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Stargates are real

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posted on May, 3 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by dariousg

You call that research? LOL

Obviously this person only read a small portion where the Bible was referenced. What they obviously didn't do was read everything else. Myself I have had to get here off and on so I think I have missed quite a bit but the one thing that I do know is that it is NOT about the Bible.


I'm not sure I understand your complaint. Are you saying I've not read the bible or the person I responded to, hasn't read it? You might want to re-read the thread, if you think that's true.

[edit on 2-5-2007 by undo]

This is the problem with written communication. Too many ways to take a statement.

To clear up my intent I was simply being sarcastic with my first statement about your research (kind of making fun of the person that was saying you had only based it on the Bible) and then made a comment about them only reading a recent posting where you had referenced the Bible and not the entire thread.

If they had read the entire thread they would have realized that your research focuses on ALL of the ancient texts and not just the Bible.

I know your view on the Bible and I can understand why you feel so strongly about it. However, I do have to agree with some of the skepticism towards the validity of some of the data in it as I believe that there has been quite a bit of manipulation done to it in order to strengthen the position of certain churches.

However, that is not about this topic. Your research has brought more to my attention than I think I could ever have imagined on my own and I thank you for that.

So, slam on you, no, sarcasm towards the person that made that ludicrous claim that your research was invalid because it was only based on the Bible, yes.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 01:55 PM
other interesting pieces of info:

The Etemenanki (Tower of Babel) had seven layers. Each layer was a different color of the rainbow. This suggests electromagnetic spectrum, and perhaps associated technologies. It makes sense as I've found countless references to the craft and crystals, the gates and crystals, and there must be a connection.

For example, New City Jerusalem mentioned in the end of Revelation, is composed entirely of crystals/gems of various kinds. It has been suggested by some researchers of prophetical texts, that perhaps this city is not a cube but a pyramid. It is possible. The streets of the city are composed of translucent gold, like glass, for example. When Gilgamesh goes through the gates of Paradise, he finds a garden with plants that grow crystals, not fruit. When the high priests of Israel were given breastplates, they were composed of crystals.

What happens when light goes through a prism? It splits into the rainbow, and isn't it interesting that the prism is generally the same shape as the pyramid or ziggurat?

It all seems very simple, but really, it may be so much more complex, that we don't recognize what we are seeing when we view the pyramids of Egypt, for example. It may be more than a simple case of a necessity of gravity, that the pyramids were built as they were because of some other principle in addition to gravity, such as the splitting of light.

Something is there, what it is, is what the scientists are trying to ascertain. That none of them have figured it out yet, is not a surety.

[edit on 3-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:11 PM
Here's an example of the biblical "Serpent", who i believe is the sumerian Enki, shown in this depiction from his ancient city of Eridu (this artifact is dated circa 4000BC! So it is a real, honest-to-goodness sumerian artifact and the only figurine found in Eridu, btw!)
The biblical texts refer to him as being adorned with precious stones. It says something to the effect of "You were in the Garden of God....[...]... Every precious stone was your covering." Notice the rounded pellets on his shoulders .. This is, I believe, depicting him adorned with precious stones, which probably glowed, sparkled, and sent beams of rainbow-like radiance out from his body in every direction.

So yet more reference to crystals and their importance in this entire puzzle.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by undo

When the biblical texts say that our eyes were opened as a result of eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, I want you to consider a few things:

1. The knowledge came as the result of being "civilized" by Enki.

2. To be civilized simply meant that we were enslaved for the purposes of civiilzation building. This included introducing us to concepts like religion, the sciences and writing (but only to the degree needed to perform the work he and the other Fallen Ones, required).

[edit on 3-5-2007 by undo]

We all have theories and such. At least you present decent enough arguments based on what you have researched to come to this theory.

Here's a question then that may be relevant to a few of your other postings I have read in regards to women and how they are viewed by 'others' not from here and their role in Eden.

It was Eve that 'ate from the Tree' first. She then led Adam to it. In other words, she (they, because I believe that the Adam and Eve were many and not just two individuals) broke the chains of enslavement.

