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Possibility UFO Propaganda is by Government??

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posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 10:40 PM
I know im probably not the only person that ever thought about this. But What if all the "UFO" Sightings were mostly fake. (here's the crazy part) What if it was mostly created by one of the strong governments of the world as a cover up for something MUCH bigger? Like shadow Agencies or NWO or supersoldiers or whatever. If you think about it, though far fetched, its not as "out there" than people getting obducted by grey little guys with big heads and large black eyes.

I am not saying all UFO sightings are false, on the contrary, im sure some of those are truely credible. I am a very strong believer of extra tarestrials. All i am sayin is that I would not be supprised of the governent exploited it for their own benefit. Like that Roswell ordeal, there was a guy (cant recall name now but i saw him on the discovery channel) that said he worked in area 51. And that he not only got to see the spacecraft, but was able to see the dynamics and manuverability of such an object. And is on a "Crusade to educate the people about the truth". I wouldnt be supprised if he was on a government payroll. When you look at things like this, it makes you think.

Also, if you read into the Roswell Ufo crash stuff, (also on discovery channel show) the farmer that found the "Wreckage" said that there were MANY skattered scraps of metal. Nothin crazy about it. but the metal itself was intresting. They called it "Memory Metal" (kind of like that memory foam stuff) that when bent, it goes back to its origional shape aswell as other intresting features. Yet this guy instead of keeping a little for himself, he decided to contact authorities right away. I dont know about any of you. but If a massive space craft crashed into my fields, and it was obvious it wasnt anything human. after i conducted my own research on the reckage and if i couldnt find any aliens or anything, Id be takin pictures like crazy, send em all over the internet, tell my story all over the internet, get the news ppl from like 20 different stations. But ofcourse since they didnt have internet or a mass quantity of cameras or phones back then, then atleast i would keep some of the reckage for myself.

But back to my main point: Isnt it possible to have a conspiracy within a conspiracy?

Becuse it would be VERY easy to just pay someone to say "DUDE! I saw a crazy flyin saucer thing in the sky, it had lights everywhere, and me and my cousin lenny got ubducted by em off of route 74, we were driving and i spoted it at the corner of my eye. we slowed down to get a better look at it, then it zoomed on top of us and some crazy beam came down and paralized us. the next thing i know we were 70 miles away from my car with bruises all over our bodies and when we found the car, it was in a ditch on the side of the highway."

The whole UFO propaganda is so "out there" that maybe other countries are catchin the hint and makin stories of their own to make the whole thing more credible. Just so they can make their own agenda. Like an iron Curtan. Making a distraction for the public so they wont catch on to what the government is truely doing.

In life (and expically in politics) sometimes the most diabolical truth is usually the one most overlooked.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 12:29 AM
lol maybe im just crazy, i havent slept in a day or 2 so who knows what jumps out of my head


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