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Why does GOD fear us?

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posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 08:45 PM
Think about it for a moment. Think about all the times in your life that you have been fearful of something or someone. What was the root cause of all that fear?

The answer, quite simply, is lack of control. If we have no control over the various circumstances in our lives, we fear the outcome may be detrimental to our well-being.

Well, since we were created in GOD's image, then we must assume GOD also shares in our fear of uncertainty and lack of control. But wait, you must be protesting, GOD controls everything -- after all, GOD created everything. Really?

Does GOD control our FREE WILL?

If the answer is yes, then we have no FREE WILL and are all servants to GOD's higher power and subjected to GOD's will over our lives. In other words, we are all slaves to another entitiy's will over us.

If the answer is no, then GOD has no control over us and therefore exists in a state of fear over what we may or may not do in response to GOD's commandments. In we choose to disobey GOD's commandments, then we will be punished accordingly in an attempt to strip us of our FREE WILL and set an example for the rest.

If you don't follow GOD's will, then you sure as hell aren't going to follow your will and get away with it. Sort of a circular argument, if you ask me.

A third option might be that GOD simply doesn't care whether we follow his path or not. Sort of like, "Well, I created you, but you're on your own from here on out." Much like many of the lower animal species that we learn about in Biology class. Under this option, GOD is defined as careless and haphazard in his creative enterprise.


posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 09:11 PM
The answer, quite simply, is lack of control. If we have no control over the various circumstances in our lives, we fear the outcome may be detrimental to our well-being

First and formost. we all have the ability to use the power of choice. Now if that be a good choice or a bad choice,it is left to the individual themself. The power of choice is one of the most powerful abilities we possess as humanbeings. If you have a hard time beleiving that, then go a head and think of a time you wish you could've changed your mind.(We all have one of those days) And when you think about it, contemplate the effect that it had on others around you. "Did you cause a form of fear in yourself or someone else?" Then realize that you are in the business of either creating fear outwardly or inwardly. It is not so much a "God don't care thing", It's more like a "God can't make your choices for you", type of thing.
If you really want to connect with the thread that you have produced? I suggest that you "Think before you act and don't worry about God fearing you or visaversa." You are your only ruler that lives in a world of laws and orders,it's up to you to do what you want with it,but be careful on the fact of power of choices,it will make you or break you.

Metaphysics is what it is all about, and a real good time to live to the word's of Freud,"Thoughts of the mind produce after their kind,if not stopped and evaluated in the most concious of thoughts."

So be aware of how you are thinking and by all means,"Make sure it is the best thought to benefit you in the long run for yourself as an individual and a properly thinking humanbeing."

Take care,"Interesting topic for sure..."

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 08:46 PM
If He fears us, perhaps it has something to do with the way that He was treated the last time he came for a visit. Crucifixion would leave a lasting impression on me.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 11:04 PM
What are some examples of GOD's fear, you might ask?

Presented from a mono-theistic judeo-christian point of view, I offer several. Other viewpoints are welcome.

The Fall from Grace

GOD didn't take kindly to satan's challenge to his authority. Therefore, in fear of his almighty power, he damned satan and all satan's followers to a punishment of hellfire and brimstone throughout eternity (which is a long time by human standards). As an omnipotent being, is GOD's power really ever in question? No? Then why the need to even address, much less punish, such a trivial rival?

The Garden of Eden

GOD commanded Adam&Eve to stay away from the tree of knowledge of good/evil. As we all know, knowledge is power, power corrupts, therefore knowledge/power should be denied. But why? Because GOD either 1) fears our inability to handle such knowledge/power responsibly (for our own well-being), or 2) fears that such knowledge will lead us to question GOD's role in our lives. In both cases, fear is the motivation.

The Great Flood

GOD was saddened that he created man in the first place, so he killed 'em all off (save for Noah's family). But, why the heavy hand on GOD's part? Is this a testament to GOD's inability to deal with a troubled child, or more of a fear of failure on GOD's part? Just scrap it all, start over, and blame the failure on the creation instead of the creator?

The Tower of Babel

GOD wasn't pleased that man tried to toot his own horn and reach the heavens (so to speak). So, GOD confused them all with separate language so they couldn't cooperate on such grand projects in the future. Well, either GOD was stupid and couldn't predict the future of his creation, or he exercised a knee-jerk reaction based upon fear and uncertainty.

Rapture and Judgement

GOD only wants to keep company with those who agree with and "worship" (fear) him. All others need not apply. If you don't like GOD's highway, then you sure as hell aren't going to find happiness on your own highway.

You'd better fear GOD or else, because he certainly fears you.....

As stated, other viewpoints are welcome.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 02:41 PM
God, if there was such a thing, would most likely fear us because we create things. Such a being might not like the competition, or having to share their universe with other beings who can do things with the universe it doesn't like.

