posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 08:37 AM
Exactly, don't chalk this up to evil or stupid doctors quite yet - it's just that it's something that wasn't supposed to come up. As mentioned,
it's not like it was something thought up in a basement, "trialed" in mental simulations, and then given to people - it has been researched for
years and years, with both computer, chemical, and animal trials. Nothing yet showed it would have this serious side-effects.
Of course this sucks for the drug because there are OTHER reasons why it could have failed so horribly! As mentioned, there's a strong possibility
that the samples created were tainted. If the place where they had it produced lacked proper safety protocols, then it could have been that other
chemicals were accidentally mixed in trace amounts to this drug.
Given the potential for these chemicals to react with other organic chemicals both inside the bottle and in the body, and the possibility for
catastrophic failure is immensely amplified.
Also, it could be that humans are naturally "sensitized" to this drug - causing a horrible immuno-response that simply shouldn't happen. It's
possible this never showed up in animal testings because those creatures also didn't share this sensitization.
And finally, as said, it could be something "unexplainable" - which would mean that it's that 1% of the human body that we don't know reacting
with that 1% of the drug that we don't know.
Signing up for testing is dangerous, don't ever think that it's not - especially for phase 1 treatments. However, you do tend to be paid a healthy
sum. Often the drugs in phase 1 will do their work either not well enough, just right, or too well - and there will be lots of side effects, like
diharrea, foggy vision, diziness, etc. Mostly uncomfortable, but it should help cure you, or it'll help in some way - and at the least you're
getting paid for it.