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What Are China's Military Interests? And What Will They Be?

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 02:06 AM
I recently heard how China has been raising its defence spending somewhat more rapidly than normal now they enjoy such rapid economic growth.
All very well, but I was wondering what are the modern dictatorship of China's current military interests? In the U.S they have Iraq and Afghanistan to occupy and the thought of possibly someday adding Iran and Syria to the list.

Is China really simply waiting for the day when it can load an empty gun against Taiwan or Japan? Maybe it doesn't want to point a loaded gun at any country, maybe it would prefer its military money to remain behind the wall of China? Or maybe a Super-Power China has small countries-regions it too might like occupy?
What are they?

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:51 AM
China's recently been doing increased business in the south and west pacific, and of course it's already got strong economic and political ties with many countries in South-East Asia. On top of that, you've got the Chinese military which has made it's thoughts known on the Taiwan issue and China's place in the whole scheme of things.

I reckon that it's only a matter of time before China's economic and political influence and military supremacy in Asia gets to the point where Beijing feels that it can take Taiwan by force without fear of a third-party (e.g. the US) coming in to contend the issue.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Lanton[/I] China has recently increased business in the south and west Pacific . . On top of that . . the Chinese military has made it's thoughts known on the Taiwan issue and China's place in the scheme of things . . it's only a matter of time before China's economic and political influence and military supremacy in Asia gets to the point where Beijing feels it can take Taiwan by force without fear of the US coming in to contend the issue. [Edited by Don W]

HISTORY. The Imperial Manchu’s were overthrown in 1911 by pro-western forces led by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. He made the more centrally located and modern city of Nanking its new capital. On Dr. Sun’s death in 1927, the ruling Koumingtang (Nationalists Party) was taken over by Chiang Kai-chek, one of his son-in-laws.

When the Manchu dynasty ended, Tibet and Mongolia asserted independence from the new government. The Nationalists Chinese were too weak to retake either area which they considered to be a “province” of China. After the 1949 Communist take over, Inner Mongolia and Tibet were re-conquered by Red China.

FORMOSA. In 1895, Japan forced China to cede Formosa. Formosa reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Formosa and established a government. Formosa was inhabited by 3,000,000 Formosans, one of the LOST peoples sacrificed to the Cold War. Under the aegis of the United States, Chiang Kai-chek changed the name of the island to TAIWAN. I believe this change was made for America’s benefit so that we would not associate the Nationalist Chinese undemocratic take-over by force of arms, with the old island country of Formosa. Out of sight out of mind?

In 2000, Taiwan underwent its first peaceful transfer of power from the Nationalist to the Democratic Progressive Party. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers." The dominant political issues continue to be the relationship between Taiwan and China - specifically the question of eventual unification - as well as domestic political and economic reform. Taiwan is about 13,680 square miles in area, about 120 miles off the East China coast, separated by the Taiwan Straits. The population is 22,000,000. Average GDP is $26,000 compared to mainland China’s GDP of $6,700.

Since 1949, the US Seventh Fleet has prevented any overt invasion of Taiwan by the PRC. I am so very sorry to hear the PRC is building 3 nuclear powered submarines, obviously to challenge the hegemony of the US in the Taiwan Straits. This will give the MILITARISTS who rune the United States “just” cause to increase our military budget even more. An opportunity for a peaceful solution to a serous and vexing problem, missed! Why do right when you can do wrong?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:58 AM
Excellent write up Don

My belief is that China will kick off!

Soon, But Not Yet...........

China's government is under the influence of The New World Order! There's a lot of information to prove this which I won't go into on this thread.

China is the big question on everybodys mind at the moment, and a big cause for concern for many people. They are the only official real threat to 'so called' global peace, another word used as spin to form the new world state!

Unfortunatley China is a concern not just for people aware of The Illuminati but for people who also believe the official side of events! For example.

If you are aware of The Illuminati, and take it seriously, then it is likely you have looked up on the matter, and in doing so are aware that China is set to be the last ace card of The New World Order, after the inevitable oncoming war with China and The Illuminati (or Nato, the coalition, whatever you want to call it, different names, same leaders!) will have the power to inflict much on the human race, after all, fear and war has always been their weapon in enableing them to force through liberty squashing legaslation.

If you believe the official side of events, then they are also a big concern as they have a massive arsnal and are the only eveil powerful state left in the world! And if the coalition are riding the world of evil (WHATEVER) then sureley China are in their sights?

Why, did the US invade Iraq on a lie? Why invade all the other places? Why when China have massacred students in tianamen square and commited countless atrocities have they been left to continue?

Is it because they have a good army so they can do as they like as the outcome is not a four gone conclusion as it was with Iraq and Afghanistan?

