posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 04:20 PM
Why are we so suprised when a scandal breaks out identifying government officials as being involved in some sort of deception? This kind of thing has
happened throughout our past and will continue to happen long into the future. Aren't we already aware of this when we vote governments into power.
The longer a government stays in power the more likely it is to deceive the citizens in some capacity. let's just accept it and move on.
A classic example is the Australian Wheat Board Scandal that has recently come to light involving kick backs to the Australian government in return
for supplying wheat to Saddam-led Iraqi regime. As you would expect the Primeminister has denied all knowledge, but it has come to light that it is
almost certain that he was fully aware of it all from day one. Obviously he wants to deny this in order to stay in power come election time.
However, despite the fact I don't like the guy, and would love to see him ousted, I am not shocked by this revelation, nor do I feel it warrants the
ire of the electorate. If an opportunity came up to bring in funds for the country, at the expense of supporting a cause that we are completely
opposed to, I would expect the government to act in this way. Try and keep it a secret and hope that enough time passes to achieve what they need to
before getting found out. That's what government do!
Why persecute someone for acting in exactly the manner that we all knew he would when we voted him in? Am I alone on this?