This may very well have made some particular beings very mad that they have now lost their workers because of the females. Thus, the extreme hatred that you say you felt being displayed towards women in your out of body experience and, plainly put, the brutal history of degradation, violence, and belittling that women in general have faced in all cultures.

I see some things that would need to be researched further to make a little more sense but I do like your line of thinking on this.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:24 PM

oh, okay.
i was thinking...well the first part sounds bad and the second part sounds good. so that's why i asked.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:30 PM
dariousg again,

as regards your post about eve. no, our eyes were opened when enki brought us here as slaves and taught us civilization. we had been uncivilized prior to that. in fact, if you compare and contrast, the concept is almost identical to the garden of eden scenario:

enki sees humans drinking out of rivers right next to the animals. the humans are uncivilized. so he sees the opportunity to enslave us with a bit of teaching (enlightenment), and we are taught how the rest of the universe operates, but only to a degree. prior to that, we were innocent in our lack of knowledge about what was right wrong or indifferent, regarding civilization. after that, the law condemned us because we were informed about how we were supposed to be living but couldn't possibly achieve it. there's obviously more particulars in there but i don't know what they are.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 02:47 PM
undo have you seen these videos? what do you think??


The Cuboid Stargate

The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Funkydung]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 03:44 PM

The Brave New World video:

Brought to my attention that 2001: A Space Odyssey, was filled with star gate analogies! Makes me want to watch it again. His 9-11 theory is interesting, although I don't know what to make of it at this juncture.

The Cuboid Stargate

I don't agree that they are accessing stargates simply by ingesting hallucenogens (spelling?) while in the vicinity of certain geometric shapes.
Although the crystalline structures of some medicines may have some bearing on contact of various kinds and out of body episodes, I think these
are just brief encounters and not the same as accessing a physical gate.

It is interesting, however, that he's found so many little nuances and connections between ideas.

The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate

The problem with the Solomon theory is that it doesn't take into consideration that Solomon eventually denounced the occult knowledge he had learned from his wives, calling it all vanity of vanities. The reason this is is because when alls said and done, the only thing of value is love.

The fact many of the world's ancient structures of religious import have similar geometric designs lends itself to understanding that the babylonian world system (ruled by the great dragon (Enki), i might add) is interconnected by their masonic roots (most of the world religions and secret societies were created by and ruled from Rome, just for your information.

Here's a video on the subject. Get past the fact the guy is praying in the beginning to hear how he connects everything back to rome. It's darn spooky

Google Video Link

Here's the link if the video above won't play

This one actually connects islam to Rome, which is even weirder.

Google Video Link

If you're catholic, I apologize if the above videos sound as if they are attacking you. They aren't.. Most catholic people are very nice and not bad christians at all. He's just pointing out how the people are kept in the dark about the real functioning of the hierarchy of the world's most powerful organizations.

[edit on 3-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Okay Undo, just finished listening to your blog show with Neal Adams. I have heard this theory before about the earth actually growing. Personally I think that they are correct. Everything else in the universe seems to be growing so why not our earth?

Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. To stay on topic with stargates I wanted to throw out there his ideas on the electrons and positrons and how it could actually help to establish the entrances of stargates. As he was suggesting, most 'alien' civiliazations would most likley have moved well beyond radio communication because of the ability to utilize or manipulate either one of these (of the whole). Flip one and the other one, regardless of where it is, will instantaneously flip. Maybe by creating a negative pathway between the two points would allow for a constant/instantaneous transport pathway. By flipping one side you can reverse the flow.

I guess the problem would be how to make sure that they remain separate (for obvious reasons) and then to maintain the pathways.

This isn't a thorough theory on it because this was the first time I had ever heard of the concept of the positron actually existing in another location.

I can also see how this would be utilized to create an eternal source of energy. Just simply create a circular negative pathway around an engine of some sort and then flood this pathway with positrons that will never merge wtih an electron and they will constantly move along that pathway. Again, not much thought in how to harness the energy and such but I can see the interesting points to his views.

If this theory is indeed true then I my understanding of how some things that have gone unexplained have actually occured.

Oh yeah, thanks for your reply to the Eve question. It's very interesting and something to chew on.

