posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 09:05 PM
---:My email to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs :---
Dear Sir or to whom it may concern, My name is John Cooke and I am a resident of the United States although I am English, The current situation you
find yourselves in is a very serious situation not only for your sovereignty but also for the entire world. The situation can be some up best by the
following statements.
1) Not one country is denying you the use of Nuclear Technology to further the electrical needs of your country.
2) There is suspicion as to your intentions as you kept your Nuclear drive a secret for over 18 years.
3) You have currently in power *albeit a public figure, a person that has caused alarm across the world by his loose mouth and over zealous
4) Your options currently are very limited, The UN countries will not let you persuit the ability to enrich uranium much longer. Your methods for
trying to split the UN Countries will not work with Russia and China most likely to abstain from voting instead of using their veto power, even if
this is not the case and they do vote against this single motion will signify the end of negotiations. Israel feels threatened by the lack of
transparency with your nuclear program and the overtures made by Mr Ahmadinejad towards the State of Israel calling for its destruction.
I do not wish to see military action against your state but it seems all but inevitable at this time.
I implore you to halt your uranium enrichment program as soon as possible and accept the Russian proposal. I also implore you to open up your nuclear
sites to IAEA spot inspections and be as open and honest with the IAEA as possible.
I hope that my children get to grow up in a world without state sponsored terrorism and the threat of nuclear holocaust, your President might not
think the holocaust took place but he is certainly leading us down the path to one.
John Cooke
Private Citizen
I will post back if I get a response.