What is intelligence, anyway? Preference. Having a favorite color.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu
God, if there was such a thing, would most likely fear us because we create things. Such a being might not like the competition, or having to share their universe with other beings who can do things with the universe it doesn't like.

What is intelligence, anyway? Preference. Having a favorite color.

I mean totally, like this should like be sooo taught in like school and stuff. Like yea. It's obvious we've created entire like universe and like stuff and like new baby animals and like cute stuff like that. Totally.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Double Helix

The Garden of Eden

GOD commanded Adam&Eve to stay away from the tree of knowledge of good/evil. As we all know, knowledge is power, power corrupts, therefore knowledge/power should be denied. But why? Because GOD either 1) fears our inability to handle such knowledge/power responsibly (for our own well-being), or 2) fears that such knowledge will lead us to question GOD's role in our lives. In both cases, fear is the motivation.

As stated, other viewpoints are welcome.

If God created everything then he created that tree in the first place. He didn't have to. So I think he wanted us to have knowledge, but possibly didn't want to take the responsibility for giving it to us, or he just wanted us to find it for ourselves.

originaly posted by Enkidu:
God, if there was such a thing, would most likely fear us because we create things. Such a being might not like the competition, or having to share their universe with other beings who can do things with the universe it doesn't like.

But if God created us in his image, then it would've been his intention to make us so that we had the ability to create things like him. So if he is afraid of us for creating things, then he must be afraid of himself as as well. Hey, maybe God just needs a good therapist.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 03:06 PM

If God created everything then he created that tree in the first place. He didn't have to. So I think he wanted us to have knowledge, but possibly didn't want to take the responsibility for giving it to us, or he just wanted us to find it for ourselves.

By creating the tree and directly saying don't eat from it and being an all knowing being, knowing satan would direct us to partake from said tree, god had already taken full responsability for giving us the tree. His best bet, if not wanting any responsability would not to have knowingly created another being that would knowingly defy his will and not creating a tree of life/knowledge with the full knowledge that mankind would eventually partake from this tree. Guess the dude isn't so all knowing after all.

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 03:17 PM
I don't think God exists within the confines of time, and well, although he more than likely can look at the individual componets of his creation, he can also see it in it's totality---past, present, future, here, there, everywhere, the light, the darkness, to him, everything fits together like a nice little puzzle. he knew what he wanted when he created us in the beginning, and at least for him, that end result exists. free will, the fall, everything was only a stroke of the paintbrush to paint. our free will might be weather or not we wish to be the color blue, or green or black, or white, or wheather we wish to in one section of the totality or another, but, I don't think any of us has the power to change the picture. if we are a yellow speck over here, and we decide we want to be a green speck over there, somoeone, somewhere, in some "time" will decide to fill the void we left.

by eating of the tree, we separated ourselves temporitly from God. maybe he decided that although it was something that he wished us to do, he chose to allow us to make that choice ourselves. I mean, wouild you kick your kids out of the garden eden, knowing that the trials, the sorrows, the death, and all that would in the end cause that child to grow into something greater than he would be if he just stayed there within the gardens walls? or would you bide your time, and wait, hoping that he would make that choice on his own?

[edit on 6-3-2006 by dawnstar]

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar

by eating of the tree, we separated ourselves temporitly from God. maybe he decided that although it was something that he wished us to do, he chose to allow us to make that choice ourselves. I mean, wouild you kick your kids out of the garden eden, knowing that the trials, the sorrows, the death, and all that would in the end cause that child to grow into something greater than he would be if he just stayed there within the gardens walls? or would you bide your time, and wait, hoping that he would make that choice on his own?

[edit on 6-3-2006 by dawnstar]

Well said. In my own thought processes, I really do feel he put the tree there for a reason and wanted us to eventually partake from it. Of course Im kind of scatterbrained so I didn't even think of the fact that he wanted us to find knowledge for ourselves, like a good parent would (duh!). So if that is true then that doesn't show God as being fearful at all, at least when regarding the tree of knowledge.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
If He fears us, perhaps it has something to do with the way that He was treated the last time he came for a visit. Crucifixion would leave a lasting impression on me.

It wasnt GOD that was crucified, it was his "son" Jesus. Now THAT makes a pretty grim picture. If someone killed your son, what would you do? Dang, now I opened up a whole new topic........would you punish the person that killed your son? Would you punish the whole human race if someone killed your son? Or would you forgive them? Kinda makes you think doesnt it?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by bambam272

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
If He fears us, perhaps it has something to do with the way that He was treated the last time he came for a visit. Crucifixion would leave a lasting impression on me.

It wasnt GOD that was crucified, it was his "son" Jesus. Now THAT makes a pretty grim picture. If someone killed your son, what would you do? Dang, now I opened up a whole new topic........would you punish the person that killed your son? Would you punish the whole human race if someone killed your son? Or would you forgive them? Kinda makes you think doesnt it?

