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Shapeshifting Reptilians - "show em" David.. once and for all!

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posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:29 AM
Every time a Reptilian thread comes up at ATS, nobody buys into it. It's always a case of "show me the money" - "show me the proof" - "show me the evidence" - "show me the pictures" - "show me the videos".

Well that's fair enough, except a general purpose video camera is possibly not sophisticated enough to pick up the vibrational ring of that extra dimension that you need to be in to see these things.

David, you may remember in your recent interview with Ross that I asked a question "how can the ordinary man in the street convince someone of this phenomena" and you were absolutely spot-on in your response that we cannot convince anybody, it's up to themselves to pick up the information and come to their own conclusions.

Here's your opportunity to set all these people straight. Tell them why they may have difficulty picking these things up and gathering evidence, tell them exactly in no uncertain terms why it's not as easy as packing your digicam in your pocket and head off for a neat-ole 'Reptilian hunt'.

And I encourage all the skeptical posters to come to this thread and digest 100% what David has to say. This is an opportunity for the skeptics and David to enter a dialogue on the sticking point that many of us 5-sense left-brained thinkers face. Many of us accept the bulk of David's ideas - the way the world is constructed and self-controlled. The notion of the shapeshifting reptilian is the only thing that usually stands in the way of total acceptance. David, set them straight! Give them the guts of the matter!

By the way, I welcome you to this forum, I think you are absolutely brilliant and you're coming close to cracking the meaning of life.
By the way, my ATS username is not necessarily a doomsday preminition of sorts, it's merely a favourite Elliott Smith song of mine.


posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 03:41 AM
I have meet many Draco but I have only seen a picture of one of them with red eyes. She told me that her eyes would shift when she got angry.

The point is. If you don't search and are open for the reality that they are around you. You will never see any proofs.

Why not go back to your TV and believe in the conspiracy theory that the man from the cave Osama is going to conquer the world and brainwash every one of us to believe in Mohammed?

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by OTO
Why not go back to your TV and believe in the conspiracy theory that the man from the cave Osama is going to conquer the world and brainwash every one of us to believe in Mohammed?

Was this a question for me.. or for ATS forum-goers in general? I personally think Osama is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and I have a severe distrust of the media. The 'Big Media' are of course an integral component of the overall deception, to hush down or wipe out any threat to their agenda. It's also a convenient tool to brainwash the masses. You have no argument from me there.


posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:03 AM
What would you say to a person that don't believe in the New World Order? And the person said. Show me the proof.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:21 AM
OTO's completely correct in that

We can be "armed" with all the hard copy in the world, but if a person refuses to look, they wont "see" a thing

"We cannot choose anything for another: even though all conciousness is our brother"

Draco are real for those who are willing to see them

Its wether knowledge of the Draco (and other interdimensionals) is the key to unlock the prison

Or knowledge of ourselves

THATS an intersting question...

[edit on 4-3-2006 by John White]


posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:31 AM
I see them all the time and talk with them.

I even have friends that are Dracos. I understand them very well. If we are going to save humanity and the Dracos we need to make peace with them. They are our mirror or nemesis and show us our own "Evil".

We all know that the sheep don't want to see the New World Order taking form. They attack us when we try to inform them and they willingly walk the path to self destruction. Who is to blame. The New World Order or the gigantic mass of stupid sheep that let them self become manipulated?

What is "Evil"? The manipulator or the manipulated?

We need to say no to them with love.

The Dracos want peace too.

[edit on 4-3-2006 by OTO]

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by OTO
What would you say to a person that don't believe in the New World Order? And the person said. Show me the proof.

It can't be done. Well you can point them in the right direction to the signs but they have to awaken to it themselves, as yourself and John White quite rightly say.

One thing that is irritating me right now is the compulsory microchipping of pets, dogs etc.. due to become New Zealand law in July. Some farmers are protesting this but not out of concern for the overall implication in the conditioning process.. but because it will cost them 100 bucks per dog to chip each of their farm dogs. Every person I speak to says "oh it's a lovely idea" "oooh and it will put an end to all those dangerous dogs on the loose" (hmmm well it's always the stray dogs that go around unregistered anyway) - they don't realise that once they are used to their cute and cuddly pets with their subdermal implants, it will be their turn next! And by then it will be like "oooh this is a great idea.. no more need to have cash and cards on me...I'm going to be SOOOOOO FREEEEE.. YIPPEEE!!!".

