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Stargates are real

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posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:20 AM
Check this interview out:

Here is some info on our history to date and possible evidence of extra-terrestrial contact down here on planet earth.

'Red Cloud' is a Native American guide that I work with as does the above medium. This guide was channeled in the Houses of Parliament in the 1930's & The Royal Albert Hall to many believers. The history of Native American culture suggests that they were in contact with aliens.

'Star Borne' written by Solara discusses the supposed shift in global consciousness & the awakening happening at this present time. This writer claims that our DNA has been seeded and we are re-activating our 'starry light bodies' connecting us to our relatives at Orion, pleiades, Arcturus etc. From research it seems that beings from these other star systems come here to help us and our planet as humans can be very destructive. As an example during a meditation one of my peers received a message concerning - 'The Platinum Ray'.

'Partners in passion' by David Francis is another great read detailing the power behind the unseen worlds of energy - 'as represented by the astrological sign of Aquarius.' Astrology also energetically influences us collectively and on a personal level.

As a fan of Spiritualism and patiently sitting in development circles I can say hand on heart that it is possible to communicate with other dimensional beings and tap into healing energy from these realms for healing the auric field & chakra system.

I look forward to taking 'Red Cloud' out into the public arena, probably to much ridicule but couldn't care less to be honest. We need to wake up and free the conditioned, indoctrinated, ego-based mind set that this world has encouraged us to have.

This planet is about love, how we connect with each other and being in tune with the 'laws of creation' which are much bigger than us mere mortals. Divine laws such as the law of karma & reincarnation. Emotions, feelings and the way we think are the most important aspects of being human and our happiness isn't dependent upon anything external from ourselves.

There is much to learn from the Ascended Masters & spiritual teachers being channeled today if we are willing to listen and from groups such as The Theosophical, Aetherius Society & if you want 'other wordly' - 'The Spiritual Hierarchy' :-)

Maybe these people are making these claims up or maybe they're not, either way it makes for fascinating discussion. I guess we might all find out when we cross over to the other side.


.... Not spamming guys - just editing my my post. Thanx

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by godservant

Great work undo! I have been studying,and researching all these subjects for 20 years.Always open to learning anything.I connect the dots too! :-)

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 04:34 PM

Check this interview out:

Here is some info on our history to date and possible evidence of extra-terrestrial contact down here on planet earth.

'Red Cloud' is a Native American guide that I work with as does the above medium. This guide was channeled in the Houses of Parliament in the 1930's & The Royal Albert Hall to many believers. The history of Native American culture suggests that they were in contact with aliens.

.... Not spamming guys - just editing my my post. Thanx

The "Red Cloud" is connected to 11/11/11 (November 11, 2011), and the visitation of extraterrestrials and an awakening of mankind. "Red Cloud" is the "stargate" or "portal", either literal or figurative. I do not believe you are spamming, I have a different interpretation of the material I will begin with the following quotation from the said site's homepage:

Many due to 11-11-11 not experience any thing will get depressed. Its just another day.
The Christian's will find it hard to cope, but other beliefs stay strong.
The queen will leave her thrown
Rome will go quite and go into hiding.
Mass of people praying
Man see UFO craft in sky's, which un nerves man.

Red Cloud has stated that within the next 6/7 days something of a change will occur on the earth, but has not stated what, it could be money ,war, weather, death or planet stuff. Lot of you have been asking about 11.11.11 and will there be a change. From what Spirit are saying no How ever there is some change in large ways coming in, but the energy that has been making you all' Psychic' [or this so called energy] is coming to an end, not getting bigger. look outside your window and your see the mayhem that's it produced, it's seems that many are making their way to Sadona in the USA but for what....

Lets Place the descriptions in a different Context. 11/11/11 is a date representing perfect harmony, so lets express harmony with each value of 1 in a scale the size of the universe, to a degree in the earth.

