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Very Scary Developments - WW3 just days away.

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posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 12:17 PM
I am sure it feels like WWW3 if you were living in Iraq just now. As for the civil war- it is a classic way to divide and rule. Initiate fighting amoung Iraqis and they will forget who the real enemy is. There are many dirty tricks done by the brits/ameicans in Iraq - many soldiers caught red handed.

They are the same dirty tricks that kept my country in civil (nothing civil about it) war for years.

I wonder if the general Iraqi people (or the Afghans b4 them) had the resources or the warning to stockpile on stuff!!!!

"I only wish our choice to protect ourselves and our families was ok with you, and I can't for the life of me understand why it apparently is not." B.heretic's quote.

Have you ever heard of the words selfish and greed. While you are busily stockpiling there are people in the world who genuinely are in need of provisions. I f everyone just looked after their won backe we would live in avery complacent world. NIMBI attitude (everything ok as long as it is not in my backyard). If a major crisi happens - are you going to coccon yourself from your community. Safe with your huge pile of hoarded good?? Will you intend to share your loot if needed? Or is it strictly family and friends only invited to you post-catastrophe party.

did you ever consider the need to protect humanity and maybe try to concentrate your energies on trying to help those (financally or other) who have already been affected by the lunactic policy and wars adopted by your country . It is tragic that so many suffer in Iraq and Afghanastan (not to mention africa), while the majority of western people feather their won nests.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 12:30 PM
Time's over Dude. I'm still waiting for the BIG BANG!!

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7
Have you ever heard of the words selfish and greed. While you are busily stockpiling there are people in the world who genuinely are in need of provisions.

Perhaps I should go back and ask the cardboard-sign-carrying fellow that I just this very morning handed a bag of puppy food, a dog toy, puppy chews and $20 as I was leaving the store and ask if he finds me selfish and greedy.

Your assumptions amaze me!
Shame on you for assuming that because I wish to take care of myself and my family that I am selfish and greedy! Not that it's any of your business, but my husband and I who have already been drastically affected by the policies of the current government have always taken the time to help our fellow man, whether we knew them or not, and without acknowledgement or reward, only the reward of contributing to the goodwill that exists in the world.

I warn you against judging people based on your very limited knowledge of them.

I don't know what country you live in, and it doesn't really matter, but you are apparently not aware that there are many here in the USA who are vehemently against this current government and this war. Most of us, in fact. You seem to be judging the populace based on the ruling government, and that is a HUGE mistake.

The idea that all Americans are fat, dumb and happy is just ignorant. I invite you to check out a few of my posts in the war threads, the political threads, the Anti-Muslim threads and you'll see just how selfish, greedy and inconsiderate of other people I am. I invite you to open your mind to the possibility that we in this country are just as human and loving and caring as anyone.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:14 PM
You have voted Benevolent Heretic for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Thank you for your unselfishness. Just because you want to protect yourself doesnt mean you dont care. Sheesh...

I am seeing some dumbness on the part of Americans i never would have dreamed, though. The current situation could have been adverted if more had thought more rationally. :shk:

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:25 PM
wow its the 19th, theres no bird flu in america and no bombs have been dropped either. im not suprized. i hope everyone sees my point that these "ww3 coming soon" posts are all a bunch of lies, speculation, and rumers like from that hooker who said she heard it from some official. bunch of balony. dont let yourself get sucked in to this ww3 garbage.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:28 PM
So, if you dont see WWIII right around the corner, care to speculate on what you see?

IMO, i dont need an announcement "This is WWIII" by Fox to know the poop is about to hit the fan in a big way.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Selfishness and greed can be part of a group consciousness and not necessarily a trait of the individual. Can anyone truly state that they are not selfish and greedy. In our consumer driven societies, we may think our actions are not selfish or greedy. How many people can truly say their actions are 100% self-less. selflessness is acting/behaving fot the good of others always and not putting the self in priorty.
I asked you had you heard the words, not as an insult of label - but to try to help you consider the plight of others in countries worse of than yourself. I wanted you to consider how an iraqi woman with a family feels. Isnt it the human condition for ALL to want to love and protect their loved ones. However- for some (especially in Iraq now) they do not have the means or the privelege.
Much of this thread is about what if the worst happens this weekend. THE 'WORST' IS HAPPENING AS WE WRITE. The Iraqi's as as human as us.


