posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:35 PM
Has anyone ever heard of his training.
Adam Archuleta is his namenow playing for the Rams,anyway this program is amazing and i really want to no what he does.
"He benched 225 pounds 31 times in the bench press test and can bench 530 for a max.When Archuleta began the Evo-sport program, he benched 265 pounds
in 2.76 seconds. He squatted 273 in 3.47 seconds, ran the 40-yard dash in 4.79, and had a 26-inch vertical jump. Today he is a strong safety for the
St. Louis Rams. His personal best in the bench press is 530 pounds in 1.09 seconds and in the squat, 663 pounds in 1.24 seconds. He also has run a
4.37 40-yard dash and jumped 39 inches vertically."
This is really insane and considering that most of the excercises are plyometrics, i never really new that they were that good.Does anyone have any
info on his program?