1 = Galactic Alignment (Sun in Center of "Dark Rift/Great Rift" in Center of Galaxy)
1 = Ecliptic At Scorpio (which is at the center of the galaxy, when the sun rests there)
1 = Solstice (which is when the Earth is perpendicular to the sun, lets say relative to 12/21/2013)
1 = New Moon (Many believe the New Moon phases is the beginning of spiritual renewal 1/1/2014)
1 = *When you wake up from sleep (this is a kind of renewal often seen as spiritual, etc)
1 = *When you burn a fire to cook food or make a feast (this is a kind of renewal often attributed to holidays)

You have 6 values of being centered or "1" from the scale of the universe, to a scale below the dimension of man. Now we will talk about the "Red Cloud". It is told that the universe would go "Blood Red", or would be burned by the "Fire of Nibiru", and this would result in the cleansing of mankind and the rebirth of the earth. Christmas 12/25/2013 or 12/26/2013 the projected date of Comet ISON's close passage to the Planet Earth can fit the description, relatively of each value of a centering "1", from the largest scale of the universe, to a scale smaller then man, in our context. This "Red Cloud" would infact result in "rebirth".

You can go ahead and this value for the first "1" above: solstice precessional alignment 1980, 1998, 2012, 2016 ... from 2012 to 2016 the Sun is passing from the center of the Galaxy, into the Center of the Great Rift, depending on your perspective that is. Once again, depending on your context, we can view this prediction as a good comparison for what is taking place.

In reality, the facts of this prediction as it relates to the "Cosmic Shift", is obscured, the "Red Cloud" or portal if you want to view the universe that way, as it will have this attribute shown. Is not the origination point of the "Cosmic Shift". The Planet Earth is, then once we are impacted, the sun will go black and the universe will go blood red (as the dark matter network is excited).

The danger humanity presents to itself, not just by groups of people performing terrorism, or filling up the news each day, every day, with acts of grotesqueness, is not only descriptive of the change, but a greater more perfect law has been designed to address you. And it is being modified in sages before it is pronounced soon for the ascension of mankind.

There will be portals in play during the Cosmic Shift, but it will serve the purpose of a greater goal of migrating mankind for and to inherit the new earth.
I could even go on to say, that when 12/21/2012 failed the Mayan/Aztec date of the end. Nobody looked any further into the account, and it was not seen as the prediction of the Comet ISON or the ball they use in their ball game to mark the Galactic Alignment that marks the real change, the real Cosmic Shift. Conclusions, we have corrected based on our current observations, we can levy the accuracy of the prediction and its intended conclusion. Not just this failure but Comet Elenin, which happened before 11/11/11 ... ... it has become more acceptable to dismiss prophecy, and not see the greater conclusion. But this does not mean we have not already seen it, and await the pronunciation of this conclusion for the benefit of mankind.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:48 PM


Originally posted by scarecrow19d
I find this interesting, is there any tangible physical evidence of a gate around? Anything to actually show a gate exists?

Well, contrary to mainstream archaeology and historians, I believe the ancient texts were not religious in the same way as we view the word today. I believe they were first hand, historical accounts. In one such account, Enki's ziggurat is said to have an upper emplacement in the constellation "The Field," which translates to "somewhere in the Pegasus constellation." I kid you not..
I'll get the quote and reference for you in a few minutes.

[edit on 6-3-2006 by undo]

I guess it's just a coincidence that Stargate: Atlantis took place mostly in the Pegasus Galaxy?

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:59 AM
Seriously though, in the 326 pages of this thread, is there ANY evidence of real stargates? Sifting through 300+ pages for something that probably isn't even there is a real pain in the a$$.

I'm still pissed they canceled Atlantis btw, lol.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Yes I agree I couldn't be bothered reading all of it, but as long as we've got colonel o'neill (Richard dean Anderson )we will be alright, not the other guy who played john kryton in Farscape.they actually canceled sg-1 due to lack of viewers...anyway a silver ziggurat is not definitive proof of a star gate. If there were stargates they would be just as top secret as the film or series so your never going to be able to step through one.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:49 AM

reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Yes I agree I couldn't be bothered reading all of it, but as long as we've got colonel o'neill (Richard dean Anderson )we will be alright, not the other guy who played john kryton in Farscape.they actually canceled sg-1 due to lack of viewers...anyway a silver ziggurat is not definitive proof of a star gate. If there were stargates they would be just as top secret as the film or series so your never going to be able to step through one.

