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Shapeshifting Reptilians - "show em" David.. once and for all!

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posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 10:16 AM
HI folks. ATS noob here.
Loving the site.

Its easy to discredit David Ickes research as fraudulent but if you read a few of his books the proof is right there in solid stone. Many of the buildings in major cities accross Britain are decorated with or even in the shape of worshipped esoteric symbols. This might not be so obvious in the States because of its short history. But anyone living in Britain should talk a walk through their nearest city centre financial districts and offices, look up at the buildings roofs and huge doorways and just soak it up. Ornate statues and designs with so much meaning, If you know what your looking for. Even the heavily Masonic black and white chequered patterns on dozens of doorways. Of course it wont totally convince you but should leave you asking a few questions.

P.S A good example of this is St Vincent Street in Glasgow, from George Square to Charing Cross if there are any fellow Scots interested.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 10:22 AM
My problem with David Icke's "proof" is that it bombs Occam's Razor. The bloodlines don't prove anything, the ancient sculptures could've been of anything, myths are just myths, and all of the symbols have alternate explanations.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I found the answer and put it here:'

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 01:36 PM
David Icke makes one great case when it comes down to Reptilians!
Most people that hear the word shape shifter are put off to quickly before they understand what that really means at the bottom line.
As it stands, none of these people are shape shifting at all.
Its more of a frequency band waves that only some people can key into.
The human eye can only see a very small fraction of our current reality.
like 000.5% of all energy.. Which is extreamly small band.
Reptilians operate outside our 000.5% frequency range. And when someone says they saw someone shape shift into a creature.. They didnt really see something take a different shape.. But Show its true form in another frequency band. For all we know we all may be these things.
And in our frequency band, we appear to be human.

And no one in this world knows the truth on that. Everyone will claim to know this or that.. Just as I am doing with my post. I try to drop my ego, and try not to let my own eyes call the shots all the time.
Mostly due to the human ego, that we want to deny or say something.

So without a personal ego driven method I would like to say, its all boiling down to frequency ranges, and what you see is but the illusion of the matrix we are both exp together as one.
The human mind is not suited in this day and age for full acesss to all these other bands of energy.
I hardly think any child would grow up and not be mentally scared by all there is or isnt out there within the ether.
Kids see things. have friends that are not there.
Ghosts and all sorts of things can be directly linked to frequency bands and the range of ones tuner..

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by zysin5

" Kids see things. have friends that are not there "

At least they're not there to the average adult! Have you ever seen anything as a child? You were told by an adult that you did not see what you did! right? Incredible how ignorant adults can be, not to mention the damage done to the psyche of a youngster who is insulted that their word means nothing to the parent who raised them....uuugggghhhhh.

Ever hear of the THIRD EYE? AKA the PINEAL GLAND!? It is connected to the eyes and in children it is quite large, very receptive and when puberty arises, the pineal gland shrinks! Funny how all the sightings by young folks are during the same time when the pineal gland is large!

I agree that we only see a fraction of the world around us. My only question would be to God as to why He gave us that gland for such a short time!?

some pertinent links;

3rd eye

pineal and fluoride

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by LazarusTheLong


posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by q_ball

I have to say that of all the ideas out there as to what is possible, the idea of human-like reptilians was pretty far-out for me too.

I say 'was', here's what I found earlier:

That tongue is not right, looks like he's having trouble keeping it in his mouth at times.

ps. i'm new here (as a member) so take it easy on me please

edit on 19-12-2010 by iamahumandoing because: typo

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 09:16 PM

edit on 19-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by RiotComing

wow that really showed them...anyone that believes the reptillian crap just doesnt understand questioning and logic

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 06:47 PM
after thinking about this phenomenon for a few years now.

the only answer can be is, they're the fallen angels....ya, like of the Bible.

we know there is another dimension them ufos wink out into.

I'm sure someone else recalls a ufo being tracked on radar, then planes are scrambled to intercept, then poof, it just winks's got to be another dimension where it went to....same thing for these reptiles or whatever they are

but I don't really think much about these anymore.....just had to post my most recent thought on it.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:13 PM
I believe that the space alien Reptilian humanoids, have a certain type of warm bloodness, similar too Earth's human's.
Based on a typical Earth type planet, my speculation is that that the Reptoids have a roughly 60 million year leg up on us; in relation too evolution. The Reptoid's having evolved from two-legged bi-piedal dinosaurs; with a very high meat eating brain capacity.
My guess, is that the Reptoid's have a large knowledge about our human race, and our cultural history's here on Earth.
Take for example: The Quran and the Holy Bible; especially about "Jonah and the Whale."
The space Reptoids have the ability to transmit images, as in holographic projections on to film; too us Earth humans.
They also have a stong curiosity to investigate prehistoric places here on Earth; and an open minded and highly sophisticated benevolent ability too communicate with Earth human's here on Earth.


