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No, it's as if you're terrified people may find a secular researchers book about people defying the 'experts' and choosing life, too threatening to your (dark?)'faith' to even acknowledge it's existance.
Where as part of being a Christian is admitting it publicly, many, if not most followers of Dark, Occultic, Death "religions", don't.
There is a thread going about sacrificing children to the 'goddess' Kali, that has people supporting their right to that faith, claiming it can't be called 'wrong' or 'evil'.
These are educated westerners, just like doctors and other professionals who use their position to get away with practicing what others believe are 'wrong' or 'evil'.
Just because someone claims their view is purely 'scientific', it doesn't mean they weren't drawn to the sciences to push, promote and harrass society into accepting the beliefs and practices of their Occultic, Death "Religion".
The difference between "them" and us Christians, is that they won't admit they are the ones actually ramming their religion down our throats, calling it 'good medicine'.
It's the side of the 'debate' doctors, schools, media and those witches who call themselves, 'Enlightened, New Age Feminists', avoid like the plague.
These are the stories of people who "should have been aborted" and their mothers, that should, in any just and sane world, trump arguments from any 'pro-death' medical student.
Before you accuse anyone else of 'spin' you should study up on the doctors who kill. They usually support ideas like 'mercy killings' and eugenics. And work for people like you are the first person to inspire me to use that cheap shot...sorry readers.
There is one doctor, Australia in trying to bring back from the U.S. to charge at the moment. In word anyway, as they sent him out of the country before many whistleblowers could finally get him charged.
I also noticed that you won't admit that there is no board to weed out Death Cult devotees from gaining medical qualifications. Just as some paedophiles become priests to access children, some 'death cultists' become doctors to kill.
Ahh, if you're not aware of Hitler's eugenesis doctors who 'studied' healthy children to slow, torturous deaths, and that same culture being exported around the world by those who 'escaped' (with the assistance of) the allies, why would you take in any others I mention, like those during my babyhood in a hospital that still employs paedophiles on the run from charges in other countries.
Those beliefs didn't die with those people, infact eugenics, even with it's darker side, is on the rise. A great deal so in practice, without using the name, but even publicly, people are arguing for it.
There are other threads on SRA that have what you claim I can't provide. It exists and is growing, mainly due to people denying it rather that tackling the problem.
A medical student from one of Nth. America's best medical schools and you haven't learned to, straight up, advocate all medical ending of life?
How will "they" convince the world that NOT KILLING is IMMORAL, with people like you getting about and opening their mouths?
You may want to learn to lie about your opinion untill you get that ticket, lest "they" create a reason to fail you.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
I chose the screen name bsl4doc because I am fascinated by those viruses and their mechanisms of attack.
Originally posted by d60944
thermopolis I'm with you on this.
A judgement about "quality of life" is, at root, de facto subjective (although admitrtedly informed by objective fact). The fact of existence of a life is not subjective though: there either is one, or there is not. The irrefutably binary nature of life-death is one of the problems for moral relativism when it tackles decisions about death. I have an innate problem with killing someone (an objective act) according to a morally relative social judgement (a subjective opinon).
There is also a clear distinction between "accepting" death and "causing" death (our legal systems usually rely on this in their criminal law on omissions and actions and their factual causality of the crime).
[edit on 19-3-2006 by d60944]
Originally posted by bsl4doc
That's not even the issue at hand.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
I agree with euthanizing newborns who will live only for a short time and in excruciating pain. I don't agree with euthanizing someone who will live a long life in little more discomfort than anyone else. People with mental handicaps have roles to fill in society. They can work, they have emotion, they are not in pain.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
A child born with far underdeveloped lungs. however, who will literally burn from the inside out due to reactions with oxygen and will die within a few days, I have a problem with not painlessly ending their life. I see euthanizing that child as valuing human life, enough to realize that this child deserves the dignity of dieting painlessly in his or her mother's arms, a dignity I wish all human beings had.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
However, those with a hard on for religion seem to think the child should suffer incessant pain because "Ooh, you're not god! The child could pull through!" By the same token, a monkey could climb through the window with a cure. It's that unlikely.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
And no, I don't "see your view". Your view, to me, is that of a crazed zealot screaming "Eugenics!" just like the boy who cried wolf.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
This was a case where a mother and father consciously decided, with the help of a medical professional, to end the infant's suffering. The doctor wasn't pushing the parents to do it, he gains nothing from the infant dieing, despite what suzy ryan may suggest about physicians. I think tieing this to genocide is a tad bit too much of a stretch. If you want an example of genocide, look to China, Somalis, Rwanda, etc. THAT is genocide you should be trying to stop. Instead, you focus on parents' attempts to relieve their poor child.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
Doctor's admit what we do is not perfect, it is the best logical option.
