Synapsis of the thread (for those who don't have time to read the whole thing and all the supporting documents, to boot):
Okay, it all started while I was pondering the meaning of the "Bottomless Pit" in Revelation 9. The chapter indicates the events are happening in
the area of the Euphrates (which threw me off for a long time). So I started studying ancient texts to see if one of them might reveal what this
bottomless pit was and where precisely it was located.
I stumbled upon sumerian-akkadian texts entitled "ENKI AND THE WORLD ORDER" and "ENKI'S JOURNEY TO NIBRU," which in addition to describing
Enki's "Temple" also described the Abzu (however briefly). I also read some of the research performed by Samuel Noah Kramer, who was one of the
original assyriologists who worked on deciphering the sumerian-akkadian cuneiform texts.
It was here I noticed the disparity between translations that lead to the star gate theory:
In the texts translated by Penn State university, Enki's temple rose up from the Abzu.
In the same texts translated by Samuel Noah Kramer, Enki's temple rose up from the abyss.
Now I knew the abyss and the bottomless pit were synonmous and interchangeable in biblical texts so that caught my eye (naturally!).
To verify that I was on the right track, I started researching the etymology for all the words involved (abzu, abyss, bottomless pit). These gleaned
Apsu, Absu, and so forth. That was how I realized that Samuel Noah Kramer was already aware that the Abzu was the Abyss. the two words were identical
and had been mistranslated to mean ocean or sea in texts that came out after the sumerian-akkadian time frame. they were also misunderstood to mean
swamp land or underground rivers, by people trying to figure out what the Abzu actually was.
This is where a new problem arose. How, I thought, could the Abyss (the sea) be under Enki's temple and how could his temple rise up from it? It
didn't make sense. So I went back to Revelation 9 and pondered how these two things could possibly have anything to do with each other.
Aside from having the same etymology, they also had the same general geographical locations involved, although the reference to the Euphrates threw me
off for awhile.
I had originally assumed the Abzu was only under Enki's E.ABZU temple on land. That turned out to be incorrect, as Samuel Noah Kramer was
"Then Enki raises the city of Eridu from the abyss and makes it float over the water like a lofty mountain."
There it's floating over the water, in which the abyss resides. Obviously, I thought, the abyss and the water are two different things, but the abyss
is in the water. But it was also under Enki's temple on land. If it wasn't water but was underground rivers, how'd it get in the ocean?
You can see the processes ye olde noggin went threw to arrive at the conclusion that this was some kind of entry way, and that it was not only under
enki's temple on land but another one, even bigger (big enough for an entire floating city to rise up from it) was in the ocean (or to be more
precise, the Persian Gulf).
Since the time of ancient Sumer, deposition of Euphrates river silt has added an additional 65 miles of shoreline out into the Gulf. This is how the
"bottomless pit" ends up IN the Euphrates river, which is verified by Revelation 9. The bottomless pit is where the "angels" who had been
tinkering with the human race prior to the flood scenario, had been sent, and the thing was locked up. In Rev. 9, there are 4 angels IN the Euphrates,
basically describing that the bottomless pit is IN the Euphrates. It wouldn't have been IN the Euphrates in John's time frame, because it took all
this time for the river silt to build up this additional shoreline and river edge.
I knew the Bottomless Pit was an opening with a door, and that "angelic beings" had been sent there, along with a few other not so pleasant
characters. I also knew the angel comes down with a key and opens it. It dawned on me that you can't "open" the ocean, so this basically suggested
that the Bottomless Pit, Abzu and Abyss were all the same thing and that it was an entry way with a door or gate, that was somehow locked and could be
unlocked, to allow passage of these bizarre sounding creatures. Since they were flying creatures, I treated them the same way Samuel Noah Kramer
treated Enki's flying city,, I assumed they were flying contraptions being piloted by some alien looking beings, presumably "angels" of some
I theorized that the angels may have to be given a more thorough research, to determine what exactly they were in this context. So I started lookign
for instances of gates/door/abzus and references to the sea that might have been mistranslated from abyss/abzu, in the other ancient texts and came
upon the Epic of Gilgamesh. chapter 9 of the Epic describes Gilgamesh as a hybrid, trying to use the Gate of Mt. Mashu, that will supposedly send him
to "paradise" where this character is located who sounds a great deal like Noah but is actually not Noah. He takes a long journey thru a dark tunnel
and emerges into this garden where the trees and plants grow crystals instead of fruit. this is where he finds the mixed up rendition of the Noah
Anyway that gate is guarded by two powerful beings who are called "Scorpion Men" in the text. I think that's not really scorpion men, no more than
King Scorpion (egyptian Narmer) was actually a scorpion man, but there was some feature, specific to this particular race of beings that suggested
"Scorpion." This gave creedence to the description of the beings coming out of the bottomless pit who were said to have tails like scorpions. It
also pointed in the direction of the Gates of Eden.
