The is and has been for some time now, a conspiracy among the richest people in the world. A conspiracy that virtually owns the money system of the
major democratic and non- communist nations. This monopoly is protected by the power of the respective governments and is used to perpetrate the
conspiracies vast wealth by the creation of money out of nothing.
In the United States, this monetary fraud is perpetrated through the Federal Reserve system. Although the executive branch theoretically has
some control over this system through occasional appointments, in is the system and those behind it who control the executive branch.
The capitalist conspiracy in this county surfaces to the public view in the form of the semi-secret Council on Foreign Relations and The Round
Table. It's members exercise their control over the nation through government, tax exempt foundations, centers of educations and the mass
communications media.
On the surface, the capitalist conspiracy appears to oppose (then) communism)/(now) Terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalist. It spends billions
of dollars in spectacular military displays of anti-communism and terrorism around the world. But never to the extent of seriously harming the enemy
and certainly not to the extent of defeating them. War is the greatest way to raise prices, lower wages, and slowly strip away civil liberties. The
same act has been going on for the past two hundred years. The leaders of The United States want workers, not citizens. They want to work people 14
hours a day, seven days a week for fifteen cents an hour. Why do you think America is and has been for some time now...outsourcing its companies and
work. Why pay you 7.25 an hour with benefits, paid vacation, insurance and retirement plans...when they can invade a country...take over it's natural
resources and pay that countries people fifteen cents and hour, thus putting the rest into their own pocket.
Mean while, behind the scenes...the conspiracy has always nursed and aided communism/terrorism at home and abroad. Prescott Bush, George W's
grandfather supplied funds and weapons to help build the Nazi party during the 1930's. They do this, not because they are pro communist/terrorist,
but because they need the appearance of a fordable foe and the chaos- by product of a managed conflict to advance their own goal of totalitarian world
There is much evidence indicating that the capitalist conspiracy( among other placed foes and groups) are all directed by a single master
conspiracy which may have continuity with the order of the Illuminati, which was founded two hundred years ago. But this historical question is not
nearly as important as the immediate question at hand...which is " What can be done about it today?"
We must dismantle the machine of the conspiracies "Big Government". We must restore America's independence. Restore our schools to local
control, we must protect our police forces from federal aid, which is a certain path to a national police force controlled from Washington. We must
denounce revenue sharing as a transparent devise leading to control over local government and the burglary of honest middle class citizens. If it were
all possible to raise men for political office, that would not only talk about reducing large government but actually do this once elected. But this
is not possible for reasons non other that we do not elect our politicians, they are placed into power by this conspiracy, and the other of that if
any slips through and starts to ask questions...they are assassinated. Kennedy was killed for not signing a bill that gave the government 8 billions
dollars for the war in Vietnam, instead....he wanted to pull our troops out, thus a bullet turned the tide. One day after Kennedy was killed....Lendon
Johnson signed the bill and the Vietnam war was set into action. Bush has signed numerous bills for the war on terror.
Action must take place, and there is nothing more powerful than a question and knowledge. Stand firm.
Video that goes into detail...
[edit on 17-3-2006 by Anonymous_One]