Originally posted by bsl4doc
If you come into the hospital with a broken leg, a doctor will take x-rays and set it in a cast because that is the best logical option. Would you rather the doctor contemplate what god would do, and then leave your leg to god's plan and let it heal incorrectly so you will forever walk with a limp and not regain full strength?
Originally posted by bsl4doc
Or perhaps doctor's should just stop treating everyone altogether, because after all, isn't that interfereing with god's plan? We shouldn't stop the natural course of life and death, right?
Originally posted by bsl4doc
All hail theocracy.
N.Korean defector says disabled newborns are killed
North Korea has no people with physical disabilities because they are killed almost as soon as they are born, a physician who defected from the communist state said on Wednesday.
Ri Kwang-chol, who fled to the South last year, told a forum of rights activists that the practice of killing newborns was widespread but denied he himself took part in it.
"There are no people with physical defects in North Korea," Ri told members of the New Right Union, which groups local activists and North Korean refugees.
He said babies born with physical disabilities were killed in infancy in hospitals or in homes and were quickly buried.
The practice is encouraged by the state, Ri said, as a way of purifying the masses and eliminating people who might be considered "different."
Originally posted by thermopolis
Originally posted by d60944
thermopolis I'm with you on this.
A judgement about "quality of life" is, at root, de facto subjective (although admitrtedly informed by objective fact). The fact of existence of a life is not subjective though: there either is one, or there is not. The irrefutably binary nature of life-death is one of the problems for moral relativism when it tackles decisions about death. I have an innate problem with killing someone (an objective act) according to a morally relative social judgement (a subjective opinon).
There is also a clear distinction between "accepting" death and "causing" death (our legal systems usually rely on this in their criminal law on omissions and actions and their factual causality of the crime).
[edit on 19-3-2006 by d60944]
Whew........what a statement. I am not sure very many posters to this thread could have said it in quite that way. (author takes another drink to suppress brain after rereading above statement 100 times to "get it")
Thanks ?? I think?
Originally posted by loam
Here's a picture of one extreme:
N.Korean defector says disabled newborns are killed
North Korea has no people with physical disabilities because they are killed almost as soon as they are born, a physician who defected from the communist state said on Wednesday.
Originally posted by d60944
A judgement about "quality of life" is, at root, de facto subjective (although admitrtedly informed by objective fact). The fact of existence of a life is not subjective though: there either is one, or there is not. The irrefutably binary nature of life-death is one of the problems for moral relativism when it tackles decisions about death. I have an innate problem with killing someone (an objective act) according to a morally relative social judgement (a subjective opinon).
There is also a clear distinction between "accepting" death and "causing" death (our legal systems usually rely on this in their criminal law on omissions and actions and their factual causality of the crime).
Originally posted by torbjon
For those who are under the opinion that euthanasia is a ‘bad’ thing, my questions for you are:
Just exactly When did your obligations and responsibilities to the alleged ‘victim’ begin?
Just exactly When do your assumed obligations and responsibilities to the alleged ‘victim’ end?
Just exactly what Are your obligations and responsibilities to this life you have now ‘saved’? (and how long do those obligations last?)
And, most importantly:
Just exactly what type of financial contributions are you personally going to be making to the alleged ‘victim’?
In other words, who foots the bill for keeping these kids alive? SOMEBODY has too. Who is it going to be and WHY?
