posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:40 PM
The Fluoride Connection
What is fluoride and why is it in our water, food, and toothpaste? Well, in order to
determine the answer I dove into the rabbit hole examining what potential implications this
substance may have, and what benefits it could pose. First, you must realize that the past
predicts the future. Knowing this you may begin to see how society is controlled in every way
from the day their born. Society imprisons murderers because their likely to murder again
right. So why should we trust our government after they purposely did mind control (MKULTRA)
in and on universities, institutions and military personnel. Sept 11 also is highly disputed to this
day being that the three towers that fell, were not only the first in history. They all fell strait
down and what looks like bombs are seen going off.
Anyways to talk of the future that is at our disposal, and not the past, I will begin. During my
research on fluoride, I came across various studies relating fluoride with neurological problems
as well as a variety of others. The public was previously informed that that fluoride ingestion
was the typical way to strengthen teeth, now a variety of new studies suggests topical
exposure. Of the 67% of public fluoridated water 91% use hydrofluosilicic and silicofluoride.
These are derived from phosphate fertilizer industry and are more problematic. The other 9%
uses sodium fluoride.
Some known problems related to fluoride consumption: weakening of bones leading to
increases in hip and wrist fracture. The National Academy of Sciences issued a warning about
fluoride March-23-2006 Stating that the
levels should be lowered. Although they found the overall evidence suggestive but inadequate
for drawing firm conclusions about the risk and safety of exposure, but states that fractures
seem to increase as fluoride is increased from 1mg/L to 4mg/L suggesting a continuous
exposure effect. Fluoride is also commonly found in insecticides, being the main ingredient in
most rat and roach killers. The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists
fluoride as more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic.. It damages
the mind and brain development in children. Yet we market it more towards them, for instance
infant water found at walmart has higher concentrations of fluoride and chlorine. Four
epidemiological studies, noted a correlation between increased fluoride exposure, low IQ and
learning disabilities.
“We found that exposure to fluoride (F) in urine was associated with reduced
Performance, Verbal, and Full IQ scores before and after adjusting for confounders. The same
pattern was observed for models with F in water as the exposure variable.... The individual
effect of F in urine indicated that for each mg increase of F in urine a decrease of 1.7 points in
Full IQ might be expected.”( Rocha-Amador D, et al. (2007). Decreased intelligence in children
and exposure to fluoride and arsenic in drinking water. Cadernos de Saude Publica 23(Suppl
“The IQ of the 60 children in the high-fluoride area was significantly lower than that of the
58 children in the low-fluoride area... More children in the high-fluoride area were in the
retardation or borderline categories of IQ than children in the low fluoride area. An inverse
relationship was also present between IQ and the urinary fluoride level. Exposure of children to
high levels of fluoride may therefore carry the risk of impaired development of intelligence.”(Lu
Y, et al (2000). Effect of high-fluoride water on intelligence of children. Fluoride 33:74-78.)
Fluoride inhibits enzymes and causes collagen breakdown. Fluoride has been known to
raise risk of cancer, genetic damage, nervous system dysfunction and bone diseases in both
humans and animals. Besides contributing to sterility, fluoride attracts to the hypothalamus, a
part of the brain that controls emotions. The Pineal Gland is the target for fluoride where
concentrations average 1000ppm peaking at 21,000ppm, which is more than any other hard
tissue in the body. The Pineal gland is the most cherished gland in spiritual practices throughout
the world. It is commonly referred to as the seat of the soul, or the third eye. The Greeks
believed this gland to be the connector to the realm of thoughts. The Tibetans believed that the
soul was incarnated at 42 days, this is the time that '___' (Dimethyltryptamine) is released from
the pineal gland, also being released at death. Rick Strassman conducted a study at the
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque on 400 patients and all had out of body experiences
and went into other worlds that their mind would be incapable of fabricating showing a direct
link with the pineal gland, '___' and the spiritual realms. related with '___'. Fluoride has been
shown to have a high affinity to aluminum, increasing uptake into the brain, and higher
concentrations of aluminum in plasma. As we all know, aluminum increases the risk of
Alzheimer, which is commonly found in elderly people. Committee Member Thomas Webster
states “It isn’t possible to remove fluoride from the body…” “But if you stop exposure it will
gradually come out of the bone.” Fluoride toothpaste can wear down enamel causing dental
fluorosis. There has been study after study showing no correlation between fluoride and tooth
health, actually, it would appear the opposite to be true. According to scientists at the U.S.