Actually, according to wiki, SG-1 was not canceled due to poor ratings. Also, it's "Crichton", and both Farscape and Ben Browder are the sh!t. I was saddened to see RDA go, but Ben is the best replacement they could have hoped for (and honestly, he was a colonel for a very long time, lol). The replicators and the Ori were really getting on my nerves though.

Atlantis, on the other hand, was canceled in it's prime. I would love to see a movie wrap things up. They canceled it with the Wraith heading straight for earth. WTF?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 06:25 AM
... I decided to create an environment to assist in understanding some of the stargate material from the ancients. You would literally have to be a few thousand years old to understand what has happened, I am not saying I am not. What I am instead offering is another perspective to address this information. Mankind has underwent several changes to the way he reacts to the earth, several distinct generational changes went into play, seemingly all at once. One major change to man's relationship with matter, did infact surround the annunaki alien visitations and or myths created as a consequence. We'll attempt to fill in the blanks.


Originally posted by stjohn
Ok. I'm hooked, any more info?

Surely. Are you familar with the Abydos "Osirieon" of ancient Egypt? If not, check it out here: . It belongs to a group of buildings I think of as the Anunnaki buildings. The reason I believe this will become apparent when you read the information on it. It's undecorated like the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu. It definitely predates the Temple of Seti and it's built underground for a reason that relates directly to what I've already said in this thread.

[edit on 6-3-2006 by undo]

No. No. The relationship of "faith" imbued man with the power to exercise prayers, mediation, and supernatural works of extreme discipline, akin to receiving salvation on those terms, and visited in the intricacies of of the architecture we are now seeing. Those are one of the examples, that may of been buried altogether by the holy spirit at some point, to assist in generational longevity, given certain changes, or buried by a proceeding generation because of shame, in the regression of man as it was then viewed. The line in the sand is unclear.

"The shrine's emplacement is situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine's emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation."

To translate that into english, consider that the second half of the sentence is a further clarification of the first half of the sentence and not two different places being referred to. The "shrine" is Enki's ziggurat which was sitting on top of a subterranean chamber called the Abzu. This quote is from "Enki and the World Order", an ancient sumerian text, translated by Oriental Institute, University of Oxford and listed on the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

[edit on 6-3-2006 by undo]

I will at least demonstrate my impression of a stargate, then we can at least begin to understand what may have happened on those terms:

The Stargate is the Pyramid itself, in this context. The Space relative to the Ecliptic would be drawn in or compressed into itself, and show light collecting together, and this star would call down fire/light, and this would create the second advent when it reached the pyramid. The Entire Pyramid would turn into an open gate, into another dimension. The short answer is the Pyramids of Giza the three largest ones, were created or are the left overs of the dimensional rifting, that is material was created when the dimensional gate closed. It was opened 3 times at least and thus we have the three largest pyramids. The false diagnosis, of the pyramids, is the result of years of carvings intended to make it look like they constructed item, both by the egyptians, and possibly by the universe or both, this must remain unclear. The generations of man were punished for great sin, and they became lesser beings. This was also a sign of hope as the arrival of the Annunaki put an essential end to earth articulation by man's mental abilities, and this period of enslavement if you will, was a period of ignorance that bleed into the defamation and false claims to the pyramids. What you see bleed into bablyonian, was a resulting plague of ignorance that gave unwarranted value to their later construction projects, the authenticity of the ziggurat is simply debatable, I would not know, and it should remain unclear.

Shadow XIX,

You said: I have to say I havent heard the description you gave of the of Enki's "ziggurat" pure silver fascinating.

My response. The text actually says:

An artfully made bright crenellation rising out from the abzu was erected for lord Nudimmud. Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli. Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight. [...]

Its brickwork makes utterances and gives advice. [...]

He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold. [...]

As it has been built, as it has been built; as Enki has raised Eridug up, it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water. (Source is The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, University of Oxford, Oriental Institute.)

