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How long before microchip implants are mandatory?

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posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 11:49 AM
I believe we are already seeing the process of these chips becoming manditory. Currently, you hear them being used on pets and animals voluntarily. You also hear some corporations making the chips maditory for employment. These are the first steps... to make people feel more "comfortable" witht the idea.

Next steps are to make the chips manditory for pets and farm animals.

Then I expect them to be manditory in the military and to start replacing credit cards, etc. And evenutally to be manditory as part of society in general.

To stop this, we must stop it now... with its use in animals and certain corporations. Otherwise this will gain too much momentum for it to ever be stopped. Frankly, there might not be anything we can do now anyway.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:11 PM
Interesting how in the Book of Revelation it says the mark will be IN the right hand or forehead. I don't think John had a word for microchip.

Who was it, Ralph Nader who said he saw the machines for putting these chips in?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:28 PM
we must resist the microchip at all costs. anyone who takes this microchip is just throwing their freedom away. is this the beginning of the cashless society?

A human microchip implant is an integrated circuit device, a RFID tag, encased in silicate glass and implanted into a human's body. Such implants are used for information storage, such as personal identification, medical history, medication allergies, and contact information. If the implant is GPS-enabled, it makes it possible for individuals to be physically located by latitude, longitude, speed, and direction of movement. Verichip is one of the devices used for this purpose.

Hospitals can gain access to medical history regardless of location by scanning one’s implant chip. The speed at which this information can be attained may be vital to one’s survival.
The tracking function can aid authorities in locating missing persons, fugitives, etc… The tracking function can also be used to identify criminals at the scene of a crime and as well as locating those who have fled the scene of Disadvantages

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:44 PM
Yep, I said darn near the same thing in a post on one of Whitelightwolf's (I think his name is) threads just today.

The FDA has sent a warning label to the makers of the RFID that the chip is unsafe in its current marketing condition because the chip can migrate under the skin, a person can have an adverse tissue reaction to it, it can fail to work or there was a disabled hyperlink about the device that injects it under the skin failing in a very bad way.

Under the current laws, I don't think a person can be forced to accept the implant as it a potential risk to a person's health and privacy, but if the law is changed, I can see it listed as working with proprietary technology that a company can require for eligibility to work at their facilities.

One of the current dangers listed in the FDA letter is that there is a hand-held scanner available that would allow anyone with it to read the RFID info as long as they were near the subject. There is no privacy protection in place currently to keep this from happening.


posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 01:07 AM

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Shar
its in the book of revelation king james version chapter 13 verses 15-18 and it goes like this verse 16 says "and he causetha all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads;
17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
in 18 it goes on to say that the number is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.
however now if you look at verse 15 it says that if you donot worship the image of the beast you will be killed.

Edit. Sorry, I inadvertantly did a one line reply.

Here's a rather detailed describtion that may reinforce your above message.
Article provides both technical information and prophecy fulfillment info. Hope
this helps.

[edit on 31/3/06 by Adonsa]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:05 PM
The first people to get it will be welfare recipients. I read a story about people on the roll in DC getting hand scans done. The military does a index finger scan and somehow imbeds it on the smart card. Next will be flu shots with chips. Ahoy!

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:31 PM
Ok, so I appear to be the on ly person on this thread who is OK with insertChips.

I really don't see the problem.
I mean if your a christian or something, than fine, you think it's against your religion to get it.

If your paranoid about being tracked, well I got news for you, you know when you use a credit card, or debit card, people can actually track you, and get more info than just by watching you move around.

I'm sure when Credit cards were first coming out, there were people saying the same kind of things about being tracked.

There are alot of positives with chips, in fact they outnumber the negatives by a significant amount.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
There are alot of positives with chips, in fact they outnumber the negatives by a significant amount.

Damn you iori, why do you have to bring logic into an hysterical discussion? We're all getting ready to begin the underground economy of the un-chipped and you have to go start making sense.

The mark of the beast has been around as long as systems have been around. first it was tax systems that would be the mark. Then it was social security numbers that would be the mark, then it was the bar code that would be the mark.

Now it's the chip.

I wonder, when the chip is in place and everyone is comfortable with it, what will the next sure sign of the beast be?


posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy

Originally posted by iori_komei
There are alot of positives with chips, in fact they outnumber the negatives by a significant amount.

Damn you iori, why do you have to bring logic into an hysterical discussion? We're all getting ready to begin the underground economy of the un-chipped and you have to go start making sense.

The mark of the beast has been around as long as systems have been around. first it was tax systems that would be the mark. Then it was social security numbers that would be the mark, then it was the bar code that would be the mark.

