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Truth Stranger than Fiction

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posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:36 AM
I always loved a true story especially when it is stranger than fiction. I have only been at this site a short time and have started a few threads. I'm going along trying to explain that which is almost impossible and someone posts a movie clip in my thread, saying, that "I think this is part of what he is trying to say". I watched the film, and he was right.

In part of the film,a man talks about how the real world operates, and he was right. Who is this guy? David Icke, a person that I had wrote off years ago for some reason. I do a little research and find this Icke Matrix video. That's wierd because I have a Matrix thread. I look more and I see he is talking about freedom from religion. My thread is beginning to talk about the same thing. Then he traces blood lines back to the beginning of the story. The story begins in Bablyon with Nimrod and Semiramis he says. That's strange I have another thread that points to Queen Semiramis.

Most Masons will tell you their story started in the 1600's, some the 1300's, and a few will trace it to Egypt with the pyramid's. But Icke correctly traces the beginning to Babylon. I'm thinking, this guy must be a Bibical genius. Truth after truth comes forward. The world is run by a small group of people. Wars are fought for the reasons he claims. The banking system is as he says. The Statue of Liberty is a statue of Semiramis(who is Ishtar and Isis etc.) I do some quick research on Icke and suddenly things become crystal clear.

He correctly traces the origin of everything to Nimrod and Semiramis and yet why doesn't he finish the story? Why does he leave out the most important fact? Nimrod had married his mother and at the death of Nimrod, Semiramis claimed that Nimrod was now the sun god Baal. Baal by the way is Satan. Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Lucifer means "Day Star", which is the sun. This is where the great lie that deceives the world was created.

Icke continues on and claims that Constantine created Christianity. Hardly a true statement. Christianity was created when the Messiah rose from the dead. The Roman Empire tried to kill all Christians, to kill the truth of the risen Messiah. Being unsuccessful, Roman Emperor Constantine a sun worshipper(Satan worshipper) backed the bishops of Rome and created the Catholic Church, giving you Satans brand of Christianity, religion. The first Pope is claimed to be Constantine himself. He changed Gods Sabbath to "SUNday", and that is why churches meet on Sunday instead of Saturday.

Icke also, tells us of goddess worship and the mother son relationship that you can trace to Babylon. He points out that Mary and Jesus is only the story that originated back with Semiramis, and also the virgin birth by the way. Well, certainly the Catholic Church raises Mary even above the Christ himself. Pray to Mary, not Jesus. But who runs the Cathilic Church. This very handfull of people that he is always talking about, starting with Emperor Constantine. The truth is Satan knew God would send his Son born of a virgin by the seed of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Satan created the lie that the world believes. Icke was kind enough to trace the story to Nimrod, now you be smart enough to research and see if Baal worship(Satan) did not come from Nimrod and Semiramis.

Further, claims are made that the 12 Appostles really come from the 12 signs of the Zodiac and 12 Kights of the Round table. No, they come from the 12 tribes of Israel.

The things that Icke claims to be happening are happening. There is a New World Order coming. There will be a One World Government. It's all in the Bible. So when you see it happening, you think that your eyes have been opened. He shows you the Matrix, the lie that deceives the world, and suddenly, you see.

He passes out truth like gumdrops. And you eat them up, your eyes having been opened. You see, they don't care if you see the New World Order coming. What can you really do to stop it. They don't care how much truth you have, as they use it to blind you from the most important thing. Well, Icke was right about the New World Order, so he must be right about the Messiah. No, I'm afraid not. By the way, God will take you just as you are. You don't need to clean up a thing or change a thing to call out to Him with all your heart. He is waiting. He came to save sinners, not the perfect. Read the New Testament.

So you want reptillian bloodlines. Icke is again telling the truth about the reptillian bloodlines. He was kind enough to trace the bloodlines right back to that Serpent himself. You want reptillian bloodlines and he gives them to you. He must just be laughting his head off about the blindness of people.

Icke points to the sun as the sign of the Illuminatti. Again, that would be Satan. There are a lot more signs than that however, and they are all around you. They are everywhere, proclaiming the coming of the Anti Christ. You are blind to these signs, just as you are blind to the lie. I hope to have the opportunity to point some of these things out in the future.

Icke talks alot about all these Satanic rituals that these people participate in. Then he traces the bloodlines back to Satan himself. I would believe him if I was you. It is Satan. The New world Order will give birth to the Anti Christ. What could be more clear? Icke has provided all the research for you, now take the final step and connect the dots. See the truth that they try to hide.

You see, there is only one conspiracy. The Matrix designed to keep you from the real truth of the Messiah. Icke points to the Matrix, so now you think your eyes have been opened. He just uses the information to lead you away from the only true fact that you desperately need. We can trace all the conspiracies to the one true conspiracy. It's time to wake up and seek the real truth. He is waiting, he has already knocked at your door, all you need do is open it.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Well, certainly the Catholic Church raises Mary even above the Christ himself. Pray to Mary, not Jesus.