Public Health Service, topical fluoride is ineffective in reducing tooth decay, and damages gum
tissue. Fluoride also causes DNA damage by inhibiting the DNA repair enzyme.
In 1986—1987 the largest study on fluoridation was conducted including 39,000 school
children between 5 and 17 living in 84 areas around the country. One third of the places were
fluoridated, One third was partially fluoridated, and one third was not. Results indicate no
statistically significant differences in dental decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated cities.
(John Yiamouyiannia, Fluoride, 1990, Vol. 23, pp. 55-67)
The National Institute for Dental Research performed a study in 1989 indicating that 12% of
children living in fluoridated areas at 1 ppm develop dental fluorosis that is, permanently
stained, brown mottled teeth.
"[There is] a very low margin of safety involved in fluoridating water. A concentration of
about 1 ppm is several countries, severe fluorosis has been documented
from water supplies containing only 2 or 3 ppm. In the development of drugs...we generally
insist on a therapeutic index (margin of safety) of the order of 100; a therapeutic index of 2 or 3
is totally unacceptable, yet that is what has been proposed for public water supplies..."
(Statement by Dr. James Patrick before Congressional Subcommittee, 8/4/82.)
Science journalist Daniel Grossman "Though many beneficial chemicals are dangerous
when consumed at excessive levels, fluoride is unique because the amount that dentists
recommend to prevent cavities is about the same as the amount that causes dental fluorosis."
D. Grossman, "Fluoride's Revenge," The Progressive, Dec. 1990, pp. 29-31.)
Three studies reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed links
between hip fractures and fluoride.48-50 Findings here were, for instance, that there is "a small
but significant increase in the risk of hip fractures in both men and women exposed to artificial
fluoridation at 1 ppm." (Ibid., p. 746.)
The U.S. National Research Council states that the U.S. hip fracture rate is now the highest
in the world. (U.S. National Research Council, Diet and Health, Washington, D.C., National
Academy Press, 1989, p. 121)
Fluoride is one of industry's major pollutants, and no one remains immune to its effects. In
1989,155,000 tons were being released annually into the air; 60 and 500,000 tons a year were
disposed of in our lakes, rivers, and oceans. (John Yiamouyiannis, Lifesaver's Guide to
(Fluoridation, Delaware, Ohio, Safe Water Foundation, 1983, p. 1.)
An article in Mutation Research shows that a study by Proctor and Gamble, the very
company that makes Crest toothpaste, did research showing that 1 ppm fluoride causes genetic
damage. (Center for Health Action.)
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and The Safe Water Foundation estimate 30,000 to 50,000
excess deaths each year in areas where there is 1 ppm fluoride in the drinking water, the
normal added amount. So one of the benefits could be population control, but then again that’s
on the other side of the looking glass.
Fluoride and other carcinogenic substances can be removed through reverse osmosis and
steam distillation. A home reverse osmosis unit can be purchased for around $350, which will
filter 99% of fluoride out of your water. I have also read that vitamin C helps to purge fluoride
from the soft tissues present in the body.
My conclusion is in agreement with other scientists. Fluoride is a toxic poison and with all
poisons, a variety of negative implications should be expected. There is NO correlation between
healthy teeth and fluoride. There is no legitimate study showing that fluoride helps in tooth
decay. Due to the breakdown of tissues in the body, fluoride causes premature aging. How long
will these things go unseen? There is more information on the toxicity of fluoride than I could
possible discuss in 5 pages, and there are many other things going on out there too... I have
heard there is only one thing worse than a evil man, that is a good man that will stand by and
do nothing.