Now it's the chip.

I wonder, when the chip is in place and everyone is comfortable with it, what will the next sure sign of the beast be?


Come now my dear Mr. Wupy, you can't honestly expect me to sit around, so to speak, and not say anything when illogical notions and idiocnycricy(SP?) is afoot, especially when I've previously engaged in the conversation.

As for what people will call the next mark, I'm gonna guess cybernetic implants.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:50 PM
how dare anyone accept this and talk like oh well it's going to happen...we are the ones that are going to decide this so who do you think you are


posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 04:25 PM
It's been a pleasant review on this topic, and I see there are some thoughts that are pro or con which is nice.

As for the Spin, it is and has been going on for sometime.

RFID Seminar: Tagging the Public Sector
(Hit this PDF File on the Lower left of the side of the Page under Related Presentations).

Presented by Paul Pocialik at an internal seminar at the DIR (Department of Information Resources) in Austin, Texas, on 5th October 2005.

Page 64 of this PDF starts the Corperate Spin from Noblestar, at the noted Conference.

The first Guise is FIRST / EMERGENCY RESPONSE, and it plants the first seeds of acceptance. Aspects drawn in here regard Medical, Biological Threats, Victim Triage, and Evacuation

Page 68 is quite nice, with a quick outline of the abilities and uses.

Between page 68 and page 76, comes the Animal aspect, and then details expand on the ID Card aspect, such as Bush is pushing N.A. to adopt now.

What else can we find direct from the mouths of these corperations

And here in the Digital Angels Corp News Section, do we find a slip of the tongue, so to speak?

You decide. The Second Paragraph is telling.

"The Verichip with temperature sensing capabilities will allow a transponder to provide a unique identification code as well as to provide the temperature of the individual. Various potential customers have approached Digital Angel and Verichip about incorporating the temperature sensing capability into the Verichip."

And as for Verichip, We are all, OR YOUR SHOULD BE ALL, aware of who just recently joined the Board of Directors. None other than Tommy Thompson, and what does he do?

"Former secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson says he will have the rice-sized VeriChip RFID tag implanted under his skin.

This announcement comes two weeks after Thompson joined the board of directors of VeriChip, a company based in Delray Beach, Fla., that manufactures RFID tags-including the implantable tag-for tracking people."

Also note this last paragraph

"VeriChip also sells non-implantable RFID-based identification systems. The company says its Hugs RFID infant protection system recently prevented the abduction of a baby at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, N.C. The Hugs system uses RFID-enabled ankle or wrist bracelets and sensors installed throughout hospital maternity units to alert staff when infants are removed from designated areas. This and similar VeriChip security systems are used in approximately 900 U.S. hospitals, according to VeriChip."

You can't make Sales to the unsuspecting, without claims like this. Everyone should be knocking their doors down, just to be safe like this.

Here's the alert of that Infant being saved from abduction.

The last paragraph is a little concering for me, since no one would ever know about this other than the IMPLANTER of a Chip. A screaming Baby, (unless your Tom Cruise's baby, who is coming out silently,) can have the Chip inserted without drawing attention, since they are all ready yelling as loud as possible. But it is being utilized today, and the sell is on.

And as for other applications, they are here.

Here are workers being Chipped, and I liked this Spin in the last paragraph

"When compared to the typical access control tools like proximity and smart cards, Procter said, "The chip is under the skin, you can't lose it. It can't be forgotten at home, and very likely it can not be taken away from you without someone being extremely motivated."

Just think, you could go to a bank Machine, and swipe your hand and never need to protect your P.I.N. again. Things can get much better than this. It's the perfect world isn't it. Step right up people, and form a line to the left. The Con Job is on, and as noted, no one is being pressured.

Yeah right. GWB, Harper and Amigo Fox will have this inplace, at some level in the not too distant future of American Travel. No RFID, you can not cross that border. That includes Foreigners coming to our shores. The EU and U.K. are currently readying their populations, thru the guise of security, for RFID Cards and Passports.

There a New World Order coming, and once it's inplace, it will be explained to the Sheep like this.

"Those who wish the Chip, please line up on the Left. Those who do not, follow these guards to your confinement area, since it is clear you are not trust worthy and pose a risk to everyone else who is chipped. Your liklely a Drug Dealer, Theif, a Wanted Fellon, or a Terrorist, with nothing more than an intent to cause problems. Now step along"

And after our authorities have expressed this, how large do you believe the line on the left will be, whether you want it or not.