The NWO already have the sheeple in their grip. At least, here in my home of New Zealand. Sigh.


posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 06:23 AM
Well you can just say no and use alternative ways to pay for your stuff. Like Gold

I would rather die then have the mark of the beast

[edit on 4-3-2006 by OTO]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:08 AM
David and all: I did not want to believe in this topic and avoided it for a long time until I met a woman whose family forced her into taking part in ceremonies where the men in the group shapeshifted into Reptilians during the nasty ceremony.

These ceremonies were the same as described in David's interview with Arizona Wilder (which he has on DVD). Its scary as hell to think that politicians take part in these ceremonies so they can feel powerful, not to mention the terrible things they do to their daughters.

These events also take place at the Bohemian grove meetings in July of every year. My friend was taken there to take part in ceremonies from the age of 11 to the age of 16.

The whole thing is so disgusting, yet is real. It is amazing to me that these man get away with this and nobody ever reports them.

I've never seen a shapeshifter myself, but some people do. We have to stop worrying about getting laughed at and start talking about this and get it out into the open.


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:37 AM
Hi guys, NrKy here,
Unfortunately (in my belief) it is not possible to record a personal sighting of a reptillian shape shifter, as percieving them is only possible by certain triggers. Only a perfect mix of perception and triggers can allow someone to see them, and since perception is ALWAYS relative, it's nearly impossible to reproduce the events that lead to a reptillian sighting.
I have never 'physically' seen a reptillian in the flesh, but I have seen triggers that have caused me to percieve images of people as reptillians, that haven't been able to be reproduced later.
For example, a person that I used to be in contact with, claimed that she was the victim of child sexual abuse (and trauma-based mind control, which ceased after her father died, and she became aware of what had happened, thanks to myself and several others) by many of the elite in the australian media, but held back on which ones she claimed to have been raped by. Now, we were talking whilst I was at work (she was a regular customer there) and a car-billboard of Bert Newton drove past the shop... I swear that I saw his face for an instant, as a reptillian image (which I haven't been able to reproduce since), and it only lasted for a very quick moment, but I was shocked (this was back when I was new to David Icke's stuff). It was like when you see something out of the corner of your eye but cannot focus on it, that's what seeing his face as a reptillian was like, impossible to focus on, but clear as day. When I saw the image I had said something along the lines of "jesus f'in christ! what the hell??", to which the lady replied that he was one of the men who had ritually abused her. I hadn't told her anything of the reptillians yet, and later on in that day we had been doing some research on David Icke's site, and we came across the Reptillian Archives... she was clearly distressed and I could sense an aura of total fear and as though she were about to become manic and hysterical. After I calmed her down she told me about the men who had ritually abused her, shapeshifting into reptiles, then she told me about Bert Newton and how he was one of them. I mentioned that what she had caught me up on before was a witness of a shapeshifting (but she hadn't known what I was alarmed about), and she totally flipped.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by nrky]


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:44 AM
The best way is to use a new method. Laugh back.

I will give you an ex.

Conspiracy nut. Do you seriously believe that the man in the cave Osama wants to conquer the world?

WARNING Bigfoot has made an alliance with Al Qaeda.

It is only the exstreem left and right that believe that.

Show me the proof or call your psychiatrist

Think you need some stronger medication

I use this method and it works. If people think I am manipulating then they will be aware when others use the same manipulation.

If they don't see how I manipulate they will feel stupid and stop believing conspiracy nutheads that think a man in a cave wants to conquer the world.

You win either way.

People are masshypnotized and the rule about hypnozes is that you need to bring people out the same way they got in. They became hypnotized because people laughed at the, They need to get laughed out of there TV zombie state

one man can make fun of a massage board with no problem.