edit on 18-1-2011 by Erno86 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 18-1-2011 by Erno86 because: ALL EDITS ARE TYPING OR SPELLING ERRORS

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:07 AM
if reptilians exist, there must be someone out there who knows the evidence please

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:46 AM
Yeah right . To make up for the lack of evidence , you all suggest that we can't really see them normally . What are they , tooth-fairies ?
They have been allegedly ruling over us for thousand of years covertly , but still no one has seen them . All we have are a friend-of-a-friend accounts .
I do not entirely dismiss the concept , but to jump on the bandwagon without concrete evidence is just outright nutterdom for me !!!

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by toasted
reply to post by zysin5

" Kids see things. have friends that are not there "

At least they're not there to the average adult! Have you ever seen anything as a child? You were told by an adult that you did not see what you did! right? Incredible how ignorant adults can be, not to mention the damage done to the psyche of a youngster who is insulted that their word means nothing to the parent who raised them....uuugggghhhhh.

Ever hear of the THIRD EYE? AKA the PINEAL GLAND!? It is connected to the eyes and in children it is quite large, very receptive and when puberty arises, the pineal gland shrinks! Funny how all the sightings by young folks are during the same time when the pineal gland is large!

I agree that we only see a fraction of the world around us. My only question would be to God as to why He gave us that gland for such a short time!?

some pertinent links;

3rd eye

pineal and fluoride

when i was small i seen 3 ufos in the shape of a triangle

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:57 PM
The point is. If you don't search and are open for the reality that they are around you. You will never see any proofs.

Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft Office Home And Student 2010Microsoft Access 2010

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:28 PM
[font=Arial]hi, i am slightly insane but sane enough to realize it, and because of that i have a very open mind, and its not nice, as i am randomly walking down the street i catch someone eyeing me, and not just someone thinking "is that guy sane?" its "does he know about this?!" its ******* scary, and their eyes are evil looking and have a blood lust in them, i need to find someone else who is like this, just so i know i am not alone, the sane have no free will, my insanity has freed me from their grasp, be as open minded as you possibly can, and if you see ANYONE eyeing you DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT, or they will know, and dont post anything like this on any unprotected site, the only reasons i am posting this are because i have a retired cia laptop and i need to find someone like me e-mail me quote my e-mail, and dont add any clip ons, or any media, and type it in the simplest program you have for e-mailing, and use arial font

they will succeed

to those with open minds there is a message in this post, only they can see the others
edit on 6-6-2011 by plasmaspatz because: message post

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by plasmaspatz
[font=Arial]hi, i am slightly insane but sane enough to realize it, and because of that i have a very open mind, and its not nice, as i am randomly walking down the street i catch someone eyeing me, and not just someone thinking "is that guy sane?" its "does he know about this?!" its ******* scary, and their eyes are evil looking and have a blood lust in them, i need to find someone else who is like this, just so i know i am not alone, the sane have no free will, my insanity has freed me from their grasp, be as open minded as you possibly can, and if you see ANYONE eyeing you DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT, or they will know, and dont post anything like this on any unprotected site, the only reasons i am posting this are because i have a retired cia laptop and i need to find someone like me e-mail me quote my e-mail, and dont add any clip ons, or any media, and type it in the simplest program you have for e-mailing, and use arial font

they will succeed

to those with open minds there is a message in this post, only they can see the others
edit on 6-6-2011 by plasmaspatz because: message post

No they will not, we have! The light is to bright. I have already been attacked and fought the Dracs and am NOW protected.

I have to use the example of John Carpenter's "They Live". Keep a wide open mind!

Chemtrails are a big part of this. Chemtrails do many things, however, one of the things they do best is to refract the intensifying light frequencies coming in. As the frequency of the light (ascension energy) increases "they" are unable to keep the vail over our eyes.

The shift in frequency from the 3D to 5D leaves "them" no place to hide except underground, or off planet.

ATS is a big part of the light winning over the dark cabal!

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by ChungTsuU

they is not the dracs, even as i type this there are 3 people just staring at my window, with evil eyes. i have no idea what or who they are

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by plasmaspatz
reply to post by ChungTsuU

they is not the dracs, even as i type this there are 3 people just staring at my window, with evil eyes. i have no idea what or who they are

Sent a private message U2U.

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:58 AM
"Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.
Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men."

- Thoth, 36000BC, "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantian - Tablet VIII - The Key of Mystery"

David Icke was NOT the first to discuss this topic!

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