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Originally posted by KLSyesca
i have been bitching on this issue for years..there are plenty of women out there that are lying to there mates and telling them they are taking there birth controll when they are not
Originally posted by riley
I'd like to know why he's having sex with someone who he has no intention of commiting to. I'm guessing men like these must be just using women for sex as obviously they do not respect or love the woman if the only choices he's going to give her are 'abort or abandon'. Thats just callous.
Originally posted by riley
Some do but once the baby is born it has half his dna so is not more 'her' responsibilty than his [apart from nursing].
oh and I have never heared of a man actually bothering to take the male contraceptive pill either.
The cases you have mentioned are rare occurrences and found in a small minority about 5% of the women. But then again isn’t it her responsibility to say that her medication might not work to the man?
Now that everyone has read the above, if a man is told by a woman that she is on the pill and still chooses to have unprotected sex with her, despite knowing there's still a chance she might fall pregnant.. on what grounds can he claim to be an innocent victim? [Not including male rape victims obviously.]
Originally posted by IAF101
Just as some men leave a woman after they have had a child together!
So should such behaviour be rewarded in women by giving them custody of the child, child care and social service support etc ?
If she find that the baby is half his DNA after the child is born the woman should also be aware of this fact before she decides to ignore her partners wishes and get pregnant !
Because its not out yet and presently the male contraceptive is an injection that he would have to take rather than a pill that women have !
The cases you have mentioned are rare occurrences and found in a small minority about 5% of the women.
But then again isn’t it her responsibility to say that her medication might not work to the man?
There is a chance of getting pregnant no matter what contraception is used unless the woman has a tubectomy or they abstain from sex.
But this is not he point of concern here, the main point is that some women are getting pregnant for purely selfish reasons and thereby throttling their partners by forcing them into a lifelong emotional and financial responsibility.
And this is going unpunished and instead getting rewarded all in the name of the child and woman's rights. This has to be corrected and sooner or latter it will.
Licensing is good way to achieve this, as the responsibly of any particular child would be determined by the state before conception rather than the machinations of the woman.
Originally posted by IAF101
If I'm not mistaken you are refering to me in this statement.
Well my fiancee would definitely be amused by this to say the least !
Just because I advocate greater 'reproductive' responsibility for women doesnt imply that I am some immoral womaniser !! .
Originally posted by dawnstar
yes.......and umm...the birth control pill can and does occasionally backfire, and ummm.....many women are advise not to take it because of health reasons, others are advised to get off it around 30 years of age.
...and are taking to someone who has been in the financial bind that I've been describing would have only taken me $30 to come up with the clothing for my kids to continue on with school, my husband refused to let go of it, I couldn't work at the time, and well, he dropped out of, yes, depending on the circumstances, coming up with the money might be rather difficult..
should the women also have the right, if after being married 20 or so years, and she reaches the magical age of 30 and told that she shouldn't take the pill anymore, well, can she force her husband to get sterilized, since he is the one with the purse strings, and it's cheaper for him, and less invasive a proceedure?
Originally posted by riley
Whatever is in the best interest of the child. If one parent uses a child purely to extort money perhaps the other parent would be a better care giver as they might put the interest of the child ahead of the wallet. Either way someone has to pay for it's upbringing regardless of why it was concieved.
A woman is not obliged to follow the commands of her partner when it comes to her own body.
If he wishes her not to get pregnant he needs to take precautions himself and not have tantrums and cry foul when.. surprise surprise.. sex actually causes pregnancy.
Some women have deprovera. They take this injection to try minumalise their chance of getting pregnant. Whats the difference? Let me guess.. sex should be 'fun' and needles are hurties?
One women in three apparently have abortions. If this is true then contraception isn't as reliable as it's cracked up to be. BTW A fair proportion of abortions are due to coersion from the father [and others]- you earlier said this was how things should work. Do you really believe this?!
These things happen and not every unwanted pregancy is caused by a diabolical plot to ruin a man life.. what about her life? Believe it or not most women want more from life than just having kids.
.. wouldn't it be easier then for men to abstain or use protection themselves instead of treating women as just things to sexually gratify them without consequence?
Do you realise that long term hormonal replacement can cause breast cancer amongst other things? Depression?
There are actual human beings attached to those reproductive [notice that word?] organs-........................Hey I know the answer to that.. must be true love.
In the name of women's rights? Before womens' rights men had to marry a woman if he got her pregnant lest her daddy come after him with a shotgun.
A licence to have sex? Would this apply to men as well?
Originally posted by riley
And I am advocating MALE sexual responsibilty.. you speak as though women don't take any precautions.. and to expect women to abort or give up their babies because a father isn't ready is truly offensive.
