Mauddib. Sort of.

Mauddib - this thread is about how lawyers and politicians rewrite science. ...They do, and I suspect you know they do.

REPLY: Is looking at data from both sides "rewriting" science? More climate scientists worldwide say it (global warming) is happening, but human activity plays about a 3% effect.

A quote from the link you provided:

Unfortunately, viewers should not expect a scientifically balanced view of the climate from the former NBC newsman. Brokaw who has been affiliated with the Sierra Club and has recently lavished praise on former Vice President Al Gores film "An Inconvenient Truth." Brokaw, who called Gores film "stylish and compelling", has called the science behind catastrophic human caused global warming "irrefutable." Brokaw also chose to ignore all 60 scientists who wrote to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in April of 2006 questioning the science of climate alarmism.

REPLY: I don't care who presented this or wrote it, as it is completely factual. Algore's "shockumentary" is no more accurate than was Moore's "documentary. At least 2000 scientists around the globe say human causation would be laughable if the hype wasn't so prevalent.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 05:45 PM
quotes by pml

Why is anyone surprised that politicians and their cronies rewrite facts? It is not good for business to deal with global warming.

REPLY: it wouldn't be good for the global economy, especially since nothing proves human activity is the cause of GW.

We would all have to make significant sacrifices to reverse this process.

REPLY: Yeah.... like ending ALL use of power for everything, and we all ride bikes. Even then, any change would take a hundred years or more to have some (if any) effect. I'd hate to give up all we have on a hunch.

From this point on it's somewhat off-topic, but I'll bite:

If it helps my city, and me personally, I really don't worry too much about how that might impact you. And I will vote for anyone who will help me.

REPLY: This is the problem, as it's only led to Marxism/Socialism, and government corruption.

".... Has anyone followed the Tom Delay situation? Known as The Hammer for his vindictive ways towards those with whom he disagreed..."

REPLY: An indictment and conviction are two very different things. Disagreements are one thing. At least he doesn't have a hit list of about 50 people dead or in prison... unlike a previous president.

".... he was dethroned in D.C. and is under indictment for major ethics and fraud activities...."

REPLY: He left office willingly; hardly being "de-throned."

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I'm going to research this, and this isnt a mission to prove Bush wrong. Not at all,. I need some things answered and i think i know where to go to get that answer.

I will let you know if i find anything new and revealing.

I linked to this before but check out most anything on [link] [/link] The FAQ is a minor start, but the links on the left side of the page leads to much data... unbiased.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 05:51 PM
quote by Rren

While that may be a true statement (imo it is) it overlooks the very real problem of our ever increasing population and the differences between past civilizations and today's, no? Seems to me that whether GW is man-made, a natural cycle, or combination there-of, it's secondary to how on earth do we deal with it given our current population and extent of civilization around the globe, no?

REPLY: Well, I seem to recall from about a year ago that you could fit the population of the earth inside of Texas; each 4 people would have 1/4 acre. Overpopulation?

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 06:05 PM
A Natural Resources Law Center????

Now THATS a scary thing.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
quote by Rren

While that may be a true statement (imo it is) it overlooks the very real problem of our ever increasing population and the differences between past civilizations and today's, no? Seems to me that whether GW is man-made, a natural cycle, or combination there-of, it's secondary to how on earth do we deal with it given our current population and extent of civilization around the globe, no?

REPLY: Well, I seem to recall from about a year ago that you could fit the population of the earth inside of Texas; each 4 people would have 1/4 acre. Overpopulation?

I've heard that too, but overpopulation was not my point. I'm of the opinion that GW is in fact occuring. If I'm not mistaken that view represents the VAST majority of scientists; regardless of causation. While Earth has experienced these things in the past, modern civilization has not. There were not 6 billion+ people (looking like 9+ soon BTW) on the planet, few farmers suppling the majority of people, power grids, beachfront housing, nuclear weapons etc, etc, etc. The ramifications of just a few degrees on today's world is not to be taken lightly imo. What if the convection currents(?) in the oceans stop and no longer regulate the Earth's temperature? We're gonna have even more shoulder room in Texas.

I'm not saying everybody's going to die or we're running out of room. But if GW is indeed occurring (increasingly so I believe) I think we should be preparing for that, instead of arguing over the mechanism. We do seem to be at a sort of tipping point. I see no reason to be so dismissive of GW and what it could possibly do to civilization as we know it. If man doesn't have anything (much) to do with causing it then I doubt we can do anything to stop(slow) it, no?

Seems moot. *shrug*

My .02 anyway


posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Rren

I'm of the opinion that GW is in fact occuring. If I'm not mistaken that view represents the VAST majority of scientists; regardless of causation. While Earth has experienced these things in the past, modern civilization has not. There were not 6 billion+ people (looking like 9+ soon BTW) on the planet, few farmers suppling the majority of people, power grids, beachfront housing, nuclear weapons etc, etc, etc.

