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Arkansas' "Clinton Legacy"

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posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:37 PM
And by extension, how does being in favor of the last elected president make one a Socialist?

A joke sign does belong in Mud Pit, IMHO. There's been nothing presented to push forth debate, pro or con. While there's been good board activity, there has been a slide back to content skinny posts/threads that devolve into he said she said.

And on thread, kids...really? The biggest scandal of the presidency has been a consensual affair, reported for the first time on a president even though they're a regular occurence, ...that's a scandal!?! Yeah, forget that whole 20th century prior!

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 04:44 PM

Do a web search on MENA ARKANSAS and CLINTON, then you will begin to unlock the conspiracy that is.


you are the best man. Keep it up!

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 07:50 PM
And find the refute/rebuff & debunk of your Right Wing fairy tale, Freemason.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 08:05 PM
... I'll SAY IT AGAIN...

1. The Great State of Arkansas FINALLY brought their SIGNAGE into compliance with the law of the land TODAY, thus making THIS thread about as CURRENT (despite what you lefties say) as it can be considering I posted it this MORNING.

2. This thread points out the ABSOLUTE, UNEQUIVICAL, UNDENIABLE REALITY that one of the ALLTIME GREAT, SUPERSTAR HEROES of you radical lefties is a self admitted SEXUAL OFFENDER.

3. This thread, along with the election in California, PUTS THE NAIL in the COFFIN of your extreme left wing VIEWS. YOUR OWN PARTY, 25% of it, VOTED AGAINST YOUR BELEIFS! You guys are WASHED UP.

4. You all are SO OUT OF TOUCH with AMERICA it is HILLARIOUS!

5. I am NOT a Republican! I AM an INDEPENDENT who EMPLOYS hundreds of people, and when I look at the CRAP being espoused by the EXTREME LEFT I shudder.

The bottom line here is, IMHO, if the Democratic Party wants to EVER regain the stature it once held you all better WAKE UP. Your worst enemies are NOT the Republicans, your worst enemies are YOUR CURRENT LEADERSHIP! Facists! Who TRULY think hard working, law abiding Americans are IDIOTS.

Well, NEWS FLASH! The average work-a-day American is SMARTER than he/she has ever been and they are NOT BUYING your terds as babyruths ANYMORE!


[Edited on 10-8-2003 by Springer]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 10:34 AM
The left is like a man that gets caught cheating on his wife....they deny,deny,deny.

Could imagine what their reactions would be if Bush got caught getting a BJ from an interm at the white house.

Bet they would not be saying" oh its just a bj, so what".
They would be saying he has no morals,cheated on his wife,embarrased the country, blah,blah,blah.
Then if Bush started asking what is the definition of "is" is. Or lying under oath
Hell their reaction would be the same as the repubs were to Clinton. But somehow there crying would be relavent.
That is the double standard that makes me sick. Turn a blind eye to all dem screw ups,but nail the repubs.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
The left is like a man that gets caught cheating on his wife....they deny,deny,deny.

Could imagine what their reactions would be if Bush got caught getting a BJ from an interm at the white house.

Bet they would not be saying" oh its just a bj, so what".
They would be saying he has no morals,cheated on his wife,embarrased the country, blah,blah,blah.
Then if Bush started asking what is the definition of "is" is. Or lying under oath
Hell their reaction would be the same as the repubs were to Clinton. But somehow there crying would be relavent.
That is the double standard that makes me sick. Turn a blind eye to all dem screw ups,but nail the repubs.

I'd be proud of him - because he gives every indication of being a frat boy closet faggot. Laura has that pharmeceutical look in her eye, & to quote Tony Montana, " Like she hasn't been f***ed in a loooong time".
People have been saying he has no morals & embarasses the country since he was given the office by the Republican Supreme've just been turning a deaf partisan ear to it.
The double standard that should make you sick is having an accomplished leader pilloried because of being on a diffrent team, when at the same time a New England-blue blood-fake-Texan-AWOL-former-alcholic-junkie-insider trading-crony capitalist-who-was-given-everything-with-zero-work-in-trade is Championed for not pissing on himself in public when he's at the world stage.
Take the surname away from Dim Son and see what he would have *accomplished*.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:29 PM
Don't be so mean!

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Don't be so mean!

Logic won't be abandoned, just the delivery method won't be toned down anymore.
I will knock 'em out & talk disparagingly about their ancestry while they're lying there!

When have I ever suffered fools gladly?

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

Originally posted by Colonel
Don't be so mean!

Logic won't be abandoned, just the delivery method won't be toned down anymore.
I will knock 'em out & talk disparagingly about their ancestry while they're lying there!

When have I ever suffered fools gladly?


posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:08 PM
That no one has called them on this fake sign, that a consensual affair between adults does not make someone a sex offender, that making room in the federal budget to bridge the gap for those who can work themselves out of a hole - but on a level playing field-is not 'socialist'........all these things gone on and on about are the false first-repeat-it-till-true dementia that has them all in it's grasp.
That's why hysterical people get bring them back to focus.

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
The only people that don't like him are sexually repressed republicans who are closet deviants.

You have a funny fixation on sex with republicans in closets....

posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Clinotn is long gone back in the 20th century and you STILL talk about him (because you love his penis). Meanwhile, we have the representative monkey repugnant as president lying to the American people about WMDs and having hundreds of American soldiers die, committing treason by revealing a CIA covert operative, having ties to Osama, bankrupting our nation, causing skyrocketing unemployment...

yet all you can do is talk about Clinton.'

This is why the repugnant animals is just a walking moron.

What a beautiful example of an idiot with no concept of morals. As always, you either run fast and loose with the truth or you just flat-out lie. That is all pieces of garbage leftists like you can do - lie. You wouldn't know the truth if it was loaded up in a dump truck and parked on top of your empty head.

Your obvious lack of moral understanding is obvious. Your excuses for sexual deviancy thinly veils your own moral dilemma while you try and make it sound as if those with a moral anchoring are the ones with problems. How sick can a twisted, demon-controlled mind get?
Your blithering about a bin Laden- Bush-CIA connection has been discredited more times than not, so why don't you update your repitoire?

Need it be reminded to your dim brain that unemployment is shrinking and the economy is on the rebound, no thanks to the democrit crap, past or present? I know that anything past simple math or logic is beyond your primitive mental skills, but the country has been bankrupt for decades. I know, you claim to be an attorney (personally, I think you are too much or a deviant liar even for that field), and that truth has nothing to do with that, but pretend you have the intelligence of a real constitutional lawyer like Ms. Coulter and do some research beyond case-citings (in other words, look at something beyond other peoples' work) and figure out through objective analyzing of the obvious evidence that this nation has been bankrupt and under martial rule for a long, long time. Then you'll understand how stupid you sound in that respect. As far as the moral issue is concerned, I see no hope this side of Divine; you are too blinded by the hatred of anything good and proper.

Don't even speak of the deaths of fine soldiers. As a matter of fact, change your handle - you are a direspect to the title "Colonel". Filth.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 02:11 AM

Here, here!!

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