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the perfect way to reduce the population

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:10 AM
The government is spreading these diseases and killing the ones who can cure them.

I do believe this is the way to reduce the population of the US and the world and it is happening right before our eye's.

see more here

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:20 AM
I believe you hit that one bang on the dot.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:42 AM
It's interesting; but the website you linked to has some credibility issues. For instance, they claim (as do a HUGE number of other web sites) that GWB said: "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,"Bush screamed back. It's just a god-d'd piece of paper!"

I have found NO EVIDENCE from legitimate web sites that GWB said this. By legitimate, I mean at the very least, ANY of the mainstream news sources. It seems to me that if he said that it would have been all over the news.

So please link to other websites that support your original post. I'm not saying that all those "microbiologists" haven't died; I just can't believe your one sole source.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:53 AM

there are thousands of other sites that say this .But they all say the same thing Who and Why are these people being killed , i think it is obvious..

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 11:01 AM

Jose Trias
May 19, 1994

Dr. Tsunao Saitoh
May 7, 1996

#3-7 Microbiologists Plane crash October 4, 2001
#8 Jeffrey Paris Wall 41 Murdered? November 6, 2001
#9 Dr.Vladimir Pasechnik 64 Stroke November 21, 2001
#10-12 Dr.Yaakov Matzner, Amiramp Eldor, & Avishai Berkman
54, 59,50 Plane crash November 24, 2001
#13 Roman Kuzmin 24 Struck by a car December 2001
#14 Dr. Benito Que 52 Mugging December 6, 2001
#15 Dr. David Schwartz 57 Murdered December 10, 2001
#16 Set Van Nguyen 44 Found in airlock chamber December 14, 2001
#17 Don C. Wiley 57 Body found by river December 20,2001
#18 Ivan Glebov Bandit attack January 2002
#19 Alexi Brushlinski Killed/murdered? January 2002
#20 Victor Korshunov 56 Murdered February 9, 2002
#21 Dr. Ian Langford 40 Murdered February 11, 2002
#22-23 Tanya Holzmayer & Guyang "Mathew" Huang 46, 38 Murder then suicide February 28, 2002
#24 David Wynn-Williams 55 Struck by vehicle March 24, 2002
#25 Dr. Steven Mostow 63 Plane crash March 25, 2002
#26 Dr. Leland Rickman 47 Unknown June 24, 2003
#27 Dr. David Kelly 59 Suicide?/ Murder July 18, 2003
#28 Michael Perich 46 Car wreck October 11, 2003
#29 Robert Leslie Burghoff 45 Hit and run November 20, 2003
#30 Dr Robert E. Shope 74 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis January 19, 2004
#31 Michael Patrick Kiley 62 Heart failure January 24, 2004
#32 Vadake Srinivasan 78 Stroke/Car wreck March 13, 2004
#33 William T. McGuire 39 Murdered May 5, 2004
#34 Dr. Eugene F. Mallove 56 Murdered May 16, 2004
#35 Antonina Presnyakova 46 Accidental/Ebola May 19, 2004
#36 Thomas gold 84 Heart disease June 23, 2004
#37 Dr. Assefa Tulu 45 Hemorrhagic stroke June 24, 2004
#38 Dr. John Mullen 67 Acute arsenic intoxication June 29, 2004
#39 Dr Paul Norman 52 Plane crash July 2, 2004
#40 Dr. John Badwey 54 Pneumonia like symptoms July 21, 2004
#41 Dr Bassem al-Mudare Murdered July 21, 2004
#42 Professor John Clark 52 Hanging August 12, 2004
#43 Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani 40 Murdered September 5, 2004
#44 Matthew Allison 32 Car exploded October 13, 2004
#45 John R. La Montagne, Ph.D 61 Sudden pulmonary embolism November 2, 2004
#46 Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher Murdered December 21, 2004
#47-48 Tom Throne & Beth Williams 63, 53 Car wreck December 29, 2004
#49 Jeong H. Im 72 Murdered January 7, 2005
#50 Geetha Angara 43 Murdered/Drowned February 8, 2005


posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
It's interesting; but the website you linked to has some credibility issues. For instance, they claim (as do a HUGE number of other web sites) that GWB said: "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,"Bush screamed back. It's just a god-d'd piece of paper!"

