posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 07:31 AM
Looks GWB will be getting another 4 years. With California in the bag, it's academic at this point.
Or is it? Arnold does not seem to be your typical Republican (which is one fo the reasons I like him a little). We shall see what becomes of Govenor
Schwarzenegger. Will he tow the Republican line?
Will he deliver the state of California to Bush? Based on the numbers he won the governorship I would think it's all his to do right now.
The people of California have spoke. They will NOT tolerate the Liberal tax and spend lunacy that has landed them in the fiscal hole they are in.
In round numbers, 6,600,000 people voted (Govenor's race only) 4,400,000 people voted REPUBLICAN. This IS California(!) and that IS a>2/3 majority, I
call that a MANDATE for change.
The SCANDAL in this is the Democratic War Machine/L.A. Times's attempts to throw the election via slanderous attacks and character assasination.
I hope they have learned that Americans no longer fall for those old tricks. Americans are interested in LEADERSHIP, GOOD MANAGEMENT, and most of all
When you have NOTHING to offer the American people that's what you GET, NOTHING. When you attempt fill YOUR VOID with attacks on on your opponent you
I think next year's Presidential campaign is going to be one of the biggest spectacles we have seen YET.
Will the Dems heed the lesson they were just taught?