However, I still believe that women will hold the key to our next move in evolution wherever and whenever it may be. Why else would they be so depressed by cultures throughout history?

Great work. Please keep it up.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by IronMan
I apologise firstly, if anyone here feels crest-fallen
by my comments below...

Now why would we do that? Its quite obvious you didn't read any of this thread at all, certainly not the premise and certainly NOT this page as I just provided a paper trail just five posts up... ON THIS PAGE :shk:

Perhaps your reading skills are a little RUSTY Ironman...

a fictional piece of entertainment for youngsters.

Really? well how many "youngsters" have YOU talked to about the show? It was a 12 year old's statement that she believed that the show was a government way of releasing the truth that led me to create my original Stargate thread...

When I found Undo's thread we merged ideas.

Go ask some teenagers... I think you will find MANY that accept the fact that stargate is telling something real...

Again, I don't mean to offend, but Lordy, 45 pages of postings
about a pretend-based show that's 'blossomed' into somebody's
mind is a little worrying.

You don't offend, you merely display your ignorance of the interest this idea has in the populace. Those 45 pages are filled with lots of research, including "Project Stargate" in 1968, a remote viewing project by the CIA involving Ingo Swann which officially ended in 1995...

So it was the US Government that first used the term Stargate

And why is it "a little worrying"? We are not starting a cult you know...

Hmmm on second thought, maybe not a bad idea

There's no proof, no Stargate, no witnesses and no paper trail.
All there is, is a TV show and some stretched interpretations of
writings in a book.


Originally posted by dariousg

You call that research? LOL

I would however appreciate a link to the Los Alamos and other officially released documents that have been released on this subject.

That is very insulting and uncalled for!
UNDO (the original poster in case you missed that) has done a ton of research and made a great presentation. Others have made major contributions. We have shown you documents that no one reads, yet you ask to be linked to such documents... This tells me you don't even read the thread as the links were posted several times and even excerpted on the previous page... but just for you I will be nice and point you to it directly...


[edit on 4-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by DesmondDid it rely on the same technology than the Philadelphia experiment?

Ah a technical question, thats my department

But first Desmond, be so kind as to tell me what the power source and the technology on the Philadelphia experiment was, so I know where your mind set is for comparrison...


posted on May, 4 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by BitDust
Any ways, I'm done with this topic. It is a waste.

Thanks for your participation and please let the door hit you on the way out

Wow must be spring! We have a whole new "crop"

posted on May, 5 2007 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Funkydung
undo have you seen these videos? what do you think??


Hmmmm so THEY demolished the towers.... raided the stargates in Iraq and plan to build a new tower with the stargate at the top...

Noah's Ark...

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Funkydung
undo have you seen these videos? what do you think??


Hmmmm so THEY demolished the towers.... raided the stargates in Iraq and plan to build a new tower with the stargate at the top...

Noah's Ark...

what do you mean noahs ark? what is this? looks like the tree of life sorta...

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Hrm, probably not the tree of life. if you read the Epic of Gilgamesh, when he goes through the gate, he ends up in paradise, where he finds the noah figure. he resumes to ask him how to achieve immortality, as this was supposedly given to noah. when he emerges into paradise, he sees plants and trees growing crystals . the idea that one of those crystals was responsible for immortality, is the premise of his journey. he gets the secret of immortality from noah, but on his way back through the gate, he supposedly loses it. meaning that the crystal won't translate. what it all means, i have no idea, but i do know that if anything, it's not going to be a mammoth structure like a huge space ark.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung
what do you mean noahs ark? what is this? looks like the tree of life sorta...

Well yes I guess it does sorta resemble a representation of the tree of life... but this is the Ark... a collection of biospheres with a different culture in each one, travelling through space after the Earth was destroyed looking for a new home, or waiting for the Planet to heal, not sure which...

"Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed by a tin dome."

Sumerian "Tree of Life" with the winged disc above...

posted by undo
...he gets the secret of immortality from noah, but on his way back through the gate, he supposedly loses it. meaning that the crystal won't translate...

