posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:15 PM
the premise for the "undead" movies is has long been a source of fascination for me, and i think many others as well.
if it were considered ridiculous or impossible for humans to be animated after death i don't think the george A. romero films would have been
successful, but something about zombies does seem credible.
i think the "dawn of the dead" zombies were affected with some sort of alien virus that altered cell structure somehow, causing the brain of the
dead person to function in "zombie" mode.
but what about in the "real" world?
as ghastly as it seems, it might be possible to keep the nerves in a human body functional for awhile after death, possibly allowing for some sort of
remote controlled "zombie" to exist. the challenge is to arrest the chemical changes in the rest of the body [decomposition], not so much achieve
the use of the nervous system [which has been done with dogs and frogs]
not a pretty thought is it.