Or is there another reason?


This will cause much pain and death, but don't worry! All these things must happen, the bible says this about the subject,

"In the end days there will be wars and rumours of wars, nation will turn against nation, there will be earthquakes and famines, do not fear, for all these things must come to pass"
Revelations goes on to mention in the end days of the war of great nations with the red dragon!

Make of the scriptures what you will, be it the word of god, prophecies or a Plan!


posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 12:55 PM

Country In Billion Dollars

1. United States 335.7
2. Japan 46.7
3. United Kingdom 36
4. France 33.6
5. China 31.1
6. Germany 27.7
7. Saudi Arabia 21.6
8. Italy 21.1
9. Iran 17.5
0. South Korea 13.5

Russia and North Korea are not among top ten, interesting.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:14 PM
Thanks for the data darkhero I had no idea their spending was so small. The United Kingdom still has less than 60 million people. So I guess China's 1.2 billion are doing it on the cheap.
But to rule out the Taiwan thing completely just imagine if they had the nuclear bomb? They already have nuclear power and I’m sure that one day the Taiwan people will get scared enough to empty a reactor or two.

What I still want to know, is what are the other (less known) countries which could one day be (conceivably) be the target of a Chinese military occupation? So far it doesn't seem there are any. But I find this hard to believe for the simple reason that every economic super power in mankind’s history has so far had armies and other people’s territories with which to occasionally put them.
On the other hand America has Israel to look out for and I think this explains many of its invasions (epically since the end of The Cold). Maybe China is a country without an Israel? (It does look like it right?). And if that’s so then maybe China will a superpower without a temper? (That is unless of course some world colonising Armageddon causing Adolf Hitler comes to power).

In the absence of that just imagine a superpower without a temper. Surely I’ve got something wrong here, or maybe all the conflicts a Chinese superpower may one day get involved in are just too far away in the future to bother trying to predict?
Did America (excluding its civil war) do bugger all with its military until world war one? Maybe there is a comparison to be made?

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:17 PM
Hmmm.. I do agree that china is a bit of an unknown in the world power structure. But the NWO controlled media is trying to destroy GWB at the moment and seems to kissing up to china. So who is the bad boy on the world stage anyways??

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984[/I]
Thanks -darkhero- I had no idea China’s spending was so small. The UK has less than 60 million people. I guess China's 1.3 billion are doing it on the cheap. But to rule out the Taiwan thing completely just imagine if they had the nuclear bomb? What I still want to know, is what are the other (less known) countries which could one day be (conceivably) be the target of a Chinese military occupation? So far it doesn't seem there are any. [Edited by Don W]

On the cheap? No, China’s PLA - People’s Liberation Army - is locked into the 1950s-1960s equipment-wise, and tactics-wise. In a short war, I’d bet on South Korea. Don’t forget it was the U.S. - say Gen. MacArthur - that PROVOKED China into the Korean War in late 1950. After fighting us to a standstill on the 38th parallel, they consented to a truce which is still in effect.

Look at China in the CIA World Factbook website. China shares borders with the following: Afghan, Burma (Myanmar), India, Kazakstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia north and Russia, northeast, Tajikistan and Vietnam. The only country China has come to blows with in the last 25 years is Russia (old USSR.) There have been several “border” incidents that resulted in a number of deaths on both sides. It is possible they have worked that dispute out by now.

China is of course, the 800 pound gorilla in East Asia. China is now #2 to the US in worldwide GDP. Only Japan competes economically speaking. Japan is in much the same position the US is in. All its manufacturing is moving to China. It’s on a mater of time before Honda and Toyota are “Made in China.”

Whether China will make Kamikaze planes for the Japan Air Force remains to be seen.

I find this hard to believe for the reason every economic super power in history so far has had armies and occasionally put them into other people’s territories. Maybe China will a superpower without a temper? [Edited by Don W]

China has BIG problems facing it right now. The 9th Party Congress held in 1977 started the economic revolution. It is estimated 300,000,000 Chinese - called “coastal” - are sharing to a greater or lesser extent in this quarter century of economic miracle. Apartments in Shanghai are selling for $7 million! Extremely few of the new Chinese ‘middle’ class can buy one of those high rise hot spots.

The INLAND Chinese number about 1 billion people who are carrying the others on their backs. Almost literally! The Central Government has given up much control over the Coastal provinces, allowing them to make most any deal with the West that seems to be beneficial to them. The Inland provinces are being shortchanged in infrastructure and in all the promised benefits of Communist living. China has already FIRED live ammo on two revolts in the hinterland. It may turn out the Chinese PLA will get most of its action at home.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by darkhero

Country In Billion Dollars

5. China 31.1

I think most military experts think China under reports its spending and its close to 65 billion right now. Some think that could triple by 2015

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:05 PM
I would agree with that. China seems to consistently u nderreport its expendatures. However, so did the Soviet Union during the cold war. When the Defence Industrial Complex is also owned by the state, you can report whatever you want.

