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Secret weather site In Alaska

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posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 03:03 AM
I just wanted to let all of you know that I have been following the progresion of this site for some years now and just wanted to let you all know of something. Not relating to the wars but to the weather. In about 1994 or a couple of years sooner The U.S. starter a project in Alaska. I do not know the name but the project was to try to control the weather. That is all I can say. I know all of you with the means will discover what I am talking about, spread the information.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:24 AM
yes i believe i've heard of this too but cant think what it was called

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 09:50 AM
Ummmm....I think that you are talking about HAARP.

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Jonna]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Coolmind
I just wanted to let all of you know that I have been following the progresion of this site for some years now and just wanted to let you all know of something. Not relating to the wars but to the weather. In about 1994 or a couple of years sooner The U.S. starter a project in Alaska. I do not know the name but the project was to try to control the weather. That is all I can say. I know all of you with the means will discover what I am talking about, spread the information.

Try using the search function on ATS to find threads relating to HAARP.
We already know, and have known for a long time.

Thanks for playing.


posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 02:44 AM
the haarp project was maned in 93 not 94 and yes the project was to try to controll the weather. but one thing you guys might not know is the it was completed and they are using it. I have been following the weather patterns for some years now and in the past 4 to 5 years it has been abnormal. I am not saying that they are to blame but abnormal weather means on of 2 thing . either the planet is going in to a warm stage or the haap progam distrubed the weather.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:00 AM
I tried to send a reaply ealier but I do not think it was posted. Just wanted to say that I have been following this for about 5 years now, In the last 4 years I have seen unusual weather patterns. I am not sure if it is just clobal warming or if the project is in a go. but I personaly think that someone is messing with the weather. I do not hack,I have had some computer programing skills, I need anyone to try to find out if I am right and disable them. I know that I am asking alot but If it is hoo I think it is we need the best.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Coolmind
the haarp project was maned in 93 not 94 and yes the project was to try to controll the weather. but one thing you guys might not know is the it was completed and they are using it. I have been following the weather patterns for some years now and in the past 4 to 5 years it has been abnormal. I am not saying that they are to blame but abnormal weather means on of 2 thing . either the planet is going in to a warm stage or the haap progam distrubed the weather.

HAARP can be a good thing though. Because if earth is ever experiencing a drought or dry season, they can just activate HAARP and bring some rain to the dry areas so that people can get some yummy water!

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 04:42 AM

HAARP can be a good thing though. Because if earth is ever experiencing a drought or dry season, they can just activate HAARP and bring some rain to the dry areas so that people can get some yummy water!

Now, why would they want to go and do that? A government who controls the weather will see this as something with the potential to use as a weapon. It may be able to be used for the greater good but I will bet my boots it was developed for a weapon first and the greater good secong...IF...they deceide to ever admit they have it....

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Spica
Now, why would they want to go and do that? A government who controls the weather will see this as something with the potential to use as a weapon. It may be able to be used for the greater good but I will bet my boots it was developed for a weapon first and the greater good secong...IF...they deceide to ever admit they have it....

I know, some asshole always has to # things up and use a potential good thing for bad. But it could be used for good, if kept under control. Which I doubt, since controlling weather is a lot of power to have in your possession.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 02:23 PM
It can be a good thing. But I lived in Oregon all my life and in the past 4 years we have not had the rain fall that we need I used to live at the base of Mt. Hood there it is like a rain forest just because we would have rain most of the year. during the winters we would get 6inch to 1 foot of snow four years ago we had normal rain fall normal snow fall but it did not last. Were I lived snow should stay for about 3 weeks to 1 1/2 mounths, it lasted for 2 weeks. the next year, year 2 of the 4 we had a little bit less rain and the snow level only made it to 4 to 5 inches. that only lasted for a week at the most. Year 3 we had almost no rain during the summer time wich rose fire level dangers to the max, snow levels only went to about 2 to 3 inches and only lasted 3 to 4 days. Year 4 last year, we had almost no rain compared to what the trees need to survive, snow ha right one night we had maybe 1 to 2 inches. mind you the norm is 6inches to 1 foot of snow wich would last about 1 month. last years snow fall melted the verry next day. Like I said before eather the haarp program is messing with the weather and making thing off balance or Global warming is apon us.

P.s. sorry about my spelling threw this, I have been drinking today.

p.s.s. anyone that knows how to bring the haarp system down and manage it in better hands please do so. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 02:44 PM
like realy, how in the hell can you control the freaking weather?

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 10:07 AM
You can't control weather..
HAARP may exist but for other purposes...

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 11:01 AM
Where is DR when you need him ?

HAARP is a weapon! oh my! :shocked:

posted on Oct, 22 2003 @ 11:17 AM
cool mind:

Please read the HAARP thread, everything you know and I'm sure a lot more is located there.

There is a group of individuals within ATS that monitor HAARP activity regularly, you would benefit from reading their posts. They are clearly far more knowledgable about it than you...even though you've been "following" it for 4-5 years now.


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