A lot of people believe that Jesus was God in human form. So in a way it was God that was crucified in accordance to that belief.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 09:21 AM
The very thought that God could fear is a result of humanism. Humanism teaches that we each are god, and the resulting logic is that if we can fear than surely God must fear. Or perhaps it's that the gods of this world (fallen angels lead by Lucifer) know fear and therefor those who follow those gods believe that God is as such.

Know this: God fears nothing and no one. He fears you less than you fear your wristwatch. However, if you fear Him, then you have the beginning of wisdom.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 09:44 AM
All that humans-aliens-animals etc.. etc.. experience god experiences also, its a way for god to know everything, thus the concept of all thought taking manifistation in some alternate reality....

This also points out emotions and illnesses, if humans go through insanity, then god must also have an insane issue... (theory of physical reality being 0.1% of all realities, the rest being non-physical) is that we all live in an insane part of god...that being physical reality.... then there are the emotions.... anger, fear, love etc... so these emotions must also exist in god itself... However what do humans fear? Rejection, Persecution, "some" fear death, some fear control, some fear lack of freedom...... so I actually worry (god can feel being worried) that it must also feel rejection, persecution, a possible fear of death (however god doesn"t die as ALL time is simultaneous, past-present-future are all happening NOW), possible fearing control by its own creation, and possible fearing its own lack of freedom.

I have come by some sources that the elite are trying to control hyperspace...hyperspace is the reality that the ship from philedelphia experiment went into...also its the "thought" of god itself...its the language that gods mind operates in, being sound-colors-symbols...

and because it IS a thought that exists, it probably DOES exist in some reality.....Oh my.....the possibilities of everything existing and being experienced is quite...(your emotion here)

Kind Regards

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 12:47 PM

If the answer is yes, then we have no FREE WILL and are all servants to GOD's higher power and subjected to GOD's will over our lives. In other words, we are all slaves to another entitiy's will over us.

Right!!! The whole notion of "free will" is rather absurd. We operate under the pressure of circumstance....that's not "free will".

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

If the answer is yes, then we have no FREE WILL and are all servants to GOD's higher power and subjected to GOD's will over our lives. In other words, we are all slaves to another entitiy's will over us.

Right!!! The whole notion of "free will" is rather absurd. We operate under the pressure of circumstance....that's not "free will".

So, it's god's will I don't believe in him and it's god's will that I'm going to hell?

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
So, it's god's will I don't believe in him and it's god's will that I'm going to hell?

I don't believe in hell,so,no,it's not GOD's will that you go there. The doctrine of hell has been inserted into various belief systems to use as a method of control. It doesn't literal;ly exist. My God,at least the one that I worship,would never do such a thing.

[edit on 12-3-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 12-3-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 01:06 PM
Man ... it's hard to tell these day's with so many different concept's of god or god's

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 02:26 PM
You have hit upon the time honored dilemma that Christians have been putting patch-work explanations on since some air-head, most likely in The Catholic Church, since they ran things their own way until the late 1300's, early 1400's when Wycliffe shot their monopoly right in the Ass by translating the New Testament into English, came up with one of the dumbest ideas while trying to obsequiate (I'm not sure this is a word; I just wrote it but if it ain't it ought to be) his miserable Ass into heaven by fawing his petulant god. The very concept of omnipotence is prima facie faulty but don't tell true believers. If the Republicans remain in power they will be allowed to shoot you on sight for suggestion such a fact.
So, air-heads get together, make up stuff, assign it to their favorite deity and then later when the stuff is found to be rediculous and impossible, you have the lame and equally poorly thought-out attempts to make the original claim sound less stupid.
Ahhh it;s best.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 03:05 PM
Someone said once, that ones concept of God is based on how one thinks of his own father.
My husband (who is soooo totally total, I think we're still on our honeymoon after 5 plus years of marriage--our second for both, by the way) and I have slightly differing images of God and religious beliefs. But here is my belief--we are a part of God (in his image, temples of the Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God within--I don't make this up). When we look outside of ourselves, we see the world of man, in its imperfection. We have to stop thinking of God as the old pagans did, as a mythic god, saying He does this and that--how arrogant and childish. God doesn't do bad things, humans do, and just living in this world (remember, the Kingdom of Heaven is not of this Earth) can involve hurricanes, floods earthquakes, etc! The order of Life is to love one another, as one loves himself. Learn to love yourself first. It is little wonder that Jesus ministered to those most in need of loving themselves, asking them to see the best in themselves and forgiving them over and over if they failed. Be like that, please, for it's the only true way. Love unconditionally, yourself and others.
Oh, the free will? Yes, we always have a choice in Life. The meaning of Life is the meaning we give it.

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