This simply isn't true. The Catholic Church venerates Mary. They don't pray to her, but through her. She is not raised above Christ himself, but is a path to Him, and hence to God. Imo, it is a different take on the Semiramis story, with the path reversed. But thats just me. I'm not Catholic, I'm catholic, there's a big difference. I have found a lot of personal growth in praying the rosary and meditating on the Mysteries. Again, that is just me. Steps on the path to true enlightenment, not an end in and of itself. Most people, imo, have been so far removed from their own spirituality by the material forces of everyday life that it takes a gradual awakening process to bring that spirituality back out. Throw it all in their faces at once, and you either overwhelm them, or turn them off to the message.

That being said, I find an overwhelming amount of truth in your post above , and I welcome your presence, intellect, and contribution to my consideration of these intrinsic issues.

To me, the vehicle is oil and the medium is opiates. And yes, my life is truly stranger than fiction. Wrote a story about it. Like to read it? Check out the Short Stories forum in Collaborative Fiction.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
Nimrod had married his mother and at the death of Nimrod, Semiramis claimed that Nimrod was now the sun god Baal. Baal by the way is Satan. Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Lucifer means "Day Star", which is the sun. This is where the great lie that deceives the world was created.

Icke continues on and claims that Constantine created Christianity. Hardly a true statement. Christianity was created when the Messiah rose from the dead. The Roman Empire tried to kill all Christians, to kill the truth of the risen Messiah. Being unsuccessful, Roman Emperor Constantine a sun worshipper(Satan worshipper) backed the bishops of Rome and created the Catholic Church, giving you Satans brand of Christianity, religion. The first Pope is claimed to be Constantine himself. He changed Gods Sabbath to "SUNday", and that is why churches meet on Sunday instead of Saturday.

When they were doing this why didn't they change the Bible? It seems that if they were attempting to make there own 'religion' then they would alter the Bible in order to control people more easily. Therefore, it is safe to assume the Bible was man-made and is not the word of God.

Icke was kind enough to trace the story to Nimrod, now you be smart enough to research and see if Baal worship(Satan) did not come from Nimrod and Semiramis.

How can we know? Its not as if I just pop down the library and check births, deaths and marriages? To know what happened you'd have to be there. The whole reason that religion has been ran out of society is because it is unverifiable. Fair enough, there COULD be a God... but it is a private belief.

Well, Icke was right about the New World Order, so he must be right about the Messiah. No, I'm afraid not. By the way, God will take you just as you are. You don't need to clean up a thing or change a thing to call out to Him with all your heart. He is waiting. He came to save sinners, not the perfect. Read the New Testament.

So he'll save us all anyways... the point of anything being??? If God is sitting there, why doesn't he stop the Illuminati/ masons/ satan/ tsunami /famine /darfur dilemma /iran /iraq... do you want me to go on?

So you want reptillian bloodlines. Icke is again telling the truth about the reptillian bloodlines. He was kind enough to trace the bloodlines right back to that Serpent himself. You want reptillian bloodlines and he gives them to you. He must just be laughting his head off about the blindness of people.

And this means, to me, that Icke has lied about the serpents, so why hasn't he just created everything else. Man wants unobtained knowledge, you invent it and people believe you... so i guess your laughing now.

What could be more clear? Icke has provided all the research for you, now take the final step and connect the dots. See the truth that they try to hide.

Let me give you some dots to connect Sunmatrix...

There was a man called Jesus. Whoever, whenever, whatever, I'm going of the bible, and there was a man called Jesus. He tells us to forget the 10 commandments and only follow the golden rules, Love God and love thy neighbour.
Another, less supported idea to hold onto is that we were made in the image of God.
Well I think Jesus is saying WE (man/men) are Gods. Love yourself and love your neighbour. Without loving yourself you cannot give or recieve this brotherly love. There is no God, Jesus was some hippy, and this was his message. Everything beyond this is alot more tenuous than my idea.

You see, there is only one conspiracy. The Matrix designed to keep you from the real truth of the Messiah. Icke points to the Matrix, so now you think your eyes have been opened. He just uses the information to lead you away from the only true fact that you desperately need. We can trace all the conspiracies to the one true conspiracy. It's time to wake up and seek the real truth. He is waiting, he has already knocked at your door, all you need do is open it.

Again... if he is waiting there for me, might as well destroy everything and then ask for forgiveness, it wouldn't matter. Religions, and sorry, Christianity is a religion, are fallicious from the start.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 03:25 PM
Perhaps it is more like: A God of peace and love does not prevent suffering, but uses it to bring salvation. Humans are stubborn, prideful entities, and it takes a certain amount of convincing, so to speak, more or less based on the individual. We are all sinners, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it offers the opportunity of recognition and repentance.

