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Freemasons CHIP /CHild Identification Program

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posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:15 PM
The freemasons openly Have a program called CHIP in the name of child protection and while it presents itself in a nice way I think it's highly suspicious they called their program CHIP in which they take fingerprints, DNA and tooth prints. The way I see it is people will get used to feeling safe with the word chip and it will be easy for freemasons to slip a REAL chip in latter down the road.

it's interesting to note even though they have not yet implemented a real chip into the program they chose a interesting name for their program as "CHIP"

I have tried to reserve my opinions of weather or not masons are a positive program or not, but any group that I see moving in a direction of microchiping human beings I can NOT believe is in the best interest of people at large.

I am not religious so I don’t’ judge masons on weather or not they are Christianly or whatever, and I don’t think all masons have bad intent but freemasons from what I have observed form some of their ideologies I do not see it as a healthy good organization that is positive to people at large due to many reasons, but most convincing of all to me and all I need to know is they appear to be supportive in the direction of embedding microchips into people…. I could name all kinds of things I object to but I think the fact they support the microchip is all one needs..

I think it’s ridiculous to judge masons based on wild conspiracy theories that haven’t been validated by anyone except some ranting guy on the net…. If you think about it really a freemason could easily be the very ones writing these conspiracy theories you read an take to heart, because the theories are crazy then it's perfect when gullible people go around repeating outrageous theories so that people in general will begin to associate anyone who opposes freemasons with crazy people.... I think some masons are more intellectual then allot of average people and because they see how stupid the mainstream public is and personally I feel a bit of that myself... I look around and see how easily people are fooled and played and taxed for their ignorance that they happily keep ignorant so they can feel comfortable for not taking responsibility... It's so easy to lie to people it's not even funny... you just tell them what they want to hear and play on their ego.....

Of course none of us are perfect or saints.... Sometimes I have reflected upon things I have done or times when I have done that where deceptive and realized that anything you can see in your self or around you can also be manifest in large scale as well... maybe the hardest things for people to look at is our government is a reflection of the people and the general people at large acts as a medium to which everything in existence has a medium which supports it, and ultimately we are all part of the whole.... The way we can get rid of it is to start with ourselves becoming more self aware... and become aware that everything is within us, and only by being more conscious of our dark side can we bring fourth our light more to the forefront and BALANCE all that is within us. For more info read "the dark side of light chasers by Debbie ford. I believe it is the holier then though and lets blame the freemasons for everything is the very kind of things that perpetuate their organization. If everyone could do their part they would not have medium in which to exist, because if people let go of their egos they could see clearly and people could do what is best for the people at large. .. I recall a south park episode where the heart of Wal-Mart was a mirror meaning wall-mart was a reflection upon the environment and the people.

but of course all this religion and politics divides us so we can be CONQUERD. Divide and CONQUER. The masons do many things which are intelligent and we should take note of. For example they usually don’t' hold rigidly to religion or politics, and it is forbidden to speak of religion or politics within the lodge to prevent divisions which Disempower the organization....

Any ways the best thing I think can do is first and foremost focus on what is the fruits of their life and I believe freemasons should be addressed in a way to change their system. As attacking all the freemasons is not going to help anything.. If anything they are just in need of being informed, and secondly get your information directly from masons and what you observe them doing instead of outrageous theories. I think the best thing a person can do it work on themselves and their immediate environment in which they influence and go form there, and help elevate people ride society of this hording SCARCITY MENTALITY and focus on creating abundance and teaching people how to fish and remove themselves form the petty things that divide us and allow us to be so easily conquered.

[edit on 6-3-2006 by PowerToThePeople]

(mod edit CAPS in title)

[edit on 6-3-2006 by pantha]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:21 PM

I think it’s ridiculous to judge masons based on wild conspiracy theories that haven’t been validated by anyone except some ranting guy on the net

Hmmm....sounds sort of like something that a Freemason would say. IMO.

I could be wrong of course - just a hunch.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople
The masons openly admit on MANY of their websites like in the website I posted a link to below of being in favor of microchip people of course in the name of protecting children. And if you see how easily the chip can be bused that to me is enough proof freemasons are not in peoples best interest.


Regardless what you think about the freemasons, if you'd take the time to actually *read* the site you posted, you'd see that there is NO micro-chip in the CHIP program.

