posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 09:03 AM
I don't think there could be, for the simple reason that there's no center to the universe.
Some people would think, though, that if you rewind the cosmos, then all the galaxies should focus back in on one point then, right? Shouldn't that
be the center of the universe?
Not really. The situation is analagous to saying that there's a "center" to the surface of an expanding balloon. There is NO center on the surface,
yet the surface area is expanding, and if you rewind the film of the expansion, it'll all compress back to a point.
The universe is likely the same way - every portion of it is expanding, and so the distances between the galaxies is growing larger and larger.
However, the center doesn't exist within our 3-dimensional perspective.
Now, it has been hypothesized that there could be "white holes" - which would be kind of anti-black holes. However, there's no math to really
substantiate these theories, for there'd be no way for them to really come into existance. On the whole, a white-hole could be imagined as a sort of
mini-big bang - and so it could be thought of that the universe as we know it is a white-hole.
I don't think this is so, but it is an idea that's out there.