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Are Canadian Leaders Involved?

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posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:05 PM
I believe in government conspiracies and everything, I believe American leaders are part of the shadow government and have shady motives are part of secret societies etc. America is really powerful so it makes sense. But what about Canadian leaders? We're not as powerful but our country is right next to theirs. I do have a hard time picturing our leaders involved in that stuff; we're a peaceful country and everything, it's hard to imagine our PM's involved in anything bad. Does anyone know anything about this? If Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, or Stephen Harper was/is involved?

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:21 PM
canada does not belong to the u.s. and never will. we are owned by the queen.canada is managed by a bunch of business losers that care about there wallets.just look at the gomery report or the crossing of the floor to the other party.the taking of public money and wasting of it is still a major problem and needs to be policed.ethics is needed as we have seen in the news lately nobody seems to take care about there people or there country.....shame......

[edit on 11-3-2006 by flukemol]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:21 PM
Prior government of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin had direct ties to the UN, were said to be involved to Koffi Annan and the oil for food scandal in Iraq. These two also have tie to Maurice Strong who is the NWO points man on the environment movement. Some consider Strong to be among the top 6 in the visible NWO strata.

The current PM, Harper has been to a recent Bilderberger meeting which is a part of the NWO system.

Sadly the depth of analysis in Canada is lacking compared to the US as many people in Canada are watching the US more than what happens in their own back yard (a lot like people in many other countries also).

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by flukemol
canada does not belong to the u.s. and never will. we are owned by the queen.canada is managed by a bunch of business losers that care about there wallets.just look at the gomery report or the crossing of the floor to the other party.the taking of public money and wasting of it is still a major problem and needs to be policed.ethics is needed as we have seen in the news lately nobody seems to take care about there people or there country.....shame......

[edit on 11-3-2006 by flukemol]

regarding the note about the queen owning canada, i'd like it if you could take a look and comment on my thread, as you did before. i have asked some more specific questions about it all. here it is: questions about the confederation of canada

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 08:01 PM
this is the company that was running terror 'drills' that exactly matched the 'actual' terror on 7/7, ie. the subway bombings........

Managing Director, Visor Consultants
United Kingdom

here is the canadian branch of the worldwide false flag terror gang.....

need an emergency? make one.

fantino was chief of police in toronto.
there is a masonic penis of osiris(obelisk) on a 'red flyer' wagon being pulled by a child outside the toronto police headquarters. you know, exactly like the washington monument(555 ft. by 55 ft), or the one in the middle of the vatican courtyard?

Julian Fantino
Commissioner of Emergency Management
Province of Ontario

get it?

there's no where to hide. no where to run, eh?.

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:02 PM
Thanks for your responses everyone. Damn I really thought our government was good

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
Damn I really thought our government was good

You must be young.

Our gov. is as corrupt as any in the world but slyer imo. You know you're in trouble when they don't even have to lie to you anymore.

They've made us too apathetic to do anything about it.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 12:24 AM
I'm 19 years old, female, from Vancouver Island B.C.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
I'm 19 years old, female, from Vancouver Island B.C.

Well, welcome aboard. BC politics is interesting. I spent 6 years in Campbell River in the 70's. SoCred, I wonder if anyone remembers that party. Bill and WACy Bennett?

Make no mistake, our politics is as corupt as any, just nicer(easier to take).

Canadiana man.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 01:24 AM
Pretty much every country has some shady doings a transpiring
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Some are just better at hiding it then others.

I dont know that much about secret societies connected to Canada, but if the USA is covering up the truth of UFOs I would bet Canadas is in on it too. Theres been alot of UFO events in Canada and the Command centers that track everything in the sky like NORAD are under joint command of Canada and the USA.

I cant see it being possible to keep Canada out of the loop

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:21 PM
Yeah that's all true but I just needed to hear it from others. This almost makes me wanna get into some high level of government so I can find out their secrets
Well I don't think that'd work; I'm too shy and not too bright
I don't think they'd accept me lol. But if I ever did get in and find out there secrets I'd make sure EVERYONE knew. Then they'd probably kill me
Oh well it's fun theorizing and imagining anyway

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian
; I'm too shy and not too bright
I don't think they'd accept me lol.