In Genesis, when Adam and Eve are tossed out of paradise, they are sent through the gates of Eden and the gates are then "blocked" by these angelic
beings. I was starting to notice a repetitive trend. Whatever these beings were in the bottomless pit, they were for certain some type of angelic
being, potentially other world, extra-terrestrial.
Anyway, that accounted for at least 2 abzus, the one under Enki's E.ABZU at Eridu (which was smalller for the passage of people i guess), and the big
one in the gulf, which was for the passage of large objects. However, it seems the texts hint that Enlil (Enki's brother or father, depending on
which version you read) also had an abzu, infact, his city is named NIBRU, which means gate and place of the crossing. Other texts discuss him being
worthy of the Abzu or something like that. Nibru was quite a bit farther up the Euphrates than Eridu (which at the time of Enki's E.ABZU, was ocean
front property).
So now I had 3 potential abzus to track. The big one was eventually buried by the euphrates. The Eridu one played a key role in the Tower of Babel
fiasco, since it was here that Nimrod (Osiris/Enmerkar/Narmer) attempted to reopen the Eridu Abzu (which the theory contends is what the text means
about it being a stairway to heaven).. Its fate is described in the biblical texts. The tower was destroyed, essentially burying the gate beneath it.
(to alleviate any confusion, i should mention that Nimrod was trying to rebuild Enki's E.ABZU at Eridu. That's what the Tower of Babel was and
that's where the building commenced. You can read some of the events surrounding it in ENMERKAR AND THE LORD OF ARRATA.
All that was left was Enlil's abzu, which I believe was also called the DUR.ANKI (the heaven-earth bond at Nibru). many biblical scholars agree that
Nimrod was born of an egyptian mother and that at some point, he went back to Egypt. In fact, his mother was mentioned in many akkadian texts. She was
known as Inana, Ishtar, Ashtoreth and Isis.
I believe it was at this juncture (the fall of the tower and subsequent reburial of the E.ABZU gate), that Nimrod fled to Egypt with the remaining
gate, the DUR.ANKI from Enlil's city of Nibru. He and his entourage landed at what would become Abydos Egypt, built the Osirieon to house the
DUR.ANKI gate and he was killed (see death of Osiris) at some later point. Circa 2700 BC or thereabouts.
Many hundreds of years pass and Seti I, decides to erect his temple at Abydos because it's the site of Osiris' "captial city," like the founding
place for dynastic Egypt. During the excavation for his temple, they run smack into the Osirieon where it lay buried under the sand. Seti I has it
incorporated into his temple. Later, he has his scribes pen the BOOK OF THE GATES, which is engraved, in its entirety, into Seti's alabaster
Here's where I theorized that Seti I had found the gate, didn't know how to use it, specifically, so they guessed, partially based on old texts,
which resulted in the Book of the Gates.
To find out what happened to it, I studied Seti I's tomb in the Valley of the Kings and LO and BEHOLD, the last corridor that drops even further down
into the earth, by Seti's sarcophagus, dives right into the water, but the hieroglyphics continue down into the water. They claim they haven't
finished excavating it but were supposed to do so in like 2001.
There's some verification that the Osirieon was indeed the site of an Abzu gate because the city it was built in, Abydos (egyptian Abdju), was
phonetically pronounced "Abzu."
in the STARGATE movie, there's a flash back to the 40's or thereabouts, in which a discovery is made on the Giza Plateau. The discovery turns out to
be a stargate device that can create and harness a wormhole. The american government has possession of it but don't know how to use it. when they
finally learn how to use it, several decades later, the gate dials some location on the other side of the universe (the caelum galaxy), specifically,
a planet that would later be called ABYDOS (btw).
(continued next post)