CHIP is CHild Identification Program...and ALL the info is given to the parents...NONE is retained or given to Government officials....but that, too, is all explained on the very site you posted a link to.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

I think it’s ridiculous to judge masons based on wild conspiracy theories that haven’t been validated by anyone except some ranting guy on the net

Hmmm....sounds sort of like something that a Freemason would say. IMO.

It certainly sounds like something I'd say... or any rational person, for that matter, who was interested in the truth of the issue, rather than exciting fairy tales with no basis in fact.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by Roark]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 11:27 PM

there is NO micro-chip in the CHIP program.

CHIP is CHild Identification Program...

Hm… ok well it looks like you may be right and since I read the word chip it triggered the thought of microchip in my head… HOWEVER either way don’t’ you think since it’s apparently not a microchip that it was a interesting choice of words to move towards getting people more used to the idea of a actual microchip… If they wouldn’t had used the word ship I would have looked forward to read past where it had said ship and seem that the program is positive, but considering the word chip is used I don’t think they should use that word unless they actually mean the microchip.. Unless of course they plan to latter on slip that into their program… any ways now I see my initial impression of the site in my post was incorrect I will see what I can do about editing it or maybe people will just read down further and see.
Thanks for your input

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople

there is NO micro-chip in the CHIP program.

CHIP is CHild Identification Program...

Hm… ok well it looks like you may be right and since I read the word chip it triggered the thought of microchip in my head… HOWEVER either way don’t’ you think since it’s apparently not a microchip that it was a interesting choice of words to move towards getting people more used to the idea of a actual microchip… If they wouldn’t had used the word ship I would have looked forward to read past where it had said ship and seem that the program is positive, but considering the word chip is used I don’t think they should use that word unless they actually mean the microchip.. Unless of course they plan to latter on slip that into their program… any ways now I see my initial impression of the site in my post was incorrect I will see what I can do about editing it or maybe people will just read down further and see.
Thanks for your input

Because some people are ignorant and will jump to conclusions without gathering evidence we should the change the name of one of our better services to the community? Uh, no.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 12:07 AM
They ask young innocent kids to line up like some felon and then take twice the personal and biological information from the kid that the police would take from a felon?

Why is it called CHIP? Just a co-incidence or an attempt at making the idea acceptable to the public - microchipping people. You guys picked the name.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
They ask young innocent kids to line up like some felon and then take twice the personal and biological information from the kid that the police would take from a felon?

Why is it called CHIP? Just a co-incidence or an attempt at making the idea acceptable to the public - microchipping people. You guys picked the name.

It's a great program. We (Freemasons) provide this service at no cost (as usual). And all of the info that is collected is given to parents of the child. The family now has a valuable tool to provide law enforcement agencies in the horrible event that there child is abducted. Furthermore, none of the info that is collected is kept by us (Freemasons). It is all deleted at the completion of the process.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:04 AM
Ok upon my quick glance at the mason site I misunderstood the technicalities and edited my original post a bit, but I was correct that simply the name CHIP allows people to associate the word chip with safety and then make it easier to slip in a real chip into the program with no objection. The chip program is a primer for the real thing. If their intentions where not to move things in the direction of a microchip then they could have made a program to help lost children with MANY choices of names but for some reason chose the word CHIP which is very close to MICROCHIP.

I found some articles with some interesting thoughts and perspective on the CHIP program here:

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:09 AM
I gotta agree here.. the name is highly suspect. I can't image somebody sitting down here that is educated and worldly aware like Mason's are and picking this name innocently. Especially since they have been attacked by Christians and they are aware of current technology etc.

More revealing will be the next phase of this program. For example, will a real chip be used? Will they provide their database of info to those actually doing microchipping? Time will tell as it usually does.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I gotta agree here.. the name is highly suspect. I can't image somebody sitting down here that is educated and worldly aware like Mason's are and picking this name innocently. Especially since they have been attacked by Christians and they are aware of current technology etc.

More revealing will be the next phase of this program. For example, will a real chip be used? Will they provide their database of info to those actually doing microchipping? Time will tell as it usually does.

You do know that this is a voluntary program, right?

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:18 AM
Can remember when it was voluntary to bring your cat or dog in to get microchipped... not so now.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Can remember when it was voluntary to bring your cat or dog in to get microchipped... not so now.

Are you serious? I didn't know that was a mandatory deal now. Is that a local ordinance or a state law? That is kinda creepy!

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:29 AM
Where I live in a major city, you are supposed to register your pet, pay a license fee and then get your pet vaccinated and microchipped.