I have found NO EVIDENCE from legitimate web sites that GWB said this. By legitimate, I mean at the very least, ANY of the mainstream news sources. It seems to me that if he said that it would have been all over the news.

So please link to other websites that support your original post. I'm not saying that all those "microbiologists" haven't died; I just can't believe your one sole source.

I find it interesting that you consider mainstream media to be even a little credible. There are so many things they haven't reported that it's not funny.
For example they didn't report:

-that the 2000 presidential election was fraudulent;
-that it is unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to name the president;
-that the 2004 presidential election was fraudulent;
-that Bush has started drinking again
-and too many other things to mention
-and let us not forget that it was the MSM that told us Iraq had WMD's.

MSM are proven liars, at least by omission.


posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by airtrax007

Jose Trias
May 19, 1994

Dr. Tsunao Saitoh
May 7, 1996

#3-7 Microbiologists Plane crash October 4, 2001
#50 Geetha Angara 43 Murdered/Drowned February 8, 2005


Bravo! You gathered all that youself. I know the people here don't just buy into any conspiracy theory without doing the footwork themselves. I assume you tracked these people yourself to make sure they actually did exist and that they really died. Then you made sure to follow up and see if their deaths really were questionable and that they really were the top of their fields or even worked in the field. Then crosschecked these deaths in this field against others that are comparable in size and risk like virology to make sure this is actually an unusual amount of deaths. Then you made sure to wipe away any prejudices you may have to come up with a rock solid theory backed with real evidence as to who is behind this. Let's get to work bringing these evil doers to justice! Good work.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:36 PM
I wonder if this is far beyond the average of doctors who meet with foul play. Maybe this is just the normal percentage.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:42 PM
Do you disagree that the world needs population control? As bad as it sounds I think we would be worse off without some form. I'm not pushing it but the gov't has plans for such things and always has. Gov't is a business and will cut the fat when needed.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by I See You
Do you disagree that the world needs population control? As bad as it sounds I think we would be worse off without some form. I'm not pushing it but the gov't has plans for such things and always has. Gov't is a business and will cut the fat when needed.

Americans waste 96 billion pounds of food each year. Are you saying that it makes more sense to kill off the population rather than feed them with this?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:16 AM
No I'm not saying that but thats what is being done isn't it? When is it that people stop pretending to care and worrying what others will think about them? What do you suggest as a means of helping the whole world?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:00 AM
I find the death toll disturbing. Can all of this really be coincedinks? It's probebly all to do with money. If someone found a cure for HIV, and it was incredibly cheap, the pharmaseutical companies wouldn't back it cause they'd lose out on money.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:17 AM
You know, every so often someone comes along and posts about that "list," but has anyone actually ever posted anything about the people? Say, backgrounds or obituaries or anything about how they've died? Not that I've ever seen.

Also, the fact that the list is in no order makes me question its credibility. Why not put it in chronological order, or at least something?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:23 AM
Check out this site, it even has a few sources:


posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by airtrax007
The government is spreading these diseases and killing the ones who can cure them.

I do believe this is the way to reduce the population of the US and the world and it is happening right before our eye's.

Here's an original, not so original thought. Maybe the govt.s are developing virus's as a deterent to alien invasions ala War of the Worlds? We keep infecting the planet to keep them at bay until we're ready to fight. It's not like the bird flu and SARs has actually killed that many people but would probably wipe out an entire race of invading aliens. As the invaders develope vaccines, we unleash new virus's. Maybe we'll be seeing news snippets this summer of yet another new super flu on the vurge of potentially wiping out half the human race.

Just a thought since we're throwing out any insane unsubstantiated theory that comes to mind. Actually, mine makes more sense than the original posters. There's a motive, as outlandish as it may seem.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:30 PM
So you think some invading aliens would be smart enough to travel possibly millions of light years, hatch a plan to take over the planet, but somehow their medical science is lagging a litte behind ours?

A little ridiculous I think.


posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 10:52 PM
We've researched the "list" before here on ATS (I'm too much in a hurry to google it right now), but it's full of wrong reports and bad info.

