posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 03:25 PM
Sorry, Hillary cant run for president, because she already was president for 8 years.
I just went over this with Colonel in another thread. Democrats need to pull thier happy heads out of thier happy asses and get back in touch with
reality. They have completely lost touch with the people, otherwise, they would start offering up some candidates that have a chance of getting
To show how high on drugs the democrats are, this is a good one. If they had any clue, they would know it will be a cold day in hell before America
elects a woman as president. Whether you think its right or wrong is not the issue, the fact is, this is the nature of our society, our culture, its a
very he man male dominated one, one that will always be like that. Women will not get elected as Presaident, period. Dont they remeber the 84
elections? Thats one of the biggest reasons Mondale choked, because he had a woman as vice president.
If Democrats continue this fatal stupidity, they may as well hand the country over to the republicans.