Listen to the master spin him self. Bill O'reilly and you use his tactic the other way around and they will soon get out of there twielight zone.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:26 AM
What is this, the meeting of the advanced souls or something?

You people need to stop this mutiny and rejoin the herd. The Dracos didn't spend all this time and effort to create this wonderfully complex matrix for you people to upset the apple cart.

Now drink your purple kool-aid, eat your strawberry ice-cream and listen to Bill O'Reilly because he knows what he's talking about. And if you can't believe that a man in a cave can take on the world's super powers then what can you believe? Next you're going to tell me that the governments are evil and we are all slaves to the One World Corporation. Pfft. Whateva.


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Arm Of Geddon
What is this, the meeting of the advanced souls or something?

You people need to stop this mutiny and rejoin the herd. The Dracos didn't spend all this time and effort to create this wonderfully complex matrix for you people to upset the apple cart.

Now drink your purple kool-aid, eat your strawberry ice-cream and listen to Bill O'Reilly because he knows what he's talking about. And if you can't believe that a man in a cave can take on the world's super powers then what can you believe? Next you're going to tell me that the governments are evil and we are all slaves to the One World Corporation. Pfft. Whateva.

Yes you are right. I will put on my ten foil hat and listen to the Paranoied extreem rightwing conspiracy nuthead and believe that all the muslimes want to conquer the world.

I don't want to pray 5 times a day when Osama from the cave and bigfoot manipulate me to believe in the Holy Koran.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by OTO]

[edit on 5-3-2006 by OTO]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by OTO
I don't want to pray 5 times a day when Osama from the cave and bigfoot manipulate me to believe in the Holy Koran.

Im more concerned with all this swamp gas people have been seeing lately. It looks like we need to prepare for a swamp gas invasion from Venus. Forget Osama, swamp gas is much more evil. There's no telling what terroristically devious evils this swamp gas can bestow upon our helpless planet. We may need to pray 5 times a day if we plan on winning the War on Swamp Gas.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Dee777
David and all: I did not want to believe in this topic and avoided it for a long time until I met a woman whose family forced her into taking part in ceremonies where the men in the group shapeshifted into Reptilians during the nasty ceremony.

These ceremonies were the same as described in David's interview with Arizona Wilder (which he has on DVD). Its scary as hell to think that politicians take part in these ceremonies so they can feel powerful, not to mention the terrible things they do to their daughters.

These events also take place at the Bohemian grove meetings in July of every year. My friend was taken there to take part in ceremonies from the age of 11 to the age of 16.

The whole thing is so disgusting, yet is real. It is amazing to me that these man get away with this and nobody ever reports them.

I've never seen a shapeshifter myself, but some people do. We have to stop worrying about getting laughed at and start talking about this and get it out into the open.


You are so very right...and it is all so very true. I have seen reptilians myself, but only in the astral..I am not sure if it was real or not. I think half was, and half wasn't. But that was about 2 years ago...people would think I am a loonatic if i talk about it...It's so sad, and it breaks my heart to think about the poor children suffering like this...

There must be something we can do..somehow...I am almos certaint that the government is aware of this, and they are too afraid to do anything, in fear that they will be the ones getting sacrificed. I have dreams about the queen and prince's kind of wierd. Actually some of them are kind of funny though.

So...I think that. The Illuminati is trying so very hard to establish the New World Order, since they know the Golden Age is upon us, which is 2012. No I do not believe it will be the end of the world, I think it will be a new beginning...a new start to awakening, and knowing that aliens really do exist. These reptilians are not aliens...I don't think they ever were. I believe they are demonic entities.....

So, we must ask ourselves this question. Are we just going to sit here, and allow this all to happen? Or are we going to spread the word, and stop it. Many are doing that right now. Like David, Alex Jones, Texxe Marss, and many other amazing people. We can stop the New World Order, it will not happen. It won't. There are too many people waking up all around us, and this is going to stop.l

A message to the Iluminati if you are reading this: You can defeat hatred by spreading love, you can defeat the dark by spreading light, and you can defeat spreading love. You will lose, you know you are going to, good always wins. Your days are over, so just pack up your things, and leave this world. You lost...the over.

