posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 10:40 AM
Interesting topic. I think this is the first time I've seen this disussion brought to light. Let's see. The North Tower crash was between floors
94 and 98. The south tower crash was 78th through 84th.
In the North Tower only one company was hit, and that was Marsh USA, an insurance company who leased floors 93-100. I'd be interested to know what
kind of policies they handled. Perhaps the 3 billion dollar silverstien one?? I wonder.
In the south tower it was the following companies:
First Commercial Bank on floor 78
Fuji Bank on floors 79-82 on the 84th
Interesting how they are ALL financial companies. I wonder if they had any scandles going on or anything. Of course it doesn't matter in the long
run, since the whole building came down, but I guess you never know.