Just something to ponder.



posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by DrBones666

I cannot stress this strongly enough. Whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP. You're better off stealing a fishing rod and living on the run in the mountains etc, whatever you do, when they bring in microchipping laws, DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP.

Run, Run, As Fast as You can, You can't Catch Me, I'm the non Microchipped Man.

That's a great little song there.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by ProudCanadian

Originally posted by DrBones666

I cannot stress this strongly enough. Whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP. You're better off stealing a fishing rod and living on the run in the mountains etc, whatever you do, when they bring in microchipping laws, DO NOT TAKE THE CHIP.

Run, Run, As Fast as You can, You can't Catch Me, I'm the non Microchipped Man.

That's a great little song there.

"Plays fast forward just as long as he can
But he won't need a bed he's a digital man..."

Interesting words from a 'citizen of the world' globalist. In fact too salient to the conversation not to share the full work.

Digital Man- Rush- 1982

His world is under observation -
We monitor his station
Under faces and the places
Where he traces points of view

He picks up scraps of conversation-
Radio and radiation
From the dancers and romancers
With the answers - but no clue

He'd love to spend the night in Zion
He's been a long long while in Babylon
He'd like a lovers wings to fly on
To a tropic isle of Avalon

His world is under anesthetic-
Subdivided and synthetic
His reliance on the giants
In the science of the day

He picks up scraps of information
He's adept at adaptation
'Cause for strangers and arrangers
Constant change is here to stay

He's got a force field and a flexible plan
He's got a date with fate in a black sedan
He plays fast forward just as long as he can
But he won't need a bed-
He's a digital man
[edit on 15-4-2006 by resistor]

[edit on 15-4-2006 by resistor]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 03:56 AM
I personally have not heard of corporations doing this untill your post. However, I have heard several accounts of this chip being implimented into the criminal justice system of a couple countries (not including the U.S.). However, the procedure is near painless to implant a chip behind your shoulder blade and damn near indetectable even through X-Rays. With overpopulation, it is a very real possibility that social security cards get replaced with such a personal identification chip. It's actually a relatively old technology, but will not easily be accepted by citizens. Hopefully it is a far away date that this happens,. but I for one would have to be drugged and secretly given the chip before i accept such an awful thing. These chips would track your every move to the upper hands of power, and monitor your every move. This is 10,000,000,000 times worst than the patriot act, and both are a complete invasion of American rights and a complete hypocrasy against the bill of rights and constitution this country is suppossedly founded on. We need a liberal to be elected into presidency to free us from the supressed slavery that we are becoming accustomed to. However, with politicians befriending politicians its damn near impossible to get a liberal or independent into office out of fear of declassification, and destruction of underground governmental agencys for the best of civilization and for the worst on the hand of government. Thanks all.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by nuclearap0x
This is 10,000,000,000 times worst than the patriot act, and both are a complete invasion of American rights and a complete hypocrasy against the bill of rights and constitution this country is suppossedly founded on.

Its a little bit worse, but the patriot act is pretty bad

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:23 PM
I pity the fool who has to follow me around all day and listen to my inane conversations. I'm not afraid of implants. If they can take it, so can I. I just can't work up enough paranoia to worry about it.

Oh, as for a time schedule, I think there will probably be some laws passed making it mandatory for newborns in the year 2063. Not too far away, I guess.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:24 PM
There are going to be two major ways microchips (RFID tags) will be forced upon you. The first, of course, is fear. Advertisements on T.V. like "the microchip helped find my mom faster" (similar to the OnStar commercials) and advertisements depicting situations where children are more protected with microchips.

Using children and loved ones as a scapegoat for microchips will suffice most of the population. Things that may harm you will also work (like "the chip will scan your medical records during an emergency", etc.) The last way is having companies force their employees to be tagged or they will be fired. Another dose of fear. Not every company maybe, but I'm sure they will be some hidden law against "terrorism" that forces employers to have employees wear a chip for "background information" and for "suspicious activity."

Either way the majority will fall for it. Many people don't even know what the RFID is, and can't seem to put the pieces together. The only way is to spread the word (and of course, resist the chip as best you can).

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Amschel Rothschild]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu
I pity the fool who has to follow me around all day and listen to my inane conversations. I'm not afraid of implants. If they can take it, so can I. I just can't work up enough paranoia to worry about it.

Oh, as for a time schedule, I think there will probably be some laws passed making it mandatory for newborns in the year 2063. Not too far away, I guess.

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Enkidu]

try 2025 in my opinion
I would sugest anything thats forced on you you should be a little paranoid of. As long as you have a choice then things are still ok.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by resistor

He's a digital man

You have voted resistor for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Just for the "Florida" moustache!

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