I am not equipped to judge you either. I am sure you are a good person- the essence of humanity is evident in all.

DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY- I AM NOT ON THIS FORUM TO ATTACK ANYONE - at times I just like to help people realis things.

Whatever anger or whatever comes up when faced with others opinions is usually a reflection of something that has neither been healed or reconciled in the self.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7
I asked you had you heard the words, not as an insult of label - but to try to help you consider the plight of others in countries worse of than yourself. I wanted you to consider how an iraqi woman with a family feels. Isnt it the human condition for ALL to want to love and protect their loved ones. However- for some (especially in Iraq now) they do not have the means or the privelege.

I believe what benevolent was trying to point out was that you can't only consider the plight of those less fortunate in certain countries - you consider the plight of those less fortunate all around you regardless of where you are. Benevolent chooses to help those less fortunate in her immediate community, and that is just as helpful to humanity as if she would send a check or food stuffs to an iraqi woman trying to feed her family.

Are there many more in Iraq at the moment who need help? Absolutely - they've lost homes and loved ones because of Allied bombings and terrorist attacks. Believe it or not, most Americans are some of the most caring individuals you will ever meet. It is an American tradition in most small towns (and even on city streets) to help your neighbor in the toughest of times. We take the motto "United we Stand" very seriously.

I would say the same, not only for Americans but for many in other countries - British, Australian, German, French, African - around the world one common thread that holds us together as humans and proves we all come from the same place - is our empathy and our mourning for the suffering of others makes our spirits connected, regardless of which country we are from.

We all cry for the plight of the Iraqis (and those in other countries suffering from the horrors of war). And I agree with Benevolent that a large majority in this country do not like how this "war" against terrorism is being handled. Instead of eradicating terrorists we are causing death and destruction upon hundreds of thousands of citizens - not to mention the deaths of our own brave troops.

Our country will come back and hopefully save face, to the world, with our next election. Maybe even this year, we can change the power structure of our government and start the changes that will alter the course of history for the better. I promise you this - if things do not change very soon in our government, you may very well have front row seats for the next American revolution. We should never fear our government, the government should fear the people.

Here's to a brighter future of peace between us all.


posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 04:28 PM
I agree whole heartedly with what you are saying. I appreciate what Benevolent meant also. I am in no way anti-american. An american family in minnesota took me into their home when I was 8 years old. It was during the worst of the troubles in northern Ireland, and many american families responded to the crisis by looking after plane loads of irish children in the summer holidays. They were great people.

I do not mean to come across harsh, and perhaps I misunderstood what benevolent meant initially.

Apologies for any offence taken. I suppose the whole issue of war is sensitive emotional issue. It breaks my heart when I think of the iraqi children. Belfast during the troubles seems like a playground in comparison to modern conflict.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 05:00 PM
No one is 100% selfless. As I said, my reward is the feeling I get from contributing. I do it for me. And I am very aware of this.

I asked you had you heard the words, not as an insult of label - but to try to help you consider the plight of others in countries worse of than yourself.

Why do you think I don't already?

I could 'consider' how an Iraqi woman feels (and many times, I have), but in all my life, I could not truly feel her heartache and I feel it would be an insult to her to presume that I could.

But it would not help her one tiny bit for me to disregard the needs of my own family.


You started your last post with my name. How am I supposed to think you're not speaking personally to me? You know nothing about me. You assume that, due to my preparations, I'm only thinking of myself and disregarding everyone else in the world. You have definitely said with your posts that we who are stockpiling are acting selfishly and greedily. Your language and the format of your posts have directed your comments explicitly at me.

at times I just like to help people realis things.

Why do you assume I need help realizing these things? Do you think I've had my head in a hole for the past 3 years?

