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Nuclear Power Plant In Sweden Sealed Off - Bird Flu Confirmed

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posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 01:00 AM
The Swedes have completely sealed off Oskarshamn nuclear power plant in Sweden. They say the reason is "bird flu". The swedish military is there now to pick up dead birds. 2 birds are now confirmed to have died from the H5N1 virus. Lots of dead birds have been found near the power plant. There is now a 3 km security zone around the power plant. They say the area looks like a war zone. According to swedish press "the battle against the bird flu" in Sweden is being led from the nuclear powerplant´s emergency bunker (!).

Dagbladet: Soldater leter etter dode fugler (in Norwegian...)

Aftonbladet: Smittan har - i 11 dagar
(in Swedish...)

Aftonbladet: Sa ska de stoppa smittan (in Swedish...)


Might be totally unrelated but should be mentioned. The Russian "spy" who was arrested in Sweden recently happen to be an expert on viruses in potatoes (among other things). And he.... (see quoted part below)

Originally posted by Ulvetann in this post

the person detained has, "inflicted damage on the armed forces of Sweden". He did not expand on how serious the damage is.

[edit on 2006/3/1 by Hellmutt]

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 05:25 AM
Wow! This is a good find, I wonder why the U.S. media hasn't picked it up yet?

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:18 AM
Because it's the "US" media and our gov has a nifty way of letting these stories fall to the wayside. Conviently keeping American's "focus" on the war on terror.
Helmutt, I like how you drew those things together. My question is why close off the power plant? But very interesting that the birds are dying around that area?
You know this flu has spread to 20 countries in the last month whereas it has been virtually "contained" if you want to use that word to Asian countries for the last 5 yrs.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 02:01 PM
Ugh, I wish I spoke Swedish. Do you think you could get a full translation on those articles Helmutt? Bablefish won't do Swedish. In any case, judging from the pictures on those pages it looks to be quite a mess out there, but I can't help but think that this wasn't actually bird flu. How do we know that there wasn't an accident at the reactor that is spilling or spilled some kind of radioactive waste? This would account for the dead birds. Just makes you wonder.

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 06:25 PM
There are new articles coming in all the time from different Swedish media. I don´t have time to translate the full articles. But here is an article from Canada (in english) which mention something about it. Bird flu found in German cat, Swedish ducks

Sweden has confirmed bird flu has been found in two ducks in southern Sweden. It was the first known cases of a deadly strain in the country. However, authorities would not confirm it was the deadly H5N1 strain. Agriculture Ministry spokesman Anders Gronvall would only say "it is the form people have died from, the kind we have feared.'' "I would be surprised if it is not H5N1,'' Marianne Elvander of the National Veterinary Institute said, adding tests showed the virus was identical to strains found in Nigeria, Russia and China. The birds were found near a nuclear power plant in Oskarshamn, about 250 kilometres south of Stockholm.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Swedish media now says that they know from tests that the virus is H5, but not 100% sure if it is the H5N1 yet, but they strongly suspect it. It will take at least a week to get the final test results. They also say that the birds went to the nuclear powerplant because the water right there is warmer than elsewhere. Hmmm...

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 07:07 PM
the simple fact that the bird flu was fount in a cat, is terrible. the virus has now shown it is capable of spreading from a bird to a "mammal", other then a human. it will just b a matter of time before it mutates again and will b transfered from human to human. scarry times we live in.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
the simple fact that the bird flu was fount in a cat, is terrible. the virus has now shown it is capable of spreading from a bird to a "mammal", other then a human. it will just b a matter of time before it mutates again and will b transfered from human to human. scarry times we live in.

Or maybe the cat ate a birdflu-infected bird? Nah, couldn't be, cats don't eat birds ... do they?

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 12:05 PM
The most probable reason for the birds concentrating around the nuke plant is because of the plant's cooling water outflow. Water is pumped in to cool the reactor and then the hot water pumped back out. This raises the water temperature around the outflow and the birds, espceially if sick, will 'flock' to it (no pun). I used to live near the nuke plant in Plymouth, MA and we'd see this sort of thing alot in the winter. Made for great lobstering as well...

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 10:22 PM
There are reports of sick cats but this could just be some panic behaviour by scared people. However, they have found a sick mink. They are testing it now for bird flu. They also found a dead bird outside the security zone, right in the middle of the city. If tests show this bird to have the flu they will seal off the whole city (Oskarshamn). People are told to keep their cats indoors.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 10:54 PM
Guess what they are doing at the university in Sweden where the Russian "spy" was working? Specialized research on bird flu! "Viruses in potatoes" was one thing but now this Russian is very much linked to bird flu! I wonder if there might be some big story here?

Snip from a post originally posted by Ulvetann. This post

It seems that research ARE being done on flu-virus, specifically, at this research-center! The journalist says, that scientists at Uppsala, are mapping the NS1-gene, that exists in several flu-virii.

Biological warfare, anybody?

Dagens Nyheter (swedish)

Maybe totally unrelated but still worth to mention: Sweden are going to have a military exercise in their capitol Stockholm. This weekend there will be about 2,000 soldiers there and this article says that "there might be some shocking experiences for those who live there"! Dagens Nyheter: Militären intar Kungsholmen i helgen (in swedish...)

