posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 01:05 PM
Wow, I love this!
How long until the Jews, Blacks, Gays, so forth get rounded up secretly, sent to secret camps, while the army is marching down Penn. Avenue doing the
Hitler Salute wgile we have Republican Youth programs start up to teach kids to hate Gays, Jews, and Blacks from a yound age?
Edit: How long until Bush declares we will unite all English Speaking Countries by Invading Canada, then England, and Australia, then New Zealand,
and any other english speaking countries. Then with such a high Hispanic population we need to unite them so we invade Central and SOuth America, the
Carribean islands of Pueto Rico and Cuba and any others, and Mexico, and since Bush doesn't realize people from Spain aren't Hispanic but SPanish,
he invades Spain.
[edit on 6-3-2006 by DevinS]