posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:57 PM
?When will a new aircraft be unveiled?
one scenario might be when the updated 'Shock-&-Awe' is unleashed on the two Axis-of-Evil regimes...
as high-tech & 'other-worldly' scenes play out,
in taking-out all the nuclear facilities & research operations & processing
in both N Korea and the IslamicRepublic of Iran.
the secret crafts have been seen, by both accident and design.
the Phoenix Lights was one instance.
in another thread on ATS, it was posted that;
Colonel Felder, Commander @ USAF Battle Lab, Indian Springs Nevada,
says the U.S. AirForce is also developing an unmanned combat robot as big as the 'Stealth'....and eventually entire fleets of Intelligent
Stealthy UAVs will take to the skies, talk to each other, and coordinate their attacks!...No Pilots Required!
call the crafts Black-Triangles if you wish, they will come in at least 4 different sizes,
12' guard-duty pods, larger fighters, even larger cruisers/destroyers, then the largest which is in the aircraft-carrier class.
And at the onset there will be 3 full, Battle Groups, ready to deploy & engage...w/ 1 held in reserve (est there to be only 100 craft in all)
i sorta expect a few of these craft will be operational in the skies and under the sea. if only to recharge in a safe sanctuary of sorts.
there is no proof or links to be found, this is total speculation, but it does fit well with with bits-&-pieces of sightings and just might explain
some of the cryptic statements made by leadership in various diciplines