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David Icke is closest to the truth than all the others

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posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 04:56 PM
Well, I had to put my opinion of the man here, now when I got the forum to put it, or else I would be laughed at on the other forums.
David, welcome, and I understand you completely or I think I understand.
Reading your work, and hearing you on radio helped me to become sure in things I used to speculate about, and from someone who is more into that than me.
This is short list where I think David is right.
Prison withour the bars, completely.
Sinhronicities do exist, completely.
Vibrations theory that explains everything, trying to imagine.

Reptilian part, is something I can't really follow, but here is what I think.
Satan in the bible is mostly identified with the serpent, and there is given time for this world to exist, this is the story which is going in almost every theology.
So the story of the beings trapped within dimensions is exactly that.
And about the matrix theory, it is something I was thinking about before dark city and matrix movie.
The strongest clue to understand how this must be matrix is it is like RPG game we level more and more quicker and quicker.
It is impossible or just very unusual conicidence to have this advance in technology and everything else in this short time, it has to be some interventions or this is just the game.
OR how Shakespeare once said this is just a play in which we play many parts during the life. So did he know the truth???

More clues I found in these:
lucid dream, shared dream, shared reality.
Just like in lucid dream we can change our reality it is not impossible to have something like this in waking state. And just like in dream we can or it is likely to have shared dream with an other dreamer so this reality may be shared reality with other "wakers".

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 06:28 PM
Wonderful post mate!

Personally I can only say my support for Icke is based on my experiancing many of the same things he has reported experiancing: especially seeing through the veil of the movie

And its my sincere opinion that (collectively) manifesting ourselves is the only thing we HAVE to do to change this world to a paradise: forever!

to that end, I wont give a rats arse what anyone else thinks of my POV:

"I am me: I am FREE"


And so are you: so are we all!

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 06:29 PM
Also worth quoting Bill Hicks:

"its just a choice, right now, between fear and Love"

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 06:38 PM
Thank you for your response, and for all the others to know the truth connect the dots between radar and roswel, aliens anything
I was radar tech in military service and we were viewing all those oddities there, between one britiesh and one american radar, especially when both were in function, trust me, the reality we see is just one narrow passage into the reality which is!

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 01:24 AM
I'd have to agree , that Shakespeare knew something.

and I thought he was a bloody loon , for

See what ignorance can do for

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Yes I agree completely with David. Even about the reptilians. I believe in Demons, and I believe in demensions. Because there are. While there is no way to prove this...there just are, because you know it when you astral project. And if nobody else does, then they won't understand it.

Yes I am aware of the Matrix that we live in, and all the horrible things going on....the government is manipulating many people. Except for some of us.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 04:52 PM
why do you suppose some people aren't affected [ by the mind control ] ?


I also think, that we condition our kids [ who see monsters ] , to not see what they see , we convince them there is nothing in the closet , and it is their imagination , as opposed to the truth.

and the truth ? something along the lines of , at that age our uncorrupted , unaffected by society brain , that allows the innocent to see into this other dimension that surrounds us.

but the powers that be , would rather advise us , that , at that age ,our imagination is in overdrive etc...a bunch of manipulating crap I say...

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 04:57 PM
I like Icke's works and I support what he is doing but sometimes he makes me uneasy as I wonder what his motives are. Not sure I have seen a lot of information on what his motives are, maybe somebody else can clue me in on this.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Greetings Fellow Believers,

With so many references to "The Matrix"--I suggest to you that the very demons you suspect exist--you may in fact be creating them yourselves.

How many times have you seen fleeting shadows out of the corner of your eye and have convinced yourself that they are demons--aliens?

Don't live in fear. Fear is what will control you--or destroy you.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by toasted
why do you suppose some people aren't affected [ by the mind control ] ?

Well it's simple really, once you are aware of it, like I have. It will not effect you. You can BLOCK it out. This applys to the same rule if you have a disability like ADD. You can BLOCK it out. Your MIND is the most powerful tool you will ever have. Since a "thought" is a form of energy, then that energy you can manifest to create whatever you want in your reality. I'm not talking about flying or anything. But anyways, mind over matter is the key here.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 06:44 PM
The best I can say about David Icke, is that his books offer a decent initial platform for research into conspiracy theory.

Whilst I initially found his books a source of 'light-bulb' moments, the videos that have been posted here in this forum have only led to further solidify my opinion that the lack of provable evidence in Icke's work is to his detriment.

Second hand reports can never be taken as concrete evidence.

The one thing I can say in his defence is that he does not attempt to follow any specific established religious ideology, and seems to regard all of them with equal contempt.

I mean no disrepsect, but I believe you should always show your workings, you know

[edit on 13-3-2006 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:06 AM
you cry for evidence , but what if all the good evidence was ...sanitized ?

deleted , burned , buried !