If your intention is truly to make ATS members aware of the plight of people in Iraq, and not to attack people, perhaps you would consider starting a thread in the appropriate forum with that in mind.

Edit: Just read your last post. Sounds like we're coming to an understanding.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 05:02 PM
this is a little article i wrote that should better help you understand the true conflict and danger we are in.

it was a bit of research i did over the course of the day to show how our dollar is the real fear.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 06:53 PM
im pointing out the facts that this thread is pretty useless now cause his predictions are all the down the drain and nothing happened....not that i belived him in the first place.....ww3 will happen...we all know that....i just disagree with people getting on here and saying its gonna be this "day" or this "day"

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ConfederacyOfUnity
im pointing out the facts that this thread is pretty useless now cause his predictions are all the down the drain and nothing happened....not that i belived him in the first place.....ww3 will happen...we all know that....i just disagree with people getting on here and saying its gonna be this "day" or this "day"

I agree but whats wrong with speculating. If people want to talk about it on a message board why not. I have read some interesting articles that I would have otherwise never seen.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Do You people not read???? Go back to the first post and reread it. the author says 3/18 3/19 would be good "potential" dates for a terrorist strike, he also mentions other events such as the oil bourse i believe which is scheduled for tomorrow 3/20. In no part of the original post, did he say that World War 3 will "definitely" start this weekend, instead he is speculating that the current events of this particular time frame can intensify to start WW3 in the next few days. Now the next few days can mean today, tomorrow, next week or two weeks from now.

Now are you going to come back and apologize if WW3 just happens to start a day or two later than the suggested time frame?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:40 PM
Bird flu does have people worried, but then again it can be stopped with Tamiflu. Simple solution in my opinion. I think Hussein is putting off his trials because he knows something is up. I'd like to add that.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Bird flu does have people worried, but then again it can be stopped with Tamiflu. Simple solution in my opinion. I think Hussein is putting off his trials because he knows something is up. I'd like to add that.

So it's not because he knows he's gonna be found guilty, that he's a meglomaniac and that he just wants to waste the court's time, like Slobodan did?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:50 PM
Benevolent: I wouldnt say that the majority of people in our country dont approve of the bush administration. After all, im ashamed to say that 51% of us apparently do agree with it as they voted them back in for a 2nd term...

I also agree that there will be a major catastrophe soon but it surely wont be predicted on ATS before it happens.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

I invite you to open your mind to the possibility that we in this country are just as human and loving and caring as anyone.

OK, you've got my vote.


[edit on 19-3-2006 by mikesingh]

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
And WorldWatcher, who is that woman in your avatar? I am hypnotized by those eyes...

Worldwatcher always has these beautiful Hindu women in her avatar... I am a socker for women with light eyes....

WW, if you know even one of those women you put in your avatars, please think kindly of me and introduce me to her.

Anyways, let me get back to the topic.

(beautiful light eyed Hindu women, beautiful light eyed Hindu women....) *Shakes head*

Ok, now as for the reason why the government and some scientists would tell people to stock up on food, water, matches, etc, etc because of a war and not because a pandemic, perhaps you have not thought what would happen when a pandemic strikes any city in the U.S., or other countries. Everything will paralize, there might be violence in the streets, you might come in contact with people who have the virus, etc, etc, so direct contact with many people will not be a good idea.

Anyways, imo, and I could be wrong, I don't think we are going to have wwIII just days away, and btw this was written over a week ago, so we might have to change the title to weeks away, and then if nothing happens to months away, and then if nothing happens we might have to change it to years away....

(beautiful light eyed Hindu women, beautiful light eyed Hindu women....) *Shakes head*

ok....ahhh, what was I talking about? ah yes beautiful light eyed Hindu women.....err, I mean I don't think WWIII is days away.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Do You people not read???? Go back to the first post and reread it. the author says 3/18 3/19 would be good "potential" dates for a terrorist strike, he also mentions other events such as the oil bourse i believe which is scheduled for tomorrow 3/20.

WW, why do you think and what information tells you that there is an scheduled oil bourse which will happen tomorrow?

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