posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 06:27 PM
Hmmmm.... I thought we had enough problems with too many cameras in the world already.... guess I was wrong...
Here's a great way to spy on your friends or take secret snaps of any celebrities you encounter�wear sunglasses with a built-in camera. Huw Robson of
Hewlett Packard says, "It means you now have a wearable camera which nobody will notice and can take pictures while being involved in events."
The camera constantly takes digital pictures of whatever you're looking at through the glasses. It also has an off switch, in case you don't want to
record every intimate moment.
Paul Eng writes in that Deja View has invented Camwear 100, a digital video camera about an inch long that can be worn in lots of places,
such as in a baseball cap. The camera sends its images to a cell phone-sized device worn on a person's hip.
"The camera is constantly monitoring what you see," explains Sid Reich. "When you see something occur that you want to keep, you hit the 'record'
button and the last 30 seconds of what the camera saw is recorded onto a tiny removable memory card." The video can then be downloaded into a
computer for editing and playback.