posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:10 PM
The inescapable reality of current America, is that sanity is not a state of mind, but a diagnosable condition which is suffered, purposefully
misdiagnosed and mis-treated with pseudo medications and fallacy-therapy, all of which inevitably leads to actual mental disorders.
Therefor, a creation of a support group for the few of us which are still choosing to suffer this new disease of sanity, is simply required.
A neutral place, where people can gather bi-monthly one hour at a time, and just be sane, with out the strain of constant and involuntary attempts of
battling assanine opinions of the insane majority, but just sit there quietly and peacefully, joined together by the mutual and silent acknowledgement
of our ailment.
Attempts of doing so in seclusion will lead to uncontrolled manifestations of anti-regime behaviour, which only leads to "autopunishment by proxy"
dispensed by the corporate Gods of consumerism.
Whos with me?