The type of attenuation (mental concern) practiced by the upper class is different then the type of attenuation practiced by the lower and middle
classes. This in turn can cause different neurotransmitter/hormonal ratios in a given individual and over generations...will affect the inclinations
of the bodies glands to release in response to certain environmental stimulii.....
So it may actually be true to say that there are "non-humans" walking the Earth.....provided an actual, technical definition of human was decided
upon and "non-human" included a give or take three percent difference in certain physiological inclinations as evidenced through electro chemical
ratios (a difficult ascertation to make, considering we don't really have a way to measure the 'electro' part of the electro-chemical; it is
relevant if you consider the frequency of neuronal firing in response to any given situation can determine the amount of manifested responses, or
potential responses, prior to the actual response)
The above is a posted response to a thread regarding David Icke………a subject in and of itself I find amusing on slow days.
But I have gotten to thinking about his assertion that an evolved reptilian species is walking the earth.
A little background……..I do my own thought process regarding extravagant claims……..I am an adherence to the idea that the best way to present
a lie is to incorporate the truth. So when pondering anything, I attempt to find out what exactly can be truthful within the presentation……and
thus, we arrive here at the purpose of this thread…..
If evolution is to be assumed, and I think that the evidence is there, however disjointed it may be, then we can state that the human organism will
continually react to it’s environment and will pass on the cumulative genetic signature to the offspring. Kind of a basic assertion…….the
genetic information used to comprise a new organism can only be a result of the previous organism’s experience. Physical features, such as color of
hair and eyes, height and bone structure are observable traits that support genetic precedence………but what about mental attributes?
So I thought about it……in today’s economic structure, indeed the concept can actually be applied throughout modern human’s evolution, the type
of concerns and thoughts practiced by those the upper class are going to be different then the concerns and thought processes of the lower
class….obviously. One group will be concerned with how to spend their money; the other will be concerned with where their money is coming next.
The difference is stress. If the lower class is going to spend their time making the money in order to satisfy the real world needs they have
incurred, then their attitude/personality/mood is going to be consistent with their incurred stress. Likewise, if the upper class operates devoid of
this day to day stress; i.e. secure in their day to day routine; then their attitude and/personality/mood will correlate…..
Which brings us to the question of what exactly is stress and how is it represented on a physiological level? What hormones and neurotransmitters are
consistent with these admittedly very general scenarios?
The problem I see is obvious…….there are many variables that comprise the day to day reactions of people from all sides of the spectrum. But the
generalization made would kind of be consistent across the board.
The point is this……….if a human spends most of his time adhering to a specific economic structure, and performs all action to satisfy the given
obligations, then the mind and body will evolve to be more inclined to this regiment. The genetic information/memory will then be passed on with
these inclinations. Without this omnipresent stress, the chemical make-up that eventually comprises the genetic memory will be different……….
I concede that there are different types of stress. Like I said, there are many different variables that affect the attenuation of an
individual….however, the economic pressure incurred by those without money seems to be the
most consistent one…… doesn’t go away
unless active measures are taken to upgrade one’s economic status, which is a difficult endeavor in itself……….
I present this thread in the interest of encountering thoughts and opinions regarding the subject…….What do you think? Can economics influence
the genetic make-up of future individuals? Keep in mind that economic status
does influence the action of a given individual…..
[edit on 8-3-2006 by MemoryShock]
[edit on 8-3-2006 by MemoryShock]