posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 02:31 PM
great news for sick people. efficiency and ease will make a lot of people happy.
I can see the benefit of making recreational use and possession illegal, though im not entirely for the principal. The major reason i see for this are
the incongruities of the outright ban on arresting recreational users.
For example, a person could smoke weed in school, in restaraunts and clubs and in many other places where cigarette smoking is banned. It caused
somewhat of a hypocritical stance in favor of marijuana smokers that definately did not show any beneficial social stimulation or rationality (duh).
As NEO puts it, ontario was in a state of "chaos," that had many people wondering if it was a joke. how can it be legal to smoke pot in school, but
not cigarettes?
As far as the legalization of cannabis causing world chaos, yeah ok, now that seems probable... (I'm being sarcastic)
*Edit: Ok NEO, maybe not the legalization of weed, but i see what you mean. people will say, well hey, if pot can be legalized, why not legalize ___,
or ___ and things slowly get out of hand. got it*
[Edited on 8-10-2003 by insite]