Territorial conquest and ambition goes way way back in Chinese history, certainly beyond the US or most present countries.

Taiwan would be first on thier expansionist plans as perhaps Japan.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:16 PM
IMO China is setting up to be the Japan of the 1930’s. I think it sees local regions as its area of influence and eventually control. How far are they willing to go to make that clear? That's the real question.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:51 PM
Or maybe wants to control both Taiwan and Japan so they wont have to advance a whole lot in technology, just take it from those who have what you want. Japan and Taiwan both have nothing that could stop China even if they BOTH were to draft people into a military and attempt a defence, just the distance from China to the other two is so small air bombing would start so fast they would have NO chance of firing back. If china lets the US expend itself they can swarm whoever they want. Then again if you believe in the grand scheme of things as far as NWO (New World Order) goes then they can control China and push the US out of the way because its more questioning than others. Just do a trade in slaves, ones who are used to it for ones who arnt and take more time to control.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:02 AM
Imo, China will annexe Taiwan, Korea, Japan and then move through SE Asia and have a go at Northern Australia, who will successfully repel them. All moves will be motivated by the need to gain access to energy reserves and will be underscored by a notion of China's right to living space and its superior civilisation and superpower status in the world. Of course, this strategy will end in tears as China implodes into fractuous regions run by warlords, as happened to the old USSR.

In the process of military expansion into Asia several cities may get nuked, including the Northern Australian city of Darwin, unfortunately. In addition there will probably be an enormous naval battle to gain control of the Straits of Malacca involving the naval forces of Australia, the US and Singapore teeing off against Chinese and possibly Russian naval forces. The allied forces will probably get blown out of the water by a couple of anti-ship cruise missiles. Timeframe? 2010-2015.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by JamesinOz]

[edit on 8-3-2006 by JamesinOz]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by JamesinOz
Imo, China will annexe Taiwan, Korea, Japan and then move through SE Asia and have a go at Northern Australia, who will successfully repel them. All moves will be motivated by the need to gain access to energy reserves and will be underscored by a notion of China's right to living space and its superior civilisation and superpower status in the world. Of course, this strategy will end in tears as China implodes into fractuous regions run by warlords, as happened to the old USSR.

In the process of military expansion into Asia several cities may get nuked, including the Northern Australian city of Darwin, unfortunately. In addition there will probably be an enormous naval battle to gain control of the Straits of Malacca involving the naval forces of Australia, the US and Singapore teeing off against Chinese and possibly Russian naval forces. The allied forces will probably get blown out of the water by a couple of anti-ship cruise missiles. Timeframe? 2010-2015.

[edit on 8-3-2006 by JamesinOz]

[edit on 8-3-2006 by JamesinOz]

If China annexed those three nations it would be annexing a problem it couldn't control.

Japan hates China and Korea.

Korea hates China and Japan.

And China hates Korea and Japan.

Wars would be frequent and China would have more problems than the USSR. It would be inable to sustain its "Empire".

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:10 PM
I don't think China's going to annex anything.

They've had the benefit of watching Japan's postwar ascent, and I think they've been able to discern from that that economic power trumps military power in most ways that count.

The trick is, can they survive the increasing stress between the rich cities and the poor countryside? As donwhite pointed out, there have already been violent confrontations in rural china.

China is modernizing it's military, but they'd still have a tough time taking on little Taiwan, let alone South Korea or Japan. They could give anyone, including the US, a good bloody nose in a defensive fight close to home, but they're not really equipped to take significant forces far from their borders.

As far as Tawain goes, China sees it not as a foreign country but as a renegade province, which it essentially is. Taiwan does call itself the "Republic of China", you know. And they only gave up their claim to being the legitimate government of all of China relatively recently.

I don't think China wants to take Taiwan by force though - they'd rather absorb it intact... I'm thinking of all the Taiwanese PC components in my latest machine

[edit on 3/8/06 by xmotex]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Stratrf_Rus

Japan hates China and Korea.

Korea hates China and Japan.

And China hates Korea and Japan.

Wars would be frequent and China would have more problems than the USSR. It would be inable to sustain its "Empire".

Do you hate this world. please spread something good or you really know.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 05:02 PM
China is going to annex anything?

Does UK or USA or Russia or Japan or whatever the country want to annex anything?

