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space shuttle challenger

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:16 AM
I won't say who passed this info to me, but it got me thinking... I did my "OWN" research. This is what I discovered. Once the shuttle blew up the offical report states that the cause of the, "malfunction"(ya right) was due to a leaking "O" ring on one of the solid rocket boosters. Now, I haved watched hours of shuttle launches and this is what I see. In slow motion I can see the flames dancing along the aft section of the shuttle, showin a possible fuel leak, moments later, the awful event that shook our country. What I find interesting is the explosion cloud. When I look carefully I see the large cloud and 2 smaller smoke trails. Upon a closer look, I see that these 2 smoke trails are the solid rocket boosters flying off in two different directions. Wait a minute, they( the government and N.A.S.A.) said that the leak "came " from a booster leak...hello... these thing are filled with "TONS" of rocket fuel, very explosive. Doesn't it stand to reason that, "IF" it was leaking at an "O" ring that the booster would be blown apart. The files i've viewed show 2 boosters , functional, going into 2 different directions. In my opinion the booster problem , should have shown one booster going off from the main explosion cloud, not two, seeing as how one caused the space shuttle to blow apart. The other should have been torn to millions of pieces.
I am also wondering why? (in my opinion) it looks like the flame along the aft section of the shuttle hull is being caused by what at times looks like a leak more towards the primary , giant fuel tank. and not the booster.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:32 AM
Here is a link with a full description of the events as well as pictures showing it happen. It will answer all your questions and has pictures.

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