However what this picture doesn't and can't...sorry i have to go watch the telly, I'll be back with more
sorry I'll go back to where I was
However what
this picture doesn't and can't show is that this is just a mirror of what
is happening inside the whole skeleton.
This is just the visible signs of the durastic changes that hydrotluorosilic acid has on our entire skeleton, and even to our brain and nervous
system, remember this is a
highly toxic, and dangrous chemical. If it can do
this to a
metal pipe, imagine what it can do to your entire body! If consumed by a 30month year old baby just one thing of toothpaste would kill it.
There have been numerous studies that have shown
severe damage done to the brain. Some done in the U.S. some done in Japan and China wich
shows a "significant" decrease in I.Q., an a high (26%!!!!!!!!!!!) increase in retardation, associated with high fluoride levels.
Here is the Chinese study
Actually it looks like a different Chinese study, vame out with the same result using nearly a 500%
increase in the number of test subjects
Here's dr. mullenix's study
And the lies that are used to cover up the conspiracy
How someone in a T.V. studio fell into the conpracy
How I became interested in fluoride
In a TV discussion on fluoride a dentist vehemently defended the application of fluoride tablets to babies for caries prevention, but as soon as the
cameras went off he told me: "Mr. Meiers, in a few years us dentists will ask ´how could we have ever gotten involved in this fluoride
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
The man was paid to lie about the effects of fluoride, but by who?
If you have the patience
here is an interview how dr. Mullenix slowly became aware of the
fluoride conspiracy
Fascinating story you
really should read it.
To sum it up her boss lied to her saying that there was no proof that fluoride got into the brain or effected the nervous system and shut down her
research, when in fact a declassified document showed that he was well aware of the affects, all of wich were negative and severely toubling. This is
all connected to the manhattan project as this is where he worked and gained all of his information about fluoride.
Here's the story behind the Manhattan project.
Also after the manhatten project a group of scientists who became hellbent on unleashing fluoride into the community, Decided to introduce fluoride
into a cummunity called Newburgh, New York. The same scientist who conducted the expirement where "unsuspecting hospital patients were injected with
toxic doses of radioactive plutonium", decided to embark on this!!!! Evil guy to say the least. He secretly ordered blood and tissue samples from the
whole community, showing that he wasn't the least bit concerned about how their teath were comming out he was concerned with how much fluoride is in
their blood and therefore in their brain and in their nervous system.
But I thought fluoride use was good for you aren't there studies that show that is good for you?
There is no proof nor are there any studies. The following is the only so-called evidence ever provided
Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly
ordered to provide "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the U.S.
A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
That news blurb was written by the Christian Science monitor.
And we all know that they were protecting themselves from what they knew was very negative effects of fluoride on people.
Ask yourself this question, if nearly all European countries have made fluoride
illegal then why is it that they have better dental health than
the U.S. and drasticly less fluorosis?
It doesn't add up, it is illegal for godsakes, they wouldn't wish it upon anyone!!! Not even the Americans.
We as a people need to wake up to the shocking reality of what our government is doing to us. The war on knowledge has been fought on all fronts from
undescribebly cruel and maliscious conspirators. We need to fight back with knowledge here and now!!! we need to wage the war and meet our enemies
efforts in the struggle for knowledge and power. Every one who knows must spread the light that cripples, and eventually defeats all ignorance and
Do your own research.
Google fluoride almost everything that you read will be on our front that is from a
critical/negative/conspiratorial perspective, even if it doesn't look that way at first.
During your research, if you decide to embark on the road to the truth, you will come across startling information, some of wich will be even more
disturbing than what I have mentioned to you in this post. Including a well documented communist conspiracy to introduce fluoride in their drinking
water, to make their people more placid, less questioning and more easily controlled.