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US fears defeat in Iran war

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posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by pRoPhEcY
We must protect our friends, those who cleave to the great goyim nipple for their very lives, from the PsychoMullah's.

I have NO idea what that means, but I love it. Very creative writing indeed.

Ah, my friend, sometimes I am forgetful.

"those who cleave to the great goyim nipple" are the Israelis.

ALL of their debt forgiven by the US.

Saying such things causes one to be accused of hating the Jewish Peoples.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:24 PM
Oh, I see. Thank you for the clarification.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:10 AM
The EU I am sure will join in if there is a war in Iran over something Iran did or did not do if you get my drift. Because I doubt the European countries like depending on every time Russia gets pissy and turns off the oil and gas.

All the EU can do is have another meeting when that happens.

So that's my prediction.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
I always wondered whatever happened to Baghdad Bob. He was a funny guy.

Good point! I also wonder what happened to the Iraqi UN ambassador. You remember, the guy with the wicked comb-over? Last I heard he high-tailed it out of NYC in April of 2003.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:41 PM
Its going to be a massacre.

The Iranians don't stand a chance.

In the invasion there will be no controlling population centres, no driving on roads, no house to house searches, no checkpoints, no winning of hearts and minds.

There will just be destruction evrything from troop concentrations to goats to the burning of crops and civilian facilities.

Its a reality people don't understand what full scale total war looks like. If you thought the Invasion of Iraq and the aftermath was ugly watch as US commanders are let off the tactical leash with no desire to occupy there will just be a desire to destroy.

At this time the Iranian hierarchy must be #tin there pants. It makes me sad to see such a simplistic view of the world if Iran can defeat the US then Japan should be able to defeat China, or the Ukraine defeating Russia plz.

There will be no Insurgency if the US military leaders get there way they won't allow opposition or stay in one place long enough for an Insurgency.


posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 07:31 PM
The United states military will not be defeated.

The respect, reputation, support and the friendship for the USA by the international community will be the only thing 'defeated'

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Nakash
err... no, Iran would be toppled overnight, but nobody is going to start a war over ridiculously flimsy reasons. Shows how different the West is than the Islamic world which given military superiority would try to wipe out everyone it hates.

nonsense 5 of some of the top generals and admirals threatened to quit if iran is invaded because they see no possible way that the war could be won

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 09:50 PM
that's not cool

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 11:38 PM
well, I do not support the invasion by any means but I will say this, I am an American and if there was something that I felt worthy of going to war over then I would enlist. I have seen no conflicts over the last 20 years worth enlisting for, and don't get me wrong I love and appreciate our troops. They are men and women of order that do what they are ordered to do and there is a place for that as was evidenced by WW2. I despise the man doing the ordering though, and in war there is not really a "win" just a desired outcome. We are currently having low enlistment rates in America.... don't believe me? how many commercials have you seen from the army navy marines etc.? I think American people (for the most part) have a gauge of right and wrong and when they see a war worth fighting they will fight it. Apparently judging from the enlistment rates people as a whole do not feel we are in a war "WORTH FIGHTING".

It will be even worse if we invade iran. Now hussain was no good man by any means but we were providing him with funding and were his ally when it was convenient, while he was gassing his own people. We (U.S.) sure turned our heads while this was happening only to bring it up for justification later. Did he have WMD's??? damn right he did and they were developed and purchased with the money we gave him. You know the whole sha thing was a bad sen for the U.S. he was ousted from power and there are F-15 sitting in a country that is on the books for invasion, be it missing parts but they are there none the less.... now how did they get there?????? gee I wonder. The best thing we could do is just pull every troop from every country that is not our ally and say we are sorry. Bury the axe and let it be known that if any strikes come against us from this point forward we will retaliate with avengence. And they will not need to worry about enlistment rates if it was genuine. Look at pearl harbor, we damn sure had people ready to go after that. Hell, look at afganistan after the 9/11 deal, other countries (once again for the most part ) understood why we were waging war with them. But the whole Iraq deal had nothing to do with that. Where is that guy anyway ...osama I think was his name. They can find a guy buried in a damn hole outside a farm house but they can't find a man that has his hands in millions of $'s B.S. They know full and well were the money is coming from and going but then again it's saudi arabia, they are our "freinds". Get the hell out, invest the money spent on the war in a renewable energy source so you don't have to cut them checks. There is an answer but as long as there are lobbyists padding pockets the answer is far away.

