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You will definatly wana watch this video (exclusive) BS or otherwise!

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:47 PM
Revelations of a mother godess.

I posted it in secret societys and a guy said 'shouldnt this go here now?'

May aswel seeing as its Davids interview. I just thought if i post here it will only attract icke fans, non icke fans may not bother? i want everyone to see it.

this is the intro .. its over 2 hour long.

Interview with Arizona Wilder, subjected to trauma-based and ELF mind control by Joseph Mengele to perform sacrificial and blood drinking rituals for the shapeshifting Illuminati alien reptilians that rule the world.
Also mentioning Laurence Gardner and Zacharia Sitchin in an expected way. Also explains in detail why the death of Lady Diana was a meticulously planned ritual murder. 45

((she says zecchariah sitchin is a reptile aswel and was also at rituals, she didnt know him or what he does.. but he was there and he seems to get mad and wana silence people who are not putting out the info he wants put out)

Thats something to think about, as anybody who has sumerian info and all that has a slightly different one, and its winding me up. I have 1 old source for annunaki info that isnt doin the rounds on ATS anymore.. i think im going to have to revive it.. seeing as i have a massive fat book from the guy.

So we can truly see whos more believable! id say the millionaire guy sitting in jail who cant buy his way out has probably more facts? just my logic. lol

[edit on 8-3-2006 by syberkat]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:57 PM
I tossed it into my favorites so I can find it later, but watching a three hour video is a bit much on a week night. I have a three day weekend coming up so maybe I can fit it in then. Thanks for the link though, now maybe i can figure out just who David Icke is.


posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:03 PM
Yup, scary stuff, even though serious attempts have been made to debunk her... Still, she is very believable... Would love to hear David´s current opinions and if he´s still in touch with her or has any updates.

I believe that David´s beliefs on the Reptilian agenda where largely based on Arizona´s testimonial, but I can be mistaken....

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:11 PM
True it is long, she has 2 hours and the intro is david in london pointin out all the banking buildings etc.. im off to google this lady now and try find something outside of icke.

By the way, you should download onto your hard drives cause if the links go dead i cant be sending it out
too long..

I duno if you know how to do it, i select PSP from the download bit and it saves to my hard drive as an mp4. If you try downloading as windows it just plays in the webpage... i think.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by syberkat]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:28 PM
Off topic: mp4: I was wondering about that, can you play mp4 with a regular player?

It seems Google has changed their video pages (again). Ah well, it is still beta. You cannot dowmload regular windows anymore unfortunatly.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:47 PM
Yeah you can use regular player if you download extra codecs for the mp4 format in watever player u got, if it accepts more codecs. But i found it easier to get a new player. Im using nero media player, not cause i like it but its my burning software so its all built in.

At first i was downloading them, then converting (trying) them to avi or mpg,, but ul never find a totally free app to convert the whole thing.. and if you do, point me to it

[edit on 7-3-2006 by syberkat]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:42 PM
The link above didn't work but eventually I found it on the URL below:

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 11:26 PM
One thing I would sy about "revelations of a mother goddess" is it helps to watch the video prior to commenting on it. She is a complex character

Two days ago I tried to get some idea of whats she's doing now (still speaking, out of sight?) and I havnt turned up anything apart from an endless cycle of material generated from "the biggest secret and peoples opinions of it

If anyone can offer up info, id appreciate it

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by LuckyLouie99
The link above didn't work but eventually I found it on the URL below:

Oh damn, could have swore i checked that
thanks !

I have now fixed the origional link at the top..

[edit on 8-3-2006 by syberkat]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by John White
One thing I would sy about "revelations of a mother goddess" is it helps to watch the video prior to commenting on it. She is a complex character

Two days ago I tried to get some idea of whats she's doing now (still speaking, out of sight?) and I havnt turned up anything apart from an endless cycle of material generated from "the biggest secret and peoples opinions of it

If anyone can offer up info, id appreciate it

Thanks yeah i went back and altered that too, i called it tales.. not revelations

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 02:46 AM
A couple of points.
Arizona Wilder mentions Zecharia Sitchin as being a disinformer. I haven't read much about him... Does anyone want to comment?
Next, Arizona's tales seems to relate a lot with Cathy O'Brien's experience (MK Ultra). Has O'Brien ever mentioned anything related to reptilians and/or shape shifters?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by LuckyLouie99
Arizona Wilder mentions Zecharia Sitchin as being a disinformer. I haven't read much about him... Does anyone want to comment?

You should be able to find a wealth of posts about Sitchin if you search the forum.... Views are varied, but there is a lot of support for debunking his books, most of which is collated here:

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:08 AM
yeah! I watched that video. I am interested, what do you think about her? I have met many schizos...and she is certainly not schizofrenic from my point of view. Wouldn't you be shocked if that happened to you??? Plus this all makes sense, I mean the druidic holidays and Bohemian Grove...reptilians...sacrifice that dates all the way back to babylonia times. Also Egyptain they used to sacrifice babies! BABIES*** key word there. To a crocodile* GOD. Anyways...I believe her...I believe that they do shapeshift. Dag nabbit, all we need to do is find Tony Blair or one of them lizards and FORCE them to shift.

We can do that! it is simple. Just hire somone for the job. Because where do you think all of those children go? Certainly the creeps don't burry them in the woods, or leave them in cellars..over 200,000 children go missing every year.,

Also take a look around you on and on TV. What do you see? I see all of these wiccan and druidic cartoon shows..And you know what? THOSE I just realized are to MIND CONTROL young children to participate in those kind of cermemony*ish acts.

I seriously believe in the existance of reptilians, I have heard of so many reports and sightings. Arizona Wilder..I feel so bad for her. A lot of people probably think she is crazy...

