posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 09:56 PM
So I was watching this film the other day and was struck by the comparisons between it and politics following it's 1997 release. Much like in the
film, 9/11 was followed by songs, heroes, and merchandise. As I watched I found myself asking questions and connecting it with reality. Why was 9/11,
Afghanistan and Iraq so publicized, why heroes and songs, why television and media? Sure we can all just write it off with common sense, but where
would the fun be in that?
As I continued I asked myself, let's say 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq and maybe soon Iran is all a ploy, covering up something larger, something somebody
doesn't want the U.S. or even the world to know about or uncover.
Lets go a little further, what if conspiracies in general are here to keep us away from the truth? 9/11 really did happen and it really was by
terrorists and not the government, but THEY want us to squabble about it because it keeps us occupied?
So then my question becomes, what is it that they don't want us to know, what is it that they are so desperate to keep our minds off of?
For exampl let's say its the NWO behind this, what are they trying to keep us away from? The truth about them? Or something else?
[edit on 3/11/2006 by Forgiven]