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 04:17 AM
The Bird flu have also been found in Denmark, state media reported about an hour ago.. the location havent been published yet

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by WindWalker
The Bird flu have also been found in Denmark, state media reported about an hour ago.. the location havent been published yet

It had to happen! And I´m not so comfortable with it as I live in Denmark. A good thing is that my cat never go outdoors anyway. They are going to have a press meeting at 11 am GMT (about 1½ hours from now). Here is an article in danish. No location yet. They are now sealing off the area in two zones (rings) just like they did in Sweden. 3 and 10 km around the spot where they found it. They found it in a "wild bird". I don´t know what kind of bird it was but I guess a duck or a swan.

Ekstra Bladet: Fugleinfluenza i Danmark (in danish...)

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 05:12 AM
Somebody should make an ATSNN submission about the bird flu in Denmark. This is breaking news! ATSNN should break this before the others (like i.e. BBC)
Press meeting is 50 minutes from now. You got 50 minutes

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 05:57 AM
The Danish Emergency Management Agency has alerted all its 6 Centers so they can respond to new findings within minutes. Also the Danish National Guard and Police are set to support the Emergency Management Agency .

Location of bird flu finding is published 12am at a state pressb confrence

Danish Emergency Management Agency /

State News

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 06:30 AM
Not a duck or swan.

It was a Buzzard (latin name: Buteo buteo - spanish name: Ratonero común). And it was found on the southwest part of the island of Sjaelland, Naestved, Denmark.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt further up on this page...

Sweden are going to have a military exercise in their capitol Stockholm. This weekend there will be about 2,000 soldiers there and this article says that "there might be some shocking experiences for those who live there"! Dagens Nyheter: Militären intar Kungsholmen i helgen (in swedish...)

Shocking experiences... 2,000 soldiers and 600 vehicles... I bet there are many soldiers in the area of Stockholm right now.

And today they will decide what to do with the Russian "spy". In Stockholm.

Axis News: Moscow demands release of Russian researcher – alleged spy

16.03.2006 - 09:50 (GMT)

The term of preliminary detention of Andrey Zamyatnin, a Russian researcher in biology who had been arrested in Sweden on February 15 on espionage charges ends today. The Stockholm district court will hold hearings in the case. The Prosecutor’s Office should bring in an indictment or good grounds for extending the detention term for the period of investigation. Under local laws persons suspected of espionage can be kept in detention pending trial for up to 15 months.

“The Swedish ambassador Johan Molander was told that Russia insists on Zamyatnin’s immediate release. The Russian Foreign Ministry made it clear that the Swedish authorities’ actions in this incident would affect Russian — Swedish relations in general”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a release on Thursday. Earlier, Moscow had already demanded explanation from Sweden for the detention of the 29-year-old Russian scientist.

The Swedish investigators claimed that the researcher had been engaged in “active undermining work” for about a year and “undermined the country’s safety by his criminal activities”.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

And the smaller island where the H5N1-buzzard was found in Denmark, is named "Pig Island" or "Swine Island" (Svinø) when translated to english...
Denmark Confirms H5 Bird Flu (yes, in english...)

[edit on 2006/3/16 by Hellmutt]

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 05:56 AM
Is anyone following this? Is this a joke, this flu is traveling very selectively to certain countries that they dislike.

It is obvious.

[Someone: a country] is trying to make it into a pandemic when it mutates.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 04:56 PM
I also mentioned this in this thread

Sweden decided today to keep the Russian "spy" in custody.
RIA Novosti: Swedish court rules to keep suspected Russian spy in custody

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:08 PM
He is there! The Russian "spy" is right there where the "exercise" mentioned above is! He is isolated at "Kronobergshäktet", Kungsholmen, Stockholm. The exact little island where the 2,000 soldiers are having "an exercise" right now. You wouldn´t think that is a coincident, do you?

Wow, they must have a very good reason to make sure that nothing happens to him. Assassination, kidnapping or any kind of action to free him will be extremely hard with 2,000 soldiers hanging around. And the charges against him are classified. Top secret. Sooner or later they will have to tell us something, so what are they waiting for? Are they still trying to figure out how much damage has been caused? Do they want to see if and how the virus spreads before they go public (if there is a virus connection)? I´m sure this must be a huge story when it breaks!

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 07:52 AM
It´s hard to find info about what´s really going on regarding this Russian "spy" case. Behind closed doors apparently. The media is almost completely silent. If you know anything or find anything about this Russian "spy" case, please tell us about it.

I mean, what are the odds of Svea livgarde (link to swedish article) suddenly go: Hey, we got too much money! We got 40 million swedish kroner to burn within 14 days. We got to hurry! We´re gonna have a party at Kungholmen with 2,000 soldiers and 600 vehicles including tanks? We´re gonna have an exercise! Nothing to see, move along!
(and then surround the prison where the Russian "spy" is held with all this stuff)

Swedish: "Det kan skapa chockartade upplevelser för boende på Kungsholmen"

...Translates to something like: "Those who live there (Kungsholmen) might experience some shocking events"...

Whatever that means

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