A message to David: David you are such a wonderful person. Keep on spreading the word, as I am. Not many people believe it, but I for one do! And soon, I belive that these reptilians will be caught! No more bohemian grove, no more druidic ceremonies, no more All Seeing eyes, no more subliminal messages in movies....and no...more FEAR! Thanks to you David, you are changing the world as many others are also doing!

A message to ATS: Keep and open mind...In the beginning i thought this stuff sounded very far out...and strange. But...when I heard reptilians, then I knew that, that was what I had seen in Florida. Please everyone it is very important to keep an open mind....

Take care...

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by nrky
Hi guys, NrKy here,
Unfortunately (in my belief) it is not possible to record a personal sighting of a reptillian shape shifter, as percieving them is only possible by certain triggers. Only a perfect mix of perception and triggers can allow someone to see them,

[edit on 5-3-2006 by nrky]

WAIT WAIT!!!!! I GOT IT! I FOUND A PIC OF THE GUY AND SOLARIZED IT, NO I DID FIND EDGES ON PHOTO SHOP, YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE A REPTILIAN EYE ON HIM!!! IHAVE THE PICTURE! Guys..take a look at this. I stuck Bert Newtons pic in here, and did "Find Edges" in Photoshop. If you look at his eye, you can clearly see the slit, and I didn't do a thing to the eye.

Also if you look at the orignal pic, you can see that his eyes have no emotion. They are emtionless. Look at the difference, look at the guy to the left. Big difference." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Ok, so there is that image, now take a look at the eye I got from Find edges...


Dang it's not working....

[edit on 5-3-2006 by whitelightwolf]

[edit on 5-3-2006 by whitelightwolf]


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:27 PM

Well that's fair enough, except a general purpose video camera is possibly not sophisticated enough to pick up the vibrational ring of that extra dimension that you need to be in to see these things.

There`s convieniant.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by c4

Well that's fair enough, except a general purpose video camera is possibly not sophisticated enough to pick up the vibrational ring of that extra dimension that you need to be in to see these things.

There`s convieniant.

Also is the fact that no image, no matter how genuine, would stand the test of skeptisim anyway. Why else is it that too this day people are still attmepting to "prove" the existance of UFO's by waving pictures around whilst opthers attempt to "disprove" the same by labeling those images "fakes", "Ice Crystal" "camera flare" etc etc

It is VITAL: 100% VITAL to understand the nature of the instrument we use to percieve anything: the human body

Which quantum physicists are more than happy to agree is essentially utterly and completely blind when it comes to being able to percieve almost all of the full range of quantum waveforms that comprise creation

Y'know, the annunaki are called "interdimensionals" for a reason, inconvieniant though that may be to the sceptical minds of the human race, who as a whole are a product of thousands of years of genetic tampering, preciesly to attempt to limit what is percievable and continue to power this illusion we call "reality"

At least...thats one POV

And Id rather have flexible wonderment than rigid belief


posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 12:46 PM
Sure nobody gonna believe a photo.
How can you as a human have these theories/beliefs or what ever you wish to call them when you state the Humans have been tampered with/incapable of understanding.Are you really trying to state that you have extra abilities/been in contact whatever you wish that makes you believe beyond doubt that you are correct and are not infact a Human version of a photograph which by your own admition would prove beyond doubt to anybody other than real believers that your are correct.
When you die and if just before you die (which is the one true certainty that we on this planet have incommon and will happen) and you haven`t seen your theroies unfold in front of you will then you feel rejected.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Also if you look at the orignal pic, you can see that his eyes have no emotion. They are emtionless. Look at the difference, look at the guy to the left. Big difference.

That's the thing, you'll notice that alot of the reptillian hosts have a cold stare. Even when their face is smiling, their eyes are cold and emotionless.

Kerry Packer, Simon Crean, Bert Newton, Christopher Skase, Rupert Murdoch, Eddy McGuire, Molly Meldrum, Natasha Stott-despoja, John Howard.... just to name a few popular reptillians in the australian media. Look at them, stare at their faces for hours on end, you'll see that their eyes have no emotion.

"Know thy enemy"

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