yeah! I watched that video. I am interested, what do you think about her? I have met many schizos...and she is certainly not schizofrenic from my
point of view. Wouldn't you be shocked if that happened to you??? Plus this all makes sense, I mean the druidic holidays and Bohemian
Grove...reptilians...sacrifice that dates all the way back to babylonia times. Also Egyptain they used to sacrifice babies! BABIES*** key word there.
To a crocodile* GOD. Anyways...I believe her...I believe that they do shapeshift. Dag nabbit, all we need to do is find Tony Blair or one of them
lizards and FORCE them to shift.
We can do that! it is simple. Just hire somone for the job. Because where do you think all of those children go? Certainly the creeps don't burry
them in the woods, or leave them in cellars..over 200,000 children go missing every year.,
Also take a look around you on and on TV. What do you see? I see all of these wiccan and druidic cartoon shows..And you know what? THOSE I just
realized are to MIND CONTROL young children to participate in those kind of cermemony*ish acts.
I seriously believe in the existance of reptilians, I have heard of so many reports and sightings. Arizona Wilder..I feel so bad for her. A lot of
people probably think she is crazy...
Also, even though this is mythology there are DRAGONS in every single country. Every single continent. All over the place. London-dragons...
CHina--dragons.. Mayans- Dragons..and the list goes on...Hey what about nesse? The water serpent...
Anyways I also believe in the 4th demension. If I didn't see a ghost, then maybe I wouldn't believe in the 4th demension. All I can say is that
there is a lot of evidence pointing to the existance of reptiles but you have to look for it..
All those people that Arizona said that shifted...if you look at their pictures. Look at thier eyes. Do you see care? Love? happiness? Only in the
eyes. No...they are emotionless...careless eyes. Cold eyes... look at that queen, look at her, and look at the eyes. They face can smile and
laugh...but the eyes will always stay the same. They all have the same characteristics these people...
1.) Cold and emotionless eyes
2.) thin lips
3.) big ears
4.) picks their nose
5.) umm..Prince charles has a fascination with Tampons??? lol...well I dunno
I really want to know what you think. I have had a horrible reptilian experience I believe was related to Sleep Paraylsis. But at the time when this
happened, I have never heard of reptilians or David Icke. Isn't that wierd? yet years later when I come across him for the first time, and see
drawings of this thing, I am in Awe...exactly the same creature I saw...exactly* Just tell me that...that isn't normal...
Ah well, geez this is long, but you know. Get back to me! I'm eager to hear what you think