I understand some people will say "we are doing good for people in some parts of the world", thats fine and dandy but do you think for a minute that democracy comes at the end of a gun? Do you think you can hand a country over to the "good guys" without making more "bad guys". I am fully aware that there are good people in all parts of this world that are oppressed. I wish that they had different circumstances , I wish the best for them but America does not have all the answers, we don't have half the answers for our own. I don't like genocide but it will happen, and those that run and have lost will become strong. Show me any example of history were people didn't find (and here is the key, on their own) something better.

Just leave people alone America, if you don't think people can fight then what the hell is happening in Iraq, People that live in poverty are fighting for something. And that something is a way of life that we do not understand, and even more so a religion. I want elected officails in my country that DO NOT swear on the bible, religion is just as much a problem here. Show me a vs. in the koran and I will show you an equally unreasonable and full of hate vs. in the king james. Religion is good for nothing more than clouding judgment and ending lives. I am sure that some will argue this and be mad, and that is the problem, you get mad because I have thrown your religion out the window, muslims will get mad for the same reason and people will wage war (hopefully not, but for that very reason untill the end of time). My god is right and yours is wrong, this land is mine "my god told me so" and you need to leave.

Christians are equally as guilty as muslims, they think that certain practices are O.K. because they happen to be O.K. by the book they follow. Since the beginning of recorded history we have been fighting over who's god is right and to think that we (the U.S.) have a man in power that let's "god guide his judgment" is more than scary it is an atrocity. It is an atrocity for the simple fact that ther is another man fighting back because he "gets his instructions from another god, or more over a book that says his god has things right and ours do not". It is the most amazing example of the pot calling the kettle black I have ever seen.

I give you this example... there are starving people in india with cows walking amongst them, "boy are they stupid all they have to do is butcher a cow and eat like kings" What a silly religion??? To them it is not, it is what they believe and they follow it. In the same token, the homeless american on the streets that "knows god is taking care of them" could drop his god and take care of him or herself is just the same. Aren't we old enough now to get rid of these Sumerian campfire tales??? Aren't we old enough to figure out that they have been told a hundred ways to sunday, or saturday for you 7th day folks out there? Aren't we old enough to know that the time we have here is all you have and to make the most of it. Give a man "eternity" and he will shape his life around it, DeSoto did, he kept looking for that damn fountain and all he got was florida, a far cry from eternity. Or even better, take a nation that millions die from aids and teach them that protection is wrong, "yes I mean condoms" and give them bibles rather than condoms, what a great place for hand me down bibles that must be.

People obviously have a problem with death, they make up eternities because of it. The biggest question I have is this what would any god that is omniscient need with books, I would like to think that if he were good and great, knowing us in the womb, providing us with 72 virgins (why is that a benefit why would a man want (please let me continue)

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 12:09 AM
Like I was saying what would am man want with 72 virgins, why is virginity held in such regard?!? Gee I wonder?? I can imagine that heaven is where you go to bang 72 virgins sounds like fun. But what is in it for the women, a life of modesty wearing a headscarf??? Wow sounds like a great religion for women! Even in your after life you get treated like property. I am a male by the way.

So any rate We all have these great stories, and I DO MEAN STORIES
, about how you will be given eternal life if you fight for whats right (in your book), live the right way (in your book). You got it made in the shade, and where EVERY religious text has some fabulous moral guidance I will not argue that fact. But what I will argue is that you have the same morals as a human, you know don't kick another man in the jewels because it hurts. Don't sleep with another mans wife, because it hurts. Don't do a lot of things, because it hurts.

I am sure that someone will say, thats not my GOD, thats not how I am, thats not what I believe, the list goes on and on. That's the fabulose thing about religion you get a full ticket to believe what you want and anyone who disagrees is just wrong, I mean it's your eternity why think about what your offspring have to deal with?? As long as you are cleared for takeoff to the after life you will see them again, as long as they do what you did. See where I am going with this? Just keep it up until there is no life. Oh even better there wil always be life because I beleive in __________. ( insert conviction here.)

I am sure as the sun rises that there will be people telling me why I have it all wrong, and they are the very reason we are in this position, everyone has it right if they believe what you believe and everyone has it wrong otherwise, see where this can be dangerous? I just want people to stop killing and that will not happen until people don't say "it's not religion that is the problem" It is the problem in it's entirety.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:24 AM
Whilst the US would not be defeated militarily, they would suffer a seriously bloddier nose than they did in the invasion of Iraq(Im not talking about the aftermath and insurency) I would expect to see several if not tens of aircraft shot down and perhaps and attack on the carrie force as well. Iran is stronger than Iraq, make no mistake about it.

