posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 02:14 PM
Originally posted by the news paper man
As the universe was a ball of condensed gas with a lot of preasure.
Calling all of the matter and energy currently extant in the universe compressed down to a size smaller than a Planck length "a ball of condensed gas
with a lot of preasure..." has got to be the understatement of the millenium.
Two electrons slide agianst each other, which created the first light (like neon lights).
Electrons are not thought to have existed prior the big bang... discrete atomic particles are not thought to have appeared until after the BB.
Light isn't created by electrons 'sliding against each other.' Light is generated when an electron absorbs a specific amount (quanta) of energy and
jumps to the next highest orbital. As the electron relaxes back down to its ground state light is released.
Neon lights refer to this process happening in a specific medium.
Since there was no way for that light to move due to all of the preasure so I stayed still it exploded and created the big boom.
Light can't move in your theory, but electrons can?
Electrons have a mass... photons... at least to my knowledge have zero resting mass, which probably just means an immeasurable resting mass, but if
you can measure the mass of the electron, and not the photon, doesn't that suggest that the photon is smaller mass wise than the electron? Why can
electrons move, but smaller photons cannot?
Know we go back into reality if I can capture this light I might be responsible for killing everything in the universe. Other then the fact we cant
use light to travel light speed it will take a longer time period to travel this fast.