I'm beginning to wonder , what was so bad about the cathars , that the catholic church had to destroy them ?
or any other religion that was obliterated , never to see the light of day , save a few odd fragments

what pieces are missing ? wtf were they covering up ?

we have a long way to go before knowing the truth...and I think icke is only partially right about the reptilians .
the part about the matrix does not exclude God from the equation for me.

and I think , before too long , something is gonna unveil itself to mislead the confused
and distracted and lied to folks even more than they are right now

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Jack of Scythes
Greetings Fellow Believers,

With so many references to "The Matrix"--I suggest to you that the very demons you suspect exist--you may in fact be creating them yourselves.

How many times have you seen fleeting shadows out of the corner of your eye and have convinced yourself that they are demons--aliens?

Don't live in fear. Fear is what will control you--or destroy you.

Agreed: and it is by developing a living awareness of the mechanisms of that control that we can learn to transcend it and apply our knowledge to set ourselves free: and then we are all living examples, no persuasion nessacary

well apart from the fellow believers bit, the real heart of things has no need to be "believed"

[edit on 21-3-2006 by John White]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 07:11 AM
I have followed David for years, saw his videos, read his books. I have to say that I believe David, based on my own research and a few other experiences. I am glad the David is not afraid to tell what he knows, most are. Kepp us the good work, David Icke! Magickman

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 08:01 AM
His work on the Illuminati is pretty solid. The reptilian thing is a bit hard to swallow, but I don't think he's making it up. I think it comes from somewhere. Maybe it's a series of disinformation coming from those in power to make his story less believable. However, I wouldn't be surprised at this point if he is absolutely correct.

I find it interesting that his research has brought him to the same conclusion that certain societies have believed for thousands of years. Maye, the illusion (from the latin illusus meaning to mock or play) is all but proven to be true. It does appear theat we can only percieve things in a few dimensions, but we're pretty sure there are more.

I think we will find out what he's right about, exactly, very soon.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 01:04 PM
His imagination is a paddle that guides him through as many truthful waters as false rapids.

He claims to know more than he does, and yet he knows more than he claims.

His journey is an important one and his conclusions will bring hope, but you take them unto yourselves at your peril.

Perspective is crucial in this case; remember that fascination is always an unreliable alibi to truth.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by MankoW
The strongest clue to understand how this must be matrix is it is like RPG game we level more and more quicker and quicker.

More clues I found in these:
lucid dream, shared dream, shared reality.
Just like in lucid dream we can change our reality it is not impossible to have something like this in waking state. And just like in dream we can or it is likely to have shared dream with an other dreamer so this reality may be shared reality with other "wakers".

RPG games make it harder for you to level the stronger you become.
So no you do not level ''quicker & quicker'' but ''slower and slower''.
Invalid Statement

And at the moment it is commonly accept that shared dreams are shared as in, one person has a dream, and the other person enters that dream, and they participate in the same dream. (Or both people have the same dream, and join together because it's exactly the same), and you both have seperate influence on it.

I don't see ourselves flying around yet, now do you? And if you try to fly from a building you fall and die.

Also, Lucid dreaming is achieved in NUMEROUS ways:
Achieved BECAUSE of the link from ''reality'' to sleep (with exception of Dream induced lucid dreams, which are achieved within the dream itself for unknown reason, most likely due to Dream signs though, which are usually established through ''reality'').

Now as we have the process Reality ->> Sleep, it is impossible for us to ''become lucid'' in reality as you would in a lucid dream, unless you go TO reality from another state of mind. (Which is pure speculation of course)

Higher Dimension (??? Aether?) -> Our Dimension (Reality)-> "Dream Dimension"

This is pure speculation, but if I am right, it would be impossible to do videogame or lucid dream like stuff because we 'ARE' in Our dimension and we go into the "Dream Dimension"

Our Dimension -> "Dream Dimension"

For us to achieve Lucid Dream like powers in Our own world, would mean we would have to originate from a higher dimension, which as far as I know of, we don't, and then we had to ''seep'' into this dimension.

Not that I doubt your post.

But I just wanted to point out the invalid points there.

[edit on 11/3/07 by -0mega-]

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Is this a little digression on topic, but leveling quicker and quicker is not really a problem in RPG, because of the leveling process, and gadgets, I played many years many games like that, and I used to have many gadgets which would level me 10 levels more than I got.

Also quicker leveling David Icke explained like plate rotating and then falling down, but vibrating quicker and quicker, until it finally stops, it has to do with converting potential energy into kinetic energy of rotation it is really simple as that. So with this world sliding down to an end, converting the basic energy of creation into manifestation.
Now it is your turn.

PS I am former double state champion in physics and even if I wild guess I know what I am talking about.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
...Shakespeare once said this is just a play in which we play many parts during the life. So did he know the truth???

For the record, Shakespeare was talking about the different ages we pass through as we grow older...definitely not dimensions.

In fact, the monologue you're referencing describes life after death as "mere oblivion...Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."

I'm not an Icke aficionado, but I'm not sure that jibes with his theories.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 06:17 PM
I see that David Icke has his own forums page now on his website

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