I don't expect the U.S to invade persay, it will be primarily a cruise missle/ bomer attack, with mabye some special ops.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Ic weiner
nonsense 5 of some of the top generals and admirals threatened to quit if iran is invaded because they see no possible way that the war could be won

Now that's nonsense, speculation that several Clinton era anti Rumsfeld top brass had reservations about a possible war with Iran get turned to the above? You just might be interjecting a tad too much personal opinion in there without too much in the way of factual evidence.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by carslake

Its going to be a massacre.

The Iranians don't stand a chance.

In the invasion there will be no controlling population centres, no driving on roads, no house to house searches, no checkpoints, no winning of hearts and minds.

There will just be destruction evrything from troop concentrations to goats to the burning of crops and civilian facilities.

Its a reality people don't understand what full scale total war looks like. If you thought the Invasion of Iraq and the aftermath was ugly watch as US commanders are let off the tactical leash with no desire to occupy there will just be a desire to destroy.

At this time the Iranian hierarchy must be #tin there pants. It makes me sad to see such a simplistic view of the world if Iran can defeat the US then Japan should be able to defeat China, or the Ukraine defeating Russia plz.

There will be no Insurgency if the US military leaders get there way they won't allow opposition or stay in one place long enough for an Insurgency.


Smooth going, a Stalintastic approach to warfare that would have an SS general's pants twitching with delight. That entire quote has to be one of the most absurd things I have ever had the misfortune to read and waste valuable moments of my life getting annoyed with, I'm even annoyed that I'm writing this.

How you have any idea what modern total war would look like is beyond me. Given that "Total War" is when an entire nation and it's economy are focused on winning a conflict, as well as the conscription of everyone capable of fighting, something that certainly hasn't happened for many years.

Have you experienced life as a civilian when people are being shot on your street? The utter helplessness experienced? The desire to either run away or for it to all be over? The bonechilling fear for your family and loved ones? You say the Invasion of Iraq was ugly, really, no major battles, no major resistance, the failure has been the utter incompetence of the post invasion administration.

What you advocate is simply genocide directed at any and everyone in that country.

Armchair Generals like you disgust me. As you sit in comfort and happily advocate slaughter, if it happens are you going to sit at home and watch it all on TV whilst whooping like some Faulknerian man-child? Or are you the sort that would happily voulenteer and risk life and limb to take part in your much desired barbarism?

Damnit! I'm still very, very annoyed.....

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Ic weiner
nonsense 5 of some of the top generals and admirals threatened to quit if iran is invaded because they see no possible way that the war could be won

Surely saying if you win or lose, depends on what goals you have in starting a war in the first place. The same with in iraq, people question just waht are usa's goals, before they think they have won. No one seems to know, the same would be in iran as well i assume.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by bigx01

Originally posted by Mehran
thats because we arent supporting the insurgents.

Bull***t , if this is correct then why have the SAS officialy been sent to the Iranian border..(unofficialy in Iran now no doubt) to stop the Iranians supplying weapons to the insurgents??

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:01 AM

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Hey mate, just to let u know ayatollah predicted the USSR would collapse in the late 80's early 90's from its internal policies, it was a letter sent from ayatollah khomeni to korbachoff russian president at the time, it was sent during the iran-iraq war. And that the usa supplied billions of dollars and military aid to sadam ( who usa put in power in the 60's, lol).

He also predicted that the usa would become a 3rd world country one day in the not to distant future. (E.g. recession in 2008 which is just the beginning as said by CEO of JP MORGAN, citigroup and all other major banks, poverty has grown in the usa from 35% to 39% in 3 years, dosent that all sound freaky from the ayatollah prediction or signs he is getting??

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:24 PM
I have to laugh at this thread. I HIGHLY doubt the US is scared of Iran and is scared of being defeated by them. I mean come on, Iran isnt that much stronger than Iraq was before it was invaded and their entire military machine was decimated in only a couple of weeks. Iran would be no different.

Oh yeah, and no one is talking regime change in Iran so an occupying force would not be needed.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by princeofpeace]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:48 PM
I totally disagree with the war in Iran but if it were to happend the US would be fighting a whole country not people inside of a country! Everybody would be enemies and the Untied State forces would blow threw evrything that Iran had to offer. Plus Iran doesn't have the capablilties to even touch Untied Sates soil so it would be immposible for us to loose a war against Iran.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 04:54 PM
Iran is military joke. So they have a missiles so what! Our AF would own the skies our navy the seas. They are a weak country.

Nobody can beat our military greatest in world history

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