posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 05:34 AM
How often at work does your boss make a decision and ask you what you think of it? When asked do you agree with him without any thought of the
ramifications of the decision? Why? Is it because you want to get promoted, or because you fear being reprimanded? If you are employed to provide
advice, then by going along with every decision that is made without resistance, you are not really doing your job. You may think that it's a good
way to get ahead, but in the end, being a "Yes" man, does more harm than good. It is only when you question these decisions and seriously consider
the ramifications that you will truly show your worth, and the best outcome is given the opportunity to eventuate.
The same can be said for friendship. Only your true friends will give you honest answers, that may be hurtful, but in the long run will give you the
greatest benefit. Any one can agree, but motivation behind it, is not always lined with honorable intentions.