posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:05 PM
I don't ever say this but i really
hate this girl!
Long story short, we were best friends, she fell for some guy who fell for me (Which is not my fault, i did nothing to lead him on whatsoever.)
She has now turned into what us british call a 'chav' - Her idea of fun is now to get drunk, high and sleep with anything that comes near her.
She still makes that guy's living hell and i hate her for that - he is a real sweet guy and one of my best friends.
Now she has the cheek to swear at me for liking horses
I mean what teh f ??!?!
(For those that don't know, one of the only things I am good at is looking after horses /riding etc - only thing that makes me truely happy)
I wish i had never met her i really do! Why in God's name does being a horse-lover make me a freak?!?!
Sorry - i'm allways all happy i know
But she has just p*ssed me off so damned bad! She has called me everyword under the sun before and I did
nothing but ask her what the matter was, and then helped her through whatever made her mad. I've done things that have got me in trouble with my mom
before (Walking her home at 4am) (And walking the hour back home alone in the dark) I've done nothing but be nice to her!
I know it seems like a little thing like her being a b***** about me loving horses but
I hope she never gets the happiness that the horses i look after give to me :bnghd:
Sorry again - i had to get it off my chest
[ETA: btw we havent really been on friendly terms for a while. Though i've still tried my hardest to be nice. So any more insults towards me is
totally uncalled for in my opinion
[edit on 4/3/06 by crookedblue]