I recently brought a little dog [4 mo] home from the shelter/pound and today he has developed what I think is commonly referred to as Kennel cough.
It's late and the vet in my small village is closed and he is more than likely drunk by now anyway. Does anyone have a homeopathic remedy for this
malady? The wealth of knowledge on this site is truly astonishing.
I have exactly the same problem with a cat a rescued from the pound...he really had a horrible cough. After several cycles of two different types of
antibiotics it looks like it's finally almost gone.
In desperation I squirted about 1/2 a squirt of throat spray [chloraseptic] down "Virgils" throat and man what a difference. Human medication is
probably wrong for our K9 friends but in this case it seems to work great. At least now he can get some sleep and allow his natural immune system to
fight the infection. Antibiotic series as soon as possible though.
That OTC spray in small doses may be safe enough.
Dogs do take some of the same things we humans do.
For example, my dog and I both take the same MSM and glucosamine chronditin.
I don't think aspirin is good for dogs, though. I seem to remember my vet telling me that
Hey, asala,
Thanks for that cool holistic pet website
Virgil responded to the vets cough medication and antibiotics quite well and now only has sporadic coughing fits that aren't near as severe.
Truthfully I thought that we would lose him to this disease. Kennel cough is extremely communicatable. My other dog "Monkey" caught a mild version
from Virgil despite being vaccinated.
I want to encourage everyone to have their pets vaccinated and neutered.
Pet ownership comes with responsibilitys.