Just today I listened to the Pastor at my son's private Christian school tell the assembled students at chapel that there is an actual place called Hell and a person will go there for all eternity if they don't follow the will of God. That is, stop sinning, and never sin again.

What I'd like to know is, if the will of God is unknowable, how in the heck are we supposed to follow it? Don't Catch-22 me here. Maybe, God lets you know when you sin by punishing you in some way, and you figure out what you did wrong and don't do it again. How else are we supposed to learn? I believe the Bible contains the word of God, rewritten and/or altered but still there, and if you ask the Holy Spirit in concerted, meditative prayer to open the eyes of your heart in understanding, there is considerable information available about how to avoid sinning there.

I do believe we are all meant to be saved, and that we do have a choice in the matter. If one chooses to engage in occult activities and summon participation and manipulation from lesser spirits, one may, in fact most likely will, indeed become ensnared and be faced with an eternity of darkness and misery.

Again, the Good News is, its never too late to change your mind. The consequence is, you may end up doing a lot of suffering, more or less based on the individual, to loose yourself from the snares you get caught up in in the process.

Sound like fun? We all try it, imo, sooner or later, one way or another, with varying degrees of success.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Just today I listened to the Pastor at my son's private Christian school tell the assembled students at chapel that there is an actual place called Hell and a person will go there for all eternity if they don't follow the will of God. That is, stop sinning, and never sin again.

What was the students response? I sang for a Cathedral Choir and listened to this religious talk every week. Hell is man-made, in all its forms. Its not real, you can't go on holiday there.

Accepting this type of information as revealed as the word of God is weak to say the least. We are trying to deny ignorance and here you tell us that we should all accept we're going to go to hell because I don't agree with some book.

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
What I'd like to know is, if the will of God is unknowable, how in the heck are we supposed to follow it? Don't Catch-22 me here. Maybe, God lets you know when you sin by punishing you in some way, and you figure out what you did wrong and don't do it again. How else are we supposed to learn? I believe the Bible contains the word of God, rewritten and/or altered but still there, and if you ask the Holy Spirit in concerted, meditative prayer to open the eyes of your heart in understanding, there is considerable information available about how to avoid sinning there.

Evoloutionary theory and the concept of the survival of the fittest show how punishment is natural.

Recent research explains how monkeys do altruistic acts. Humans are hardwired to do the same, protect the species. This is covered in the Matrix if you view the religious elements as concepts the Brothers used to make it a more impressive movie.

So yes, we learn through failure, it's not winning but getting up that counts.

But 'God' isn't going to punish me because I deny the ignorance that is religion.

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
I do believe we are all meant to be saved, and that we do have a choice in the matter. If one chooses to engage in occult activities and summon participation and manipulation from lesser spirits, one may, in fact most likely will, indeed become ensnared and be faced with an eternity of darkness and misery.

Once again, a religious reduction of natural events. If a normal person hangs out with a bunch of thugs, then yes, it's goning to wear off on him.

Look at the magnificence of the internet. All the information available, commerce taking place, people communicating. It isn't divine, it's just us.

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Sound like fun? We all try it, imo, sooner or later, one way or another, with varying degrees of success.

So what ever arguments people raise you'll be able to adapt God to fit the requirements. Yes, people grow up, but that doesn't require being 'reborn'.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:07 PM

We are trying to deny ignorance and here you tell us that we should all accept we're going to go to hell because I don't agree with some book.

No, that is what the Pastor was telling the kids gathered at assembly. Kids are very literal, and I view this as simply a starting place for them to consider the outcome of amoral or immoral behavior. It is up to the parents to 'flesh out', so to speak, the child's understanding of these issues.

Evoloutionary theory and the concept of the survival of the fittest show how punishment is natural.

Yes, but Social Darwinism doesn't necessarily impart a duty to the individual toward his fellow man. The altruism of monkeys aside, this is a learned social behavior, not instinctive, and not aligned with the concept of 'survival of the fittest', unless you are now trying to apply it to social groupings, as well as individuals.

But 'God' isn't going to punish me because I deny the ignorance that is religion.

I believe religion is the study of God, just as science is the study of Nature. Both religion and science are ignorant to some extent, and that is what fuels their growth, the desire for true knowledge of the subject matter. I don't think God will punish you for the desire to deny ignorance. What you get out of the effort is largely determined by how you go about it, not just what your motivations are. 'The road to disenchantment is paved with good intentions', as my old man used to say.

Imo, morality is a combination of desire and effort. What we want, and how we go about getting it. And, in the immortal words of Dr. Spock, "There are times when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

It isn't up to me to tell you what the effort requires, it is up to you to find out along the way, and to give your best effort, not just for yourself, but for others as well, as you see fit.

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