[edit on 6-3-2006 by undo]

There's a campaign of false information, that permeates the ancient civilizations, and there is also a campaign of envy in discrediting the intelligence of the ancients. Our universe is a construct of limited dimensional affinity, concluded against the hyperdimension, which is mirrored in our observances of creation. Across the board, close relationships described with the aliens all have one thing in common. Not stargates essentially, but pyramids. Pyramids littered across Mesopotamian, Meso-america, and globally with face dates surrounding 3000 B.C. not essentially before or after. We have our answer, but this is not one anyone will accept.

Everyone will learn the truth soon, when the gates begin to open again, when they are used for our purposes. Regarding hybrids, sure kings and rulers were made hybrids, not sure about the population but one thing is true, when those kings died, their offspring were always killed off, and when the period of the aliens ended, yes, they defamed or rather made their accounts of history from the remnants of the stargates where were both massive and the origination of all the pyramids we see today. Ofcourse, you would have to be either a few thousand years old, or a complete idiot, but this is something to think about.
edit on 10-12-2013 by sighstars because: minor edits

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by sighstars

This is fascinating and I'm trying to get my head around it all as there's so many different opinions and voices floating around everywhere on planet earth. I always like solid facts and answers but I guess as with all metaphysical stuff it's intangible. I'm also trying to figure out what role I have to play in it all. I reckon I'm coming from the spiritual / lightworker angle of it all and I had a final appointment with my spinal surgeon on 11/11/11 funnily enough but my life is full of weird synchronicities so nothing surprises me these days.

It seems as though Red Cloud has been channeled by quite a few people. I have worked with him myself and have been told he is one of my spirit guides during a psychic exercise. Spirit have also communicated to my psychic circle leader that I'm clairvoyant and an astrologer down here which I have always known from a young age.
edit on 19-12-2013 by LouiseCTaylor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by mrFMPerson

Iraq StarGate Key to 911 and Bush

Iraq StarGate

Back in the 1920s the Iraq StarGate was uncovered in Baghdad. This StarGate was surrounded by the “Green Zone” during the Iraqi War and was the whole purpose for the war. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) were an excuse. Having control of the StarGate was the goal of the Bush Administration as well as Nazi Germany. This was a repeat of when Hitler and Nazi Germany went to Iraq to fight against the British as both wanted control of the Iraq StarGate. Führer Directive No. 30 dealt with German intervention in support of Arab Nationalists in the Kingdom of Iraq. During the 1930s, representatives of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy attempted to gain favor with various Iraqi nationalists and promised support against the British. On 2 May 1941, after tensions mounted on both sides, the British launched pre-emptive land strikes against Iraqi forces and the Anglo-Iraqi War began. Rashid Ali immediately requested that the Germans make good on the earlier promises of assistance. The International Zone (formerly known as the Green Zone) is the heavily guarded diplomatic/government area of closed-off streets in central Baghdad where US occupation authorities live and work. The Green Zone in the central city includes the main palaces of former President Saddam Hussein where the StarGate is located in the basement of the main palace. The area houses the civilian ruling authority run by the Americans and British and the offices of major US consulting companies. Prescott Bush had furnished weapons to Nazi Germany to arm them for World War II.


Real Truth Will Set Us all free.

Mod Edit: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.
edit on 10/2/2014 by ArMaP because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by undo

You was right about the Stargates and Our whole history was a lie. Real Truth Will set us all free. I know it all now.


Sit tight for the change soon to happen. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Fear No Evil, + TRIGGERS Trust God His plan is the Change.

edit on 10/2/2014 by ArMaP because: duplicate content from the above post removed

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by undo

It's The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) up in Alaska.
The movie SG-1 true Remember UNDO The real TRUTH will set us all free. The Real Bible has been found this (NIV) versions to keep us in check and all others were redone when people get close the truth a new version is out. I can prove it. Hang in there UNDO.

Been following you all along. STAY Relaxed. connect the dots,were are going to wake up soon. The truth about Aliens. Iraq is the Cradle of Civilization where everything started. You should know who the true TWO Profits are. The ones with the Real Truth as in the bible. Here is a part of how the bible is. If you see this you will know what I say is true nothing can stop it now. The God Particle is our soul. God has been with all along.

Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, O HEAVENS, and ye THAT DWELL IN THEM(ALIENS LOYAL TO YHWH). Woe for the earth and for the sea: because THE DEVIL(REBEL ALIENS) IS GONE DOWN UNTO YOU, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time.2Cor11:14 Satan fashioneth himself into an angel(ALIEN) of light(KNOWLEDGE).REV13:2 The dragon(REBEL ALIENs) gave the beast(NAZIs&US ARMY) his power(ALIEN INSIGHT) and his throne(MILITARY SUPREMACY) and great authority(MASS CONTROL INTEL).4 They(GOV AUTHORITIES) fell down(SUBMIT) and paid homage(ENTERED INTO AGREEMENT) to the dragon(REBEL ALIEN COMMANDER), because he had bestowed(TRANSFERRED) on the beast all his dominion(ALIEN TECH=MAN MADE UFOs) and authority; they also praised and worshiped the beast(ARMY), exclaiming, Who is a match for the beast? 1Tim4:1 …in later times. They WILL OBEY LYING SPIRITS and follow the TEACHING(ALIEN TECH) OF DEMONS(REBEL ALIENs).Rev16:13 And I saw coming out of the mouth(LEADERS) of the dragon(REBEL ALIENS), and out of the mouth of the beast(ARMY), and out of the mouth of the false prophet(ANTI-CHRIST CHURCH), three unclean spirits, as it were frogs(GREYS).Deut32:16 They moved him(YHWH) to jealousy with strange gods(REBEL ALIENS); With abominations(HYBRID-HUMANS) provoked they him to anger.REV16:14 They are demonic spirits (REBEL ALIENs) that perform signs, and they go out to(CONTROL) the kings(AUTHORITIES) of the whole world, to gather(UNIFYING) them for the battle(BUILD ARMY)on the great day of God Almighty.16 Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:14 PM

The only 1 who knows the
reply to post by mrFMPerson

Iraq StarGate

Real Truth Will Set Us all free.

Mod Edit: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.
edit on 10/2/2014 by ArMaP because: (no reason given)

Take a good look at that photo. Am I the only one who finds it's a TAD strange that it literally looks EXACTLY like the one in the movie and TV show?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by magnito_student

Was thinking the same thing, was even going to write the same thing, but figured I would keep reading the thread before cut ally hitting enter lol.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by magnito_student

Was thinking the same thing, was even going to write the same thing, but figured I would keep reading the thread before cut ally hitting enter lol.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:49 PM

The only 1 who knows the
reply to post by undo

You was right about the Stargates and Our whole history was a lie. Real Truth Will set us all free. I know it all now.


Sit tight for the change soon to happen. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Fear No Evil, + TRIGGERS Trust God His plan is the Change.


Let that be a lesson to you.

Start a thread like this, and 326 pages later, you're still seeing what kind of followers you have coming out of the woodwork!


posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 02:30 PM
I believe that star-gates are real. It a way for evil entities to bring forth negativity in this world. Also there away to communicate with begins from higher planes. Even dare say bring them to our world. But there are some that would simply retort otherwise.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:17 PM
Very interesting video presented by Chad Stuemke.

Among other gemish info, he mentions how bridges separate realms or dimensions.

Vortex Energy Part 24 of 28- Urban Stargates USA Part 1 of 2

I believe in stargates. They're SO aweseome! I'm thankful for this thread.

Tune in,


edit on PM3312014334pm2931pm by Antoniastar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Jinstar

What if "evil entities" or Negatives drove Luna into our system and made a control matrix grid that connects Luna, the Earth and Saturn and are sucking energy from our solar system and ourselves?

I imagine that it's tough to keep out the strays if they're equipped with the tech to make their own portals in front of their ships. But what if a natural cycle of Nature opens huge portals (natural stargates) that could give access to fleets of negs?

Tune in,

edit on PM3312014329pm2131pm by Antoniastar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 02:38 AM
Have you watched the new TV show "Penny Dreadful"?
Will be interesting where they'll go with the story but so far it merges some interesting concepts.

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