posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 12:48 PM
A couple of years ago when Mars was said to be the closest that it has been to the Earth in many millenia, I heard on the news that it could been seen
with the naked eye. Me and my parents decided to walk up and down the street to see if we could see it.
After about 10 minutes we spotted a reddish looking star which we thought to be Mars (we later found out it was). After looking at Mars for a couple
of minutes we were just about to head back inside when I spotted another smaller reddish looking star come out from behind (or maybe from the
surface, who knows?) of Mars. This smaller 'star' moved to the bottom left diagonal, quite slowly. A couple of seconds later it stopped at what I'm
guessing was at least hundreds of miles away from Mars itself.
Just to make it easier to understand I've included a small picture.
About 5 minutes later 3 smaller objects came out of the 'star'. 2 out of either side and out out of the bottom. They then circled the 'star' once
until they were back to their original position.
After a couple of minutes of non-movement, they started to move again. This time they were moving back into/onto the 'star'. After these 3 object
had disappeared onto/into the 'star', this 'star' moved back in front of/behind/onto Mars.
I havn't got any pictures to back this up so you'll have to take my word for it
I was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences or if anyone can offer any insight to what it was that I saw?