...if GW is indeed occurring (increasingly so I believe) I think we should be preparing for that, instead of arguing over the mechanism.

Wadda concept: Prepare for the crisis. Don't react in a panic after it strikes.

But that presumes the goal involves respect for human rights.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:54 PM
Rren: You are right, and I agree with you. I, too, believe GW is happening, but we're not causing it, or at least just a minute amount. The entire Kyoto Accord was merely a way for other people to control the economy of America, and other countries, by-passing our Constitution.

Check out and read at your leisure a most any of the things there. They seem to be un-biased and factual, and present loads of links .

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:29 PM
The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) may present its self as an unbiased source but in fact they receive tens of thousands of dollars from ExxonMobil.

Also, S. Fred Singer (President of SEPP), acknowledged that he had received funding from Exxon, Shell, Unocal and ARCO.
Also see Documenting the Corruption of S. Fred Singer

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Umbrax
The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) may present its self as an unbiased source but in fact they receive tens of thousands of dollars from ExxonMobil.

Also, S. Fred Singer (President of SEPP), acknowledged that he had received funding from Exxon, Shell, Unocal and ARCO.

REPLY: True, but that doesn't negate the fact that the material they present are opinions of scientists all over the world. At least they don't get their money from our tax money, as do most of the enviro-nutballs; the same ones who, if "human caused" GW proves to not be true, they'd be out of a job.

As has been mentioned, none of the computer models... ZERO.... have been accurate. Any given model starts in the present time, and can extend as far as they want. However, if the models are correct, when run backwards, they should return to the climate we have now. It nevers happens.

Tests have been done on the models using random numbers (rather than actual data), and the results are practically the same.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 08:21 AM

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:07 AM
What would you do if say, in 2001 the worlds, the WORLD'S top scientists came to you and told you that within a few short years the earth will be changed dramatically? Wouldn't you get the Great 8 together and have a talk?
Now, what would you do with the info? Tell your people so they can start killing each other? Wouldn't you "create" some kind of "situation" to keep eveyone's eyes on that, while you work on the true "nature of the beast" at hand?
Building a 'Vault" in the arctic to store 'every' flower and veg is proof enough, wouldn't you say? It's a start. But what about the billions of people? What will happen to us? I say starvation. As the climate worsens food crops lessen and we'll all be living in the 3rd world state of mind. Pack rice. a 25 lb bag will keep a man fed for one year. Check out the gov websites for info on survival. They post them ya know. And not for the what if's but for the WHEN...

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by protostar
What would you do if say, in 2001 the worlds, the WORLD'S top scientists came to you and told you that within a few short years the earth will be changed dramatically? Wouldn't you get the Great 8 together and have a talk?
Now, what would you do with the info? Tell your people so they can start killing each other?

Wouldn't you "create" some kind of "situation" to keep eveyone's eyes on that, while you work on the true "nature of the beast" at hand?

Only if I was retarded - or thought everyone else was...

Building a 'Vault" in the arctic to store 'every' flower and veg is proof enough, wouldn't you say? ...Check out the gov websites for info on survival. They post them ya know. And not for the what if's but for the WHEN...

Got links?

Thanks - good post.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 06:26 PM

Got links?

Thanks - good post.

First heard of these here at ATS but can't remember where ATM. Dug these up for you, hope it helps.

BBC News: Work begins on Arctic seed vault

Wikipedia: Svalbard Global Seed Vault


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (also called Norwegian Seed Bank or globalt sikkerhetshvelv for frø på Svalbard) is a "doomsday" seedbank under construction on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen in the remote arctic Svalbard archipelago. The government of Norway will fund most of the $3 000 000 construction cost, while the Global Crop Diversity Trust will take responsibility for operating the facility. The prime ministers of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland participated in a ceremonial "laying of the first stone" on 19 June 2006.

Don't know about manufacturing wars/conflicts to divert attention away from some (un-named) natural disaster... but it does make you think.


posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Rren

Don't know about manufacturing wars/conflicts to divert attention away from some (un-named) natural disaster... but it does make you think.

Thanks for the links Rren. ...Interesting - was thinking avbout writing an Op/Ed this afternoon about war as distraction. Great minds...

PS. Got any links to .gov survival sites?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:01 PM

I was about to create an article, but had the foresight to search first, to find out that this was just an extra airing with the first one held earlier.

However, I was astonished and angry at what I saw. There is no limits to these people's insanity it seems! So they rewrite our scientific reports that our tax dollars pay for! Shame, for shame.

Science ReWritten?

Sad day to hear this.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:28 PM
I just posted a thread on this topic called, "global warming, is false" and it was moved to PTS by Umbrax because it was "too political" but yet this thread is nice and safe in ATS because it bashes President Bush!


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