I think all of them want to annex the whole world if possible. But none of them have the ability.

Yes, it is very likely china's military spending is much higher, but China is still too weak to compete with USA. There is no way for china to annex another country.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:02 PM
I believe that China’s primary military interests are the modernization of its rather obsolete war machine, substantial reduction in standing military men numbers compensated by their increase in combat worthiness, with the end goal being a flexible, technologically competitive and strategically far reaching, quick to deploy forces. Global power projection goals should slowly start to become apparent as China prepares to construct her first aircraft carriers, and possibly modify the ex-Soviet recently acquired Kuznetzov class aircraft carrier “Varyag” which is currently berthed in Dalian shipyard docks and is been subjected to this date unkown of magnitude refurbishing activities. Will she become China’s first operational aircraft carrier, a naval aircraft operations training vessel or just another casino, it’s anyone’s guess at the moment. But given the political effort exerted by the Chinese leadership over acquisition of this naval asset and its subsequent attraction of worldwide media attention, it could be said that the probability of it ending up as some type of military vessel is somewhat larger than the one of it becoming a casino. If made operational, China will have acquired herself a very potent platform indeed: with its 67,500 metric tons (compared to 88,500 metric tons of the U.S. Nimitz) maximum displacement and the ability to cary some 45-50 Su-33 fighters she will finally have the means of projecting power in blue water zones far away from her mainland coastal waters. Her escort platforms are already available (Lanzhou class DDG), and are boasting some really impressive specs: fixed, 360° 3D coverage phase array radar antennas, 48 100km+ ranged high performance SAMs, over-the-horizon SSM capability, capable CIWS platforms and a plethora of other high-tech equipment making them one of the most capable ships of their class (if not the ones, considering they displace only 6,600 tons). Add to this the acquisition of 4 Russian Sovremenny class DDGs, armed with extremely lethal Moskit supersonic ASCMs, 8 Russian made modified Kilo class subs (armed with anti-ship supersonic Club missiles), their increasingly sophisticated domestic naval production (2 Lanzhou class DDGs, 2 Guanzghou class DDGs and 2 Type 054 frigates) all featuring low-observability technology, and new, bigger and more potent platforms to come, it can safely be said that the PLAN is soon to become a world-contending naval force to be reckoned with. Complementary to this is an equally impressive growth in air-force power, manifested with the introduction of the Russian Su-27/Su-30MKK air superiority/multipurpose fighters, the former of which are domestically built under license; the advent of their own indigenous fighter (J-10) boasting super-maneuverability in the class of Rafale and very potent home-made and Russian-imported arsenal of medium and long range AAM.

Although it may seem like the Chinese are building themselves up with some malignant intentions (as could only beseem a Communist government in the eyes of the Westerners) they are merely doing the restructurings and modernizations that were decades overdue and are by no means anywhere close to where they should be hoping to be, given their ever-increasing economic might. But given enough time, (say 10 years) China will and should have become a naval and military power second only to that of U.S. in the region of East and Southeast Asia.

As for the best strategy regarding Taiwan, I can sum it up in one single word: patience. A mild political and strong economical campaign should be the way to go. As China becomes more powerful (economically and militarily wise) the spectra of strategic options available to her undertaking will have continuously grown bigger and bigger, while that of Taiwan will have dwindled and dwindled. Eventually, the disposition of the Taiwanese people will have grown sufficiently “amicable” towards PRC that a “peaceful” unification of some sort should become a very interesting option indeed. Well, that’s at least what I hope will happen, as any other scenario doesn’t look very benign at all.

The Global War on Terror is the latest fashion of today's post-modern political entrepreneurism, and China would be very wise to jump the wagon and end it's decade long isolationist policy. Only so can it achieve in a "politically correct" manner some (if not most) of its long term global strategic goals. And I believe that's exactly what they're going to do.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:24 PM
I don't know why everyone thinks China is going to invade Japan or Taiwan.

China has such a massive population, I see them going North or West in a landgrab. What do they need two litttle tiny islands for? Is it worth it for them to goto war with Japan or Taiwan?

Mongolia or some of the old former soviet territories would probably be easier and beneficial to them for the long run.

I doubt China is building up it's army to goto war. I don't think Russia would sacrifice Siberia, I don't think Europe and the US would let China take over Western Asia. They are either htinking of fighting a useless war for Taiwan or just modernizing to keep up with times (since most of the rest of the world has modern armies). And having a powerful army is kind of like pride.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 07:30 PM
this might sound funny but I've had ideas in the past about china attacking India, because it would be most useful for China having ports in the south asian sea. Look at how much effort and expense that Russia put out to obtain such a port in that area and they never got it done.

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