posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 10:22 PM
A new report that came out on the local news tonight states that the Hawaii Gas Cap Law that was passed in 2005 has cost Hawaii drivers $55 Million
more than if there was no cap in place. The cause is stated as being when the cap prices go up, the prices are raised as much as possible (up to
$0.30-$0.50/gal), and when the prices come down, they only come down $0.10-$0.20/gal.
So what exactly did our lawmakers THINK was going to happen with this idiotic law? Yet another prime example of oil company lobbyists buying
officials to get favorable laws passed. It was stated before this became a law that this sort of thing would happen constantly, and the lawmakers
kept saying it wouldn't and we'd save a lot of money.
One lawmaker too prices from AAA and compared our prices to what is happening with Diesel to show that we've saved $33 Million. The problem is that
there is almost no Diesel out here to get a good comparison for, and this lawmaker is an Attorney.