Originally posted by IAF101
So you are ready to ignore the fact that the woman employed deception to conceive the child with the sole purpose of extorting money ? Why because she gave birth to the child ?Is it okay for a woman to use her biology to take advantage?
DO you think a child would truly be seperated from its mother ? Not in the USA !
The choice would still be with the woman, every choice with a different consequence. This would ensure greater responsibility.
The man would indeed have a role to play in the womans pregnancy but what I talk about is the event when the woman lies about her use of the pill and thus deceives the man into a false sense of security.
Similarly, if he could deceive her and not use a condom then would she consent to having his child ?
Well, do 10 million women take deprovera ?
For men its not like that, the injection is the only recourse and thus its minimal use due to the apparent inconvenience.
Also the pill makes no noticeable physical change to the act of sex but works internally, not the case in men.
The pill is also just a contraceptive and does not protect from STDs so the level of trust one would need to go in with only the pill is high to begin with.
Well according to studies, the proper use of the contraceptive pill has produced nearly 100% effective.
I think your figures refer to 1 in 3 pregnant women get abortions, other wise the figures would be simply ridiculous!
You can again spin a circular argument that shouldnt the man exercise responsibility too and I would say yes if he agreed to have the child and was not forced on him
I understand that these things happen, thats why there are abortions and with todays technology its only a couple of pills for the first few weeks into pregnancy.
Do you realize that a condom has effectiveness in comparision to the contraceptive pill that women take ? Why cant the woman wear a condom ?
It is important to realize that sex is an improtant part of our society, so responsibility for sex should lie in both sides of the court.
Men are prone to other side effects as well if they were to be subjected to long term hormonal replacement.
And hormonal replacement doesnt cause cancer in itself but rather increases the risk of cancer,
as have many other while at the same time decreases the risk of some cancers too.
No, a licence to have a child. Why would anybody want to licence sex, it in itself is not the root cause but rather a device for through which procreation is possible .
I know this may sound absurd to you but think about it. Is sex really the reason why so many kids live on child support?
I would think that licencing children will not only promote greater number of family units in society but also ensure by law that both parents can and want to have a child together.
Imagine if you will that men could in effect extricate the fecund egg out of the womb during sex and could then in private choose to fertilise these eggs with their Dna, then after a child is born would the woman be willing to pay support for it even though she had no intention of having it in the first place ?
Originally posted by riley
Lies are not illegal.. and there'd would be no way of telling if her lies led to conception ..
The laws in Aus a changing so fathers have equal rights in custody.
"If you choose to have this baby I will not pay a cent in support." Is blackmail.. especially if she is broke.
If man decided he didn't want to wear a condom, despite being asked to.. he probably wouldn't get anywhere with her anyway.
A fair few do. I have known several.. though many have swapped to the implant
Vacectomies take 5 minutes and are easily reversable.
Could you elaborate? The female one has signficant physical side effects. It's the price some are prepared to pay.
It could be used as a back up to condoms. Would woman trust a guy who says "Don't worry babe on the pill." ..he'd be taking it to protect himself from unwanted pregnacy.
Do you know how to use the pill properly? A woman needs only to skip one dose and it is 100% ineffective.
I agree the figures are indeed ridiculous but they are indeed fact.
If it were 'forced' on him it would be rape. Consentual sex is not rape.
Many women are 'pro-life'.. they may not want to have an abortion so technology isn't relevent.
Because they are ugly, impractical and not marketable.
It's about time men in general were more able to take more repoductive responsibilty- this is why things like the male pill have been created.
If he doesn't want kids he will deal with the side effects just as women do.
These are reasons enough for the many of women to avoid using the pill completely and use alternatives.
Which cancers?
The fact is MOST children are not planned but created because their parents are horny.
The only way to license children would be to licence conception.. otherwise you'd have women being rounded up getting forced abortions like they do in china. Sound like an ideal situation to you?
This is not a good example. Men do not 'unknowingly' have consentual sex with women so they cannot claim ignorance to it.
Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
If men took the same attitude toward reproductive rights as women, it'd be legal to for a man to kill the bearer of his unborn child.
There is a chance of getting pregnant no matter what contraception is used unless the woman has a tubectomy or they abstain from sex.
Originally posted by Flyer
Theres a simple solution, if men sign a legal document that they want the woman to have an abortion, they don't have to support the baby if she chooses to go ahead and have the baby.
If they don't sign any document, its a sign that they are happy to have and support the child.
Originally posted by riley
Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
If men took the same attitude toward reproductive rights as women, it'd be legal to for a man to kill the bearer of his unborn child.
Could you explain your post please? It doesn't make any sense..