Also, even though this is mythology there are DRAGONS in every single country. Every single continent. All over the place. London-dragons... CHina--dragons.. Mayans- Dragons..and the list goes on...Hey what about nesse? The water serpent...

Anyways I also believe in the 4th demension. If I didn't see a ghost, then maybe I wouldn't believe in the 4th demension. All I can say is that there is a lot of evidence pointing to the existance of reptiles but you have to look for it..

All those people that Arizona said that shifted...if you look at their pictures. Look at thier eyes. Do you see care? Love? happiness? Only in the eyes. No...they are emotionless...careless eyes. Cold eyes... look at that queen, look at her, and look at the eyes. They face can smile and laugh...but the eyes will always stay the same. They all have the same characteristics these people...

1.) Cold and emotionless eyes

2.) thin lips

3.) big ears

4.) picks their nose

5.) umm..Prince charles has a fascination with Tampons??? lol...well I dunno

I really want to know what you think. I have had a horrible reptilian experience I believe was related to Sleep Paraylsis. But at the time when this happened, I have never heard of reptilians or David Icke. Isn't that wierd? yet years later when I come across him for the first time, and see drawings of this thing, I am in Awe...exactly the same creature I saw...exactly* Just tell me that...that isn't normal...

Ah well, geez this is long, but you know. Get back to me! I'm eager to hear what you think

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:32 AM
Hey whitelight .The crocodile God you refer to above is known as Sobek. I think it's spelt like that but not sure, I'm fascinated with Egyptian & Greek Gods so I thought I'd just do my bit there. Speak to u later

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:59 AM
Hey, I just want to share some more knowledge I have of Sobek, obviously I had to research some of it cuz there are over 100 gods but some of this info may be linked to some of the stuff you guys are talking about.

So here we go: Sobek, the son of Neith (goddess of war-revered as gdess of wisdom) is the God of Crocodiles, Power, protection & fertility.
He is believed by some to be the creator of the world when he came out of "dark water" (dont know what that means).
The egyptians worshipped him in order to appease him, the crocodiles & to ensure the fertility of their people & crops. He is considered as the God who controlled waters.
I'll stop there cus I dont have much more & I bet it's starting to bore you but some of the words made me think of modern day stuff going on:

Mother goddess of war & wisdom: (maybe he's p****d at us for having wars so he's flooding the world )

protection: maybe he controls the protection of certain things, THE WORLD?

controls waters: as said before, It might not just be global warming melting the caps
Well, thats just a bit of info I had to share seems it's one of my hobbies so I'll leave the rest up to you to decide wether Sobek has a part to play in this....

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:04 AM
I dind't watch the whole thing because I'm at work right now, but I flipped through it. If someone can give me a quick summery. Does she mention any proof that I may have skipped over? All I see is a woman saying exactly what David Icke is saying, and I know that midwestern housewives have a tendancy to seek attention, and need psychiatric help (she mentioned a group of psychiatrists who's goal was total mind control).

My basic question is, how do we know she's not just an Icke fan trying to get worldwide attention?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Also take a look around you on and on TV. What do you see? I see all of these wiccan and druidic cartoon shows..

Like what?..... You could just as easily draw Christian parallels.

Action cartoons and adventure stories often follow these archetype story arches and character traits - How many heroes/lead characters are there that are orphans or have miraculous births/conceptions..... Harry Potter for example, Superman is another one..... Are these Christian stories or Satanic ones?

I suppose the Ninja Turtles are conditioning us too - Maybe the Reptiles, like the amphibian turtles are really ruled by a Grand Master Rat?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:18 AM
Maybe shredder wasnt the bad guy after all.

Isn't it sad, I still know their names

[edit on 8-3-2006 by firmbeliever]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 11:05 AM
I suspect there may be a mathematical formula that deals with conspiracy size and the likelihood that it can be kept a secret on an individual level. Like word-of-mouth movie reviews. I can generally tell if a movie is okay or lousy because if it's good, it doesn't take long for the word-of-mouth to reach me. If it's bad, I don't hear anything. That's why I'm not rushing out to see Steve Martin in the new Pink Panther movie.

Alien abductions and reptilian activity is another thing. At a certain point, the level of the activity (if it exists) must reach a point at which I, personally, experience it or it has some kind of direct affect on my life. But it hasn't so far. So with no direct proof, and mountains of questionable hearsay, all I can do is conclude that a lot of people are getting their little crazy engines revving up over nothing, or the "real" activity is actually very, very small and getting blown way too out of proportion. And at that level, it's really not affecting my life to any degree, so, being the selfish, egocentric person I am, I don't give a damn.

Isn't it sad, I still know their names.

Donatello, Michaelangelo, uh... Pollock and Worhol.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by syberkat
Revelations of a mother godess.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by syberkat]

Thanks for starting this thread - I had seen some of this interview years ago but it was good to watch the whole video.

Arizona Wilder sounds very credible in the interview but of course there is no concrete proof what she says is true (ie photos or witness's) , you either believe what she says or you dont ! - shes not doing this for the money as David Icke is struggling to make ends meet as it is, and I dont think she had written any book on the subject which she was trying to promote. If you look on the internet practically everything about her is tied in to the interview with David Icke.

By naming names she's taking quite a risk for her own life and on that basis I tend to believe what she says is true (or she believes its true) - I havent heard anything about her for years now. Does anyone know what she is doing these days?.

There are similarities to the Cathy O'Brien book Transformation of America which makes interesting reading and is probably more shoking than what Arizona has said.

Anyway I was glad to watch the whole interview.

[edit on 8/3/06 by Jamesmichael]

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