I'm a criminal since I haven't done this yet... but visiting the vet is out of the question much longer.

Since I don't like the idea of being 'chipped' I sure as heck don't like the idea of my pets being chipped either. But on the other hand, they arn't likely to torture my pets for info or to pledge allegiance to the NWO (like they may do to me or you etc), when the end time comes either.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople

there is NO micro-chip in the CHIP program.

CHIP is CHild Identification Program...

Hm… ok well it looks like you may be right and since I read the word chip it triggered the thought of microchip in my head… HOWEVER either way don’t’ you think since it’s apparently not a microchip that it was a interesting choice of words to move towards getting people more used to the idea of a actual microchip… If they wouldn’t had used the word ship I would have looked forward to read past where it had said ship and seem that the program is positive, but considering the word chip is used I don’t think they should use that word unless they actually mean the microchip.. Unless of course they plan to latter on slip that into their program… any ways now I see my initial impression of the site in my post was incorrect I will see what I can do about editing it or maybe people will just read down further and see.
Thanks for your input

No problem. This is something that is of great interest to me and is a very good program. As a father, I pay attention to atrocities that happen involving children and I think this is a good idea...there are far too many missing children as it is, anything we can do to identify them is good, in my opinion (boy is THAT going to get a riot started here)

Anyway I think "CHIP" was a natural choice of names...after all, it certainly gets attention.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I gotta agree here.. the name is highly suspect. I can't image somebody sitting down here that is educated and worldly aware like Mason's are and picking this name innocently. Especially since they have been attacked by Christians and they are aware of current technology etc.

I agree that whomever chose the name probably knew it would cause some flack...and therefore get attention. Likely that shows that they (Freemasons) really aren't concerned that fundamentalists have attacked them since they're not doing anything to be ashamed of. Admirable, methinks.

More revealing will be the next phase of this program. For example, will a real chip be used? Will they provide their database of info to those actually doing microchipping? Time will tell as it usually does.

They've never given the info ANYONE but the parents of the children before, why would they start...

Can remember when it was voluntary to bring your cat or dog in to get microchipped... not so now.

It's still voluntary in most of the civilized world.

Yes, it would be horrible if your beloved pet was lost and someone was able to locate it via satellite and bring it safely home to you, huh?

I imagine before they did though, they'd paw-print it, interrogate it and take a DNA sample for cloning purposes.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Can remember when it was voluntary to bring your cat or dog in to get microchipped... not so now.

Ummm that's still voluntary buddy.

now just to let you guys know, THERES NO DAMN MICROCHIP that they slip into you at all. their isnt now and their wont EVER be. i'm one of the BGP members here in michigan who helped start this program. I assure you, their is NO MICROCHIPS and their never will be!!

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 05:41 PM
I find it interesting how, even after the microchipping hysteria was debunked in this thread, people are still eager and willing to believe that the "next phase" will involve actual microchipping, or that they chose the name to be provocative.

The anti-Masonic bias is flabbergasting. Deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 05:25 AM
Ok to the masons on this thread. Obviously by the name “CHIP” they are moving in that direction of REAL chips. HOWEVER if any masons want to argue I will have this to say. There are programs in effect and proposing real chips be used to help “protect” children. I can’t say for sure if masons are behind it or not … I would have to look more into it. HOWEVER would your organization stand against microchips being used if in case they were being pushed or would you and your group be supportive of it? I rest my case

[edit on 24-3-2006 by PowerToThePeople]

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by PowerToThePeople
Ok to the masons on this thread. Obviously by the name “CHIP” they are moving in that direction of REAL chips. HOWEVER if any masons want to argue I will have this to say. There are programs in effect and proposing real chips be used to help “protect” children. I can’t say for sure if masons are behind it or not … I would have to look more into it. HOWEVER would your organization stand against microchips being used if in case they were being pushed or would you and your group be supportive of it? I rest my case

[edit on 24-3-2006 by PowerToThePeople]

CHIP is an acronym and does NOT signify a move towards implanting micochips in anyone and there are no programs that I know which have any masonic support which propose to do that. I'm reasonably certain that any such program would have a difficult time raising support within the Masonic community. ALL of the materials that result from the CHIP program are given to the parents of the children, nothing is retained by the Masonic community or given to any outside group.

So to sum it up, I believe that it would VERY unlikely to find support for chip implanting within the Masonic community, and as an individual I would be against any such program.

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