Come to the US you can be a C student and still become President

But really I dont think being super smart would matter all that much it would be more about the connections you make.

Its not what you know, Its who you know

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:40 PM
Dont feel bad.

There is no such thing as an honest government that truly cares about rights and justice. There never has been. That is the nature of mankind and power.

I tend to trust always be corrupt and up to no good. Its really in the level of depravity that we judge government to be good and bad.

Most western governments, like the U.S., Canada, UK, Europe, ect hold up the premise of justice, democracy, ect, and they at least appear to uphold decency. behind the scenes, they are all really crooks in one form or another, and they only really care about dignity and rights for the average person because thats what keeps their jobs. But rest assured, they are only out for their own interest. And right now, the facade of democracy is in their interest. FOR NOW.

Places like China, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, ect operate on a higher public display of cruelty. These governments say, "well, screw the pretenses of justice, we shall do what we want". They are just more public about being reprobates.

Never trust any government. Trust in yourself and the people around you. Your quality of life, your happieness, and your opportunities are not granted by your "leaders". They are granted by the vigilance and awareness of the mass of humanity who cares enough to keep the proverbial gun to the governments head and keep them working for you.

When you put to much faith in the government, you also give them more power.

Always assume the worst about people, especially those that want to be in charge. At the worst, you are never disappointed. At best, they might surprise you.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Good post Skadi the evil Elf

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 04:02 PM
As has been said all governments tend to indulge themselves, and as governmental links are an integral part of our system of running the planet it is inevitable that plots will be hatched and schemes concoted between two or more interested parties.

However, if you conclude that there is indeed behind-the-scenes collusion, working to the detriment of the hoi-polloi, then maybe we shouldn't perceieve the perpetrators as citizens of our particular nations, for I believe that any such network would be supranational by nature, working purely for itself.

In fact, the presence of such an entity should make you more proud of your traditions and heritage, for it is these very things which some people would wish to see diluted.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Seeing the abundance of New World Order Theories, one wonders whether the take is on the left or the right.

As denythestatusquo mentioned earlier, Paul Martin has pretty deep ties with Maurice Strong, some in the very tight global circles consider him top dog. Or 'The Man'.

Think 'Keyoto Accord' as his fingerprints are all over it.

No ties for Harper so far except for Bilderberg(sp?) which the invites usually stems towards people of economic means anyway( He's an economist besides PM)

This site gives some factual info on Martin and Strong's bum buddy days,
as well as the usual doses of NWO hype. Pretty good read though.'s_ties_to_nwo.htm

posted on Apr, 30 2006 @ 11:18 PM
alphacenturi thanks for the link
. And also thanks for bringing this thread back to the top
. I'm very interested in how Canada and its leaders are involved in the NWO. It's not talked about as much as the States being involved because we're not as big and powerful or anything. I know Peire Trudeau and Brian Mulroney were said to have strong connections with the New World Order. They also abused mind controlled sex slaves according to Cathy O'brien author of Transformation of America. Does anyone know what/if Canada's links are to the illuminati? Is it the same as the NWO connection or slightly different? Please no sarcastic comments as I am serious about this
. Sorry if I sound confusing.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:06 AM
Things may not be perfect in Canada but you probably don't have it as bad as US citizens. We are fed so much crap about the world that just isn't true and have excessive taxes with no social healthcare like you do. Anyway I like Canada and the Canadians I've met have been really nice. All three times I was in Canada I had a nice vacation. Canada feels like America felt to me when I was a kid. Clean, nice people, low stress. Course I don't live there.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Yeah that's one thing I've always loved about my country, the medical coverage!!

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by billybobhere is the canadian branch of the worldwide false flag terror gang.....

need an emergency? make one.

fantino was chief of police in toronto.
there is a masonic penis of osiris(obelisk) on a 'red flyer' wagon being pulled by a child outside the toronto police headquarters. you know, exactly like the washington monument(555 ft. by 55 ft), or the one in the middle of the vatican courtyard?

Julian Fantino
Commissioner of Emergency Management
Province of Ontario

Uh billy...

some think that false flags are by secret service ops and civilian agencies are the cattle herders afterwards. Only a small difference but in the world of fine wine something to cheer about!

[edit on 1-5-2006 by denythestatusquo]

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