AH! So the secret of immortality is cryogenics and he can't take THAT back with him

That Ark has that as well... because the keepers of the Ark need to be awakened if there is an emergency, but are the only ones who know what the Ark truly is...

Well its sounds good to me

[edit on 6-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:47 PM
Problem is, that isn't a sumerian image. It's babylonian or later, possibly even assyrian. By then, the ideas are all mixed up, such as the concept that Enki was human in appearance. According to the texts, the "Fallen" ones took on the appearance (Shape shifted) but weren't actually human. Every Enki you see after the flood is human. Enki was a nachash, a seraph, a reptilian.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 10:05 PM

AH! So the secret of immortality is cryogenics and he can't take THAT back with him

According to the text, he loses it in the abyss. Noah had already given it to him but he loses it on his return trip. Which, if we follow the theory that the abyss is the abzu, the gate, the bottomless pit, something about this "immortality" thing is not capable of going threw the gate. Obviously, immortality and a machine body are two different things in this instance (and possibly all instances from that perspective), if we consider the modifications made to Gilgamesh (Nimrod) were cyborg parts, for example.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 10:17 PM
i need to clarify that previous post:

he was born human but was modified later. i'm not sure how he could've been genetically modified after he was born, unless it was artificial parts. although with significantly advanced genetic science, i suppose they could modify DNA insitu. the modifications happened before he went on his trip to see noah, however and is one of the reasons he was able to gate travel, according to the story.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 07:13 AM
I love this thread--so i think i will post some references to gates --doors--and windows to other worlds(heaven).

The terms "Gate of Heaven" refers to Mary the Gate through which Christ entered this world.
MARY, we greet you as the Gate of Heaven because you are the Mother of the Gate of Heaven, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. He said, "I am the Door. If anyone enter by me he shall be safe, and shall go in and out, and shall find pastures... I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10,10).

MARY, you are the Gate of Heaven because through your hands God imparts to us all the graces by means of which we obtain heaven. God left it to your own free choice to accept or to refuse the honor of becoming the Mother of His Son. But having become the Mother of God, you share in the work of our Redemption.

MARY, you are all-powerful with God by your intercession. Your divine Son is ever ready to listen to your prayers, because He desires so ardently to gladden your heart, so that you seem to command rather than to ask.
Your loving Son said, "Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able" (Luke 13,24). Banish from my heart all sinful desires, all attachment to the world and its goods and pleasures. Help me to live a mortified life so that I may be able to enter heaven through the narrow gate. Teach me to be humble, and in all things to seek the honor of God and to bear with patience the crosses of life. Through your prayers, be the Gate of Heaven to me, for you speak in the words of the Scripture: "Blessed is the man that hears me and that watches daily at my gates, and waits at the posts of my doors. He that shall find me shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord" (Prov. 8,34).

I think this gate is not a physical gate but one that alludes to the entrance to christianity..

This gate is somewhat confusing ,could be real or the same as listed above..


The traveler looks up to see names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. At the door of Heaven both Old and New Testament heroes of faith are brought together.

Perhaps the most significant of the twelve gates around Heaven's wall is the one in the center on the East side. This would follow the pattern God gave Moses for his tent of meeting in the Wilderness which had one entrance on the East side. Moses, Aaron and his sons also camped near the entrance toward the sunrise (Numbers 3:38). The Gate of Eden where humankind was expelled was east of the the garden (Gen. 3:24). A vision of the millennial sanctuary in the future was given to Ezekiel and mentions the East outer gate (40:6). (Also see Rev. 22:14).

There are three gates on each side of the City of God. We're not told the distance between these gates which would most likely be placed equidistant around the Jasper Wall. If we guessed that the length between the gates is about twelve times the depth or thickness of the wall or 880 yards (1/2 mile) then the distance between gates would be 499.5 miles. This is simply a guess as we have no measurements given in the Bible other than the length and depth (thickness) of the wall. Fortunately no one is sick or infirm in Heaven and walking will be more like space walking in our spirit bodies (or transformed bodies later). Walking hundreds of miles will be a snap.

A mighty guarding angel is there to greet the newcomer. The lush green of the Eden-like entry has already brought much peace.

Will post more references later must get back to work---

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