posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:47 PM
There is most likely no diet that would eliminate completely the risk of cancer or heart disease. There are certain portions of the human genome,
dubbed oncogenes, which can be randomly activated by environmental pollutants and certain viruses which have been shown in studies to greatly increase
the chance of cancer and in some cases, actually induce tumor formation.
There are certain populations, however, which show incredible longevity and low rates of both cancer and heart disease. I don't know if the Italian
National Georgraphic is the same as in USA, I imagine it is, but a few months ago they did a wonderful article on some of these populations. They
included the Sardinians and Okinawans, and another I'm forgetting. It seems the key to their longevity was daily exercise, a healthy, i.e. non
processed, diet and family. It was a very interesting article and I suggest you read it if you can find it. It was in the Novermber 2005 issue.