Rasobasi, in fact, the number of scientists meeting with this kind of is NOT unusually high (and good on you for spotting it.) In 1984, I had a paper published on the deaths of doctors (MDs) and of thousands of deaths each year, there were always several suicides (including some that had been worded to make the suicide verdict less obvious to the reader (we did some deep research, here)) and a number of drug overdoses (suspicious circumstances) and several accidents (one ran his car into a retaining wall (or the brakes failed) and the wall fell onto him.)

If the world fell into an ideological war and all but a thousand scientists had been slaughtered, then the list would be highly significant. But there are millions (literally) of PhDs working in all sorts of extraordinary subjects (including fuel technology and chemical technology) and there's no unusual number of deaths.

DISCLAIMER: There is, however, something going on in Iraq -- an unusual number of assassinations of MDs and PhDs. This has occurred within the past 3years only.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by I See You
Do you disagree that the world needs population control? As bad as it sounds I think we would be worse off without some form. I'm not pushing it but the gov't has plans for such things and always has. Gov't is a business and will cut the fat when needed.

Look, gov't grandeur was what resulted in the explosion of earth population in the first place (much of today's 3rd world once was occupied by western nations, remember?), i guarantee you that using violent means will backfire in ways you or i cannot even imagine yet.

Keep history in mind people, blatant disregard of and indifference towards life in general and human life in particular will breed fear and hate, along with determination. Communism was bad enough, the next wave of change will more likely than not skip the salvation part and talk shop from the start - all without effective opposition by societies who've been disempowered by the line of thinking you've just displayed and the use of power politics against the own people. Don't let this reach its logical conclusion if you can help it folks.

PS: for the record, the people are souvereign NOT the govt's. population density is a problem, and anyone who's breeding people like cattle for political means ('demographic warfare') needs to be sanctioned HARD, and isolated, but do not use violence, it's a) not necessary and b) works both ways.

sorry for OT

Circumstance of Death: Found drowned in 45cm. (18in) of water, not far from the site of David Greenhalgh’s death fall. Warren died exactly one week after the death of Stuart Gooding and serious injury to Greenhalgh. She was found gagged with a noose around her neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands tied behind her back

classic suicide, eh?

i'd wager the real problem are people who don't make the list..

[edit on 21-3-2006 by Long Lance]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

There is, however, something going on in Iraq -- an unusual number of assassinations of MDs and PhDs. This has occurred within the past 3years only.


Just pulled a BS article about "genetic" disease in Bedouins. Blames inbreeding, when obviously we're looking at environmentally triggered mutations - dating back to desert storm. Also have some PubMed refs regarding vascular diseases in Iranians that seems linked. Will look.

Here's the Bedouin article: A Hunt for Genes That Betrayed a Desert People

The sick children are Bedouin. Until recently their ancestors were nomads who roamed the deserts of the Middle East and, as tradition dictated, often married cousins. Marrying within the family helped strengthen bonds among extended families struggling to survive the desert. But after centuries this custom of intermarriage has had devastating genetic effects.

...Hundreds have been born with such diseases among the Negev Bedouin in the last decade.

...Identifying the disease-related genes may help researchers design drug therapies. The Israeli lab is working to do so. "We are actually finding pathways and the molecular basis for diseases," Dr. Birk said.

The team is focusing on Mendelian diseases, the relatively rare type caused by disorder in a single gene. But Dr. Birk said the research might also help the team members find genes that combine to cause more common problems like diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and obesity.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 10:41 AM
The staged and planned attacks of the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings were deliberate acts orchestrated by Illuminati planners using naive arab dupes (the "terrorists") to pull off a suicide mission in which they were allowed, guided, and facilitated by hidden intelligence agents and operatives. They are using this orchestrated ruse to stampede the public into accepting Big Brother control and ID programs, along with the sweeping away of constitutional guarantees and liberties under the guise of anti-terrorists legislation.Text The dessimination of biowarfare agents in America to reduce population needed a convenient cover and the "terrorists" scenario provided it. I'm simply astonished at the gullibility of so many Americans in accepting this poorly covered up orchestration. The growing number of web sites and well written aritlces that are exposing the details of this deception-from the planted bombs in the WTC towers to the stand down of military air defence forces while the hyjacked planes were enroute-makes it abundantly clear that the attacks of Sept 11, 2001 were a ruse, a charade, a set up that even a child should recognize.

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