[edit on 20-4-2006 by torbjon]
Originally posted by torbjon
I think it’s just your mood… I read the entire thread and did not feel that my questions had been adequately addressed or discussed.
Originally posted by torbjon
So, when anybody comes between me and my kid and tells me I HAVE to do something, I HAVE to ask, ‘who are you? who are you to tell Me what to do with My kid? where were you the other day and where will you be tomorrow? exactly How Much input are you going to have on my daughters life and WHY?’ etc. etc. etc. (keep in mind that the ‘you’ here is generic and not you personally)
Originally posted by torbjon
I would feel like a negligent parent if I Didn’t ask those questions when people start talking about how other people should treat their children…
I don’t see this as an issue of ‘infant rights’ or ‘right to life’ but rather one of ‘parents rights’
Originally posted by torbjon
No matter how stupid, inept, lame, irresponsible, abusive, crazy, messed up, uneducated, brainwashed, backwards, uncivilized or childish those parents may be, they have rights and responsibilities. You say so yourself many times in your response to me… the Parents Are Responsible.
I agree with that whole heartedly.
In my eyes, a parent is not only responsible for their child’s life, but also their child’s death (if it should come to that)
Originally posted by torbjon
My ‘point of view’ is that I am not qualified to make decisions for other parents, and that NO ONE is qualified to make decisions for my daughter Except Me. (and I, of course, am willing to take Full responsibility for my actions)
My ‘point of view’ is that the parent is not only responsible for their offspring’s Life, but also for their offspring’s Death.
Originally posted by torbjon
And if somebody actually Is lame enough to come between me and my daughter and start making those types of decisions on my behalf, then they had better be prepared to a) kill me, and b) take on All of the responsibility and make All of the decisions for my daughter from that moment onwards.
Originally posted by torbjon
I see many people who are more than willing to Tell Me what to do with regards to my child, but to actually do it themselves? So far no one has offered to change the diapers, clean up the vomit, play bouncy ball for hours on end (and let’s face it, bouncy ball NEVER gets boring *laughs*) or stay up all night comforting her when she was teething…
Sure, tons of people have offered to Tell Me what to do in those situations, but to actually drop everything they are doing and come over here and Do It themselves? Nope. Not a one.
Needless to say, I don’t have much respect for those types of people. I doubt any normal, rational human being would have much respect for those types of people… would you? (the ‘you’ here Is specific and directed at think2much)
Originally posted by torbjon
Honestly think2much, don’t you get more than a little miffed when some person or organization comes at you and Tells you what you can and can’t do with Your child? Especially if what they are telling you goes against your personal belief system?
Originally posted by torbjon
Suppose you were one of those people whose philosophy taught that the body is the temple of God, that invasive surgery and non-holistic medicines were one of The Greatest sins you could commit against this temple, and now some bozo is going to come and take you away and perform some pretty invasive surgery on you and pump you full of some pretty harsh medicines “for your own good”… wouldn’t that tick you off just a little bit? Even though it’s “for your own good”?
Now suppose they want to do that to your new born child… wow. Heavy. “we’re Going to save your child’s life but damn their soul to your concept of Hell for all eternity” What’s the parent to do in this situation?
Originally posted by torbjon
I know that’s probably not the best of examples and it doesn’t particularly apply to the Danish Baby case, but it’s the best I could come up while my daughter is shoving a pencil up my nose as I type…
Originally posted by torbjon
Look, again, my ‘point of view’ is that I’m not qualified to tell you Anything about Your kids, and I’m sorry comrade, but you’re not qualified to tell me Anything about My kids.
And if you think you Are qualified, or better qualified, then I have to ask; does it go both ways? If you get to tell me what I can and can’t do with my kid, do I get to tell you what you can and can’t do with yours?
Originally posted by torbjon
I would Love to keep chatting about this… as I said, it’s a Very Serious subject to me… but I am being informed that it is now time to stop typing and start doing more important things, like playing with blocks